He Has the Final Say

“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.” Luke 6:45 (NLT)


You can still hear it today; words were spoken by a teacher, parent, or coach. Someone who should have spoken good, kind and encouraging words, but didn’t.


For me, those words were “too loud.” My report cards carried some combination of “talks too much” and “needs to be quiet”. In fact, my 5th-grade teacher moved my desk to arm’s reach of his own to try to get this accomplished. How embarrassing!


In junior high, I chose a Christian school. Since my behavior didn’t change, though, neither did the reports. I was put on probation for insubordination … yes for talking! If I didn’t change, I was getting kicked out! If only they a vision for what I would do for a living one day, how could they have encouraged me?


Watching those “other” girls, the ones who seemed to be naturally gentle, quiet and self-controlled, I longed to be like them. If only I was different. Those thoughts: if only I was different lingered as I believed I couldn’t change. It was just the way I was wired.


Maybe you too, have had thoughts, created by words spoken to you, spoken over you. Powerful words from those who could have developed your potential; could have used words to point out good and draw it out.


But that’s not what happened at all.


I wondered, as I read Abigail’s story, how she overcame negative words.


1 Samuel 25:3 introduces us to a very wealthy couple: “The man’s name was Nabal, and his wife’s name, Abigail. The woman was intelligent and beautiful, but the man, a Calebite, was harsh and evil in his dealings.” (HCSB)


We might think that rich plus ravishing should equal the real deal. But we can doubt that was true, because if Nabal “was crude and mean in all his dealings” (NLT) that would have included Abigail.


In this chapter, David and his troop of 600 are out in the desert. He heard wealthy Nabal was near, so he sent ten men with a message, asking for some food. Without being asked, the men had been protecting Nabal’s flocks and were hungry. Nabal rudely responded with “no”.


Upon hearing, David heads toward Nabal’s estate to take them all out. Nabal’s servant heard Nabal’s rude remark, knowing trouble was brewing. Upon telling Abigail, she gathers gifts and gets moving. “When Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her donkey and bowed low before him. She fell at his feet and said, “I accept all blame in this matter, my lord …” 1 Samuel 25:23-24 (NLT)


Are you as stunned as I am? This woman, who would have been the brunt of Nabal’s pride and insecurity, takes the blame when she deserves none of it. Out of her mouth flows humility and wisdom, saving her entire family.


Abigail responded as a woman who knew who she was; a woman with God-esteem, not a woman who believed what she was told by a “crude and mean” (NLT) husband.


Why did Abigail display unshakable confidence when facing this harrowing situation?


Luke 6:45 reveals the secret.


“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.” Luke 6:45 (NLT)


In your heart.


If we look at the words which flowed from Abigail’s mouth, we can see that she had stored up a treasury of good in her heart, for good is what flowed out. Whatever words Nabal may have spoken to her, she did not let her heart hang on to those words.


Abigail teaches us: God’s confidence flows from our mouth when we fill our minds with God’s truth.


Our God has the final say on who we are; His words we will treasure in our heart.


Holy Spirit, empower us to treasure Your words about who we are over all others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


Is there a young girl in your life who needs to soak her heart in who Jesus says she is? Brave Beauty: Finding the Fearless You will teach her what words she needs to listen to. Click here to purchase.


How have others’ words impacted your life?


Take a moment to contact someone who has used their words for good in your life and thank them.







  1. How this hit home, many times over. For starters, i have been that way with my supervisor. Do I want to be that way? Would love to have been an Abigail. Confident in my relationship with Jesus. I was/am broken I need to soak and believe that the Word of God IS the word of God. I am challenged but the LORD is always faithful. So thankful for that. In the meantime, when i hear younger ladies question who they are, I will be sure to encourgae them that there is a greater plan going on. Keep the heart soaked in His Word most of all. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      You are so right, Dee! The only thing that can change us is God’s word. Keep doing it, friend, and thank for investing in young women, teaching them to do the same!

  2. Trish Schweitzer says:

    Your words are so so true and I hope I can teach that to my 2 beautiful granddaughters, ages 5 and 7. Unfortunately, they are not Jesus believers and I have a struggle ahead of me. I was told as a young girl that I was ugly, flat chested and no one would ever love me. My father was abusing me so he used that to mess with my head when dates came to pick me up. He would ask them why they would want to go out with me when my younger sister was so much more beautiful. I have had a boat load of issues since then in marriages. During the course of counseling after my marriages was falling apart (the fact that I was being abused was the first time I had ever spoken even a word of it to anyone) and I was big as a house pregnant, my ex-husband’s mother told him it was best to leave me because my father is right, there is no one that will ever love me because I am too damaged. WOW. I’m 64 now – and I’m a BIG lover of my real Father God. I could not have gotten through the trials I have without leaning on HIM! Not sure why I endured all of that, but I’ve gotten stronger and closer through all of it. I’m still not done, we never are, God continues to do amazing things in my life. So thankful to see your ministry helping young girls and even us older girls. God bless you for blessing us.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Trish – words cannot express how sorry I am for the way the sin of others has hurt you so very much. Thanks be to our Father God who has all power to heal our hearts and we can, in turn, share that healing with others, just as you have done here!

      Your experience is exactly why I wrote Brave Beauty. For the little ones who need to know that they are loved, adored and valued and that this truth will give them the strength and courage to be brave as they grow up! Keep pouring God’s truth into those grandchildren, Trish. They need you so!

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