He Knows Me

If you are joining me here today from Proverbs 31’s Encouragement for Today, welcome! I’m giving away a copy of my DVD message based on my book “His Revolutionary Love”.  Keep reading for details on how you can win below.

In my devotion today, I made this statement:

“What our girls long for is to be known. To feel like they matter. To believe someone sees them as valuable and significant. Maybe that is why God created mothers — to be the conduit for the power of His truth to our children.

It is our place to teach our daughters exactly how He sees them. We can be the voice that says, “…out of all creation, [you] became his prized possession.” James 1:18 (NLT) When looking in the mirror picking themselves apart, may they be reminded of God’s promises and prayers we have spoken over them.”

I am so glad that many of you moms and small group leaders are doing just that this summer by going thorough “His Revolutionary Love” with your girl. It’s not too late to sign up…we’re just covering chapter two! Just put your email address in the small box above and you will start receiving the posts and videos in your email box automatically. You can also join us on FaceBook at Lynn Cowell’s Online Bible Studies.

So how exactly does God see our girls…and us too? He doesn’t see the flaws we see; He sees the finished product. He sees the girl and woman that each day He is drawing to Himself. He sees the one that is so in love with Him that her desire is to become like Him. The one thing He doesn’t see is a hopeless cause. He doesn’t see someone who is unlovable or beyond His reach.

It brings me so much peace knowing that even though Jesus knows my deepest thoughts, my darkest deeds, and my disappointing attitudes it doesn’t change his loving thoughts toward me. Why does this bring me peace? Just knowing that He knows me and loves me still gives me the courage to keep coming back for His love and forgiveness even when I mess up.

Friend, this is the truth that we want our girls to grab hold of this week. They will make mistakes; it’s inevitable because they are human. But no mistake is ever too big to make Him quit loving and drawing us.

I’m giving away a DVD copy of the foundational message of my “Revolutionary Love” conference to one of my blog commenters today. Just share with us by clicking on the “comments” button below: Did you understand the depth of His radical love when you were a young girl? If not, how did you come to understand just how perfect His love was? If you don’t have the time to share, just say “I’m in!”. Be sure to share your email address so I can contact you if you win! I will post the winner on Wednesday!



  1. Anonymous says:


    Thank you for your words this morning "He Knows Me" touched my heart. I have two beautiful daughters whom God loves and are with us each step of the way. Be blessed

  2. I'm in! My daughters and I each have a copy of the book and are just starting to discuss Ch.1. Wasn't a Christian growing up so I am blessed to have the opportunity to counter this culture with God's truth.
    [email protected]

  3. Bernadette says:

    My little princess just turned 12, and I can already see the world tugging on this beautiful child – I really don't wait her to make the same mistakes I did – Thank you Lord for your love and forgiveness! We would love to hear your message!
    Thank you
    [email protected]

  4. Lynn,
    "I am in" I blessed with a beautiful daughter (14yrs)who has a lot of girlfriends because of academic excellence God blessed her with, so when I saw this today I felt happy believing if I win this video I am going to share it with her friends because most of them might not know what it is to live for God.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hi Lynn:

    I would love to have you do a conference on this topic in my small town to impact God's girls on the next generation!! I'm gonna do some homework on this! God bless and guide you!

    [email protected]

  6. Anonymous says:

    I'm in! I have a daughter who's coming up on the tween years. I want to equip myself with the tools we will both need in the years ahead. Thanks for the message this morning.
    [email protected]

  7. Anonymous says:

    As a mother of a tween girl, I have been thinking about starting a "Bible Study" group for her and some of her friends using this book. I think that would be a great opportunity for some spiritual growth. Thank you, Mandi Warrick – [email protected]

  8. I'm in…
    I did not know the depth of God's love as a teenager so I'm always looking for ways to show my 3 girls how perfect they are in His eyes. It's tough in today's world with so much peer pressure. Thanks for your comments and I look forward to this bible study

  9. My daughter is grown with children of her own, and I still think this could benefit Myself, daughter and her daughters. Thank You
    [email protected]

  10. I did not know the depths of his love as a teen and so wish I would have. I am so thankful to know it now and so thankful for his grace and mercy. It is hard for even for me sometimes not to get caught up in this image based world we live in. I can see my almost 14 year old daughter looking in the mirror more and more picking at her self and saying things like, how much prettier her friend is than she is. it just breaks my heart. I am so excited about about your book and DVD to help me share more truth of Gods love for her and her small group at churh. Thank you and God bless you.

    [email protected]

  11. Dear Friends,

    I am so blessed to read your comments this morning! As mother's we can be a powerful influence in passing on to the next generation the revolutionary love of Jesus…He is truly like no other!

    Keep investing…we are making a difference not just in the lives of our girls, but in the kingdom of God!

  12. I did not grow up in a Christian home and did not know God's love for me until I was already out of my teen years. I understand the importance of explaining to my girls (ages 7 and 11) how valuable they are in God's eyes.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Lynn, this is an area that I struggle in so much. My oldest daughter turned 13 this week. I want her to feel loved and wonderful but I have such a hard time with self esteem for myself that I find it challenging to instill it in her.

  14. I'm in. [email protected]

    I did not know the love of my Lord and Saviour when I was a teen and young adult, and as a result I made some very bad choices in looking for unconditional love and acceptance; BUT, thanks be to God that I gave my life to Christ in my thirties, and now I can teach my daughters, ages 7 and 15 of how significant and loved they are by the Kings of Kings. Awesome!

  15. When I was young, I was taught more about God's 'judgement' than God's love. I'm afraid I've passed that on to my kids although I've tried to add that God is all about love too. Some of my kids are older now and seem to want to refuse to accept God's love. How can I still try and make them see? I often lack the proper 'tools' although I do send them scripture and meditations like yours today to their email. And of course, prayer. : )


  17. Anonymous says:


    As a young girl sadly I did not understand how much God loved me and I wish I did. I am happy to say when I became a mom I began my journey and know with my heart how much he loves all of us. I have two daughters (10 and 8) so I'm definitely 'in'. Thank you for your blog, devotions and offer.

    [email protected]

  18. My dear long time friend,I was so encouraged to read your words this morning. He spoke to me in more ways than I can tell. I will share these things with Lillian (13) today. Much love, Bonnie

  19. Anonymous says:

    I grew up knowing the depth of God's love for me and am grateful for it every day. Knowing all of the things that that His love protected me from is a blessing. I am so excited that I can pass this on to my daughter and help to "carve her into a beautiful pillar"! Thank you for your words today!
    [email protected]

  20. "I'm in." Even though I've known "Jesus Loves Me" from early childhood, I lost that confidence and faith as I went through my teen years. He lovingly pulls me back in to a relationship with him each time I am distracted and pulled down. I want my daughter to know her worth and the vastness of God's love for her! Sometimes, it's hard to help her understand it when I'm still trying to comprehend it myself.

  21. When I was young, even though I was brought up in the church and was there every Sunday, I did not understand God's great love for me. I am sad to say it took me a long time to accept forgiveness and realize that God loves me and wants me back no matter what I have done. I have many lovely granddaughters who are feeling exactly what you describe and I would love to help them to see God's great love for them much sooner than I did. I would love to have your DVD to share with them. I'm in! My e-mail is [email protected]

  22. I got saved when I was 16, I calloused myself to the tugs of the world, and pretended none of it mattered so well, that I almost believed it myself. Until recently when the Lord spoke softly to my heart when I was venting to Him that I do not want to be an afterthought by anyone…I knew I was needed, but I longed to be wanted. Then He spoke to my heart…I don't want to be an afterthought, either. OUCH! But oh, so sweet, for Him to love me enough to be that vulnerable to me! I have 6 children (from 9yrs to 1 yr), 2 of which are girls. I find myself pushing on them the "callouse yourself" mentality, and that is not at all what I want to pass on to them! I long for them to KNOW what their Lord sees in them! Thank you so much for this post!

  23. Count me in! The teen years can be pretty tough. My family could definitely benefit from hearing your encouraging words on this topic. My email is [email protected].

  24. Lynn,
    I grew up knowing a judgemental God. Sadly never certain of His love for me. I learned of His love in my thirties. I now have a thirteen year old daughter and in just the last couple of weeks she realized Christs love for her. I feel so blessed but need to know how to keep her fire for Him burning. I am hoping your book will help.
    [email protected]

  25. Elizabeth says:

    I grew up as a "PK"…(preacher's kid) and being a typically rebellious PK, I felt sure that there was something better out there for me in the secular world. So I tried it and found myself wondering why I still wasn't happy. Thankfully, the Bible is indeed our one source for truth. I now cling to Proverbs 22:6 as I raise two 19 year old daughters…"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." (NIV) I thank God for my steadfast mother; unswaying in her love of God and me. I thank God for His steadfast love of all of us, for with God we have hope. So stay strong and encouraged. Each one of us is living proof of God's love and compassion and remaining a Godly woman in the most difficult of moments is going to be a blessing to our daughters. May we parents have the courage to raise Godly sons and daughters, amen.
    Hoping to win the DVD and begin a new 'pay it back' mode at my church. So glad to have had your blog shared with me…thank you.
    [email protected]

  26. This is the message I have been sharing with two of my nieces as I helped raise them, praying for them to fully grasp how beautiful and valued they are in the eyes of God. They are now 19 and 20 and the one has a beautiful 4 month baby girl that I would love to see this message passed on to as she grows up. Would love to pass this resource on to that precious little girl's mom. My email address is [email protected].

  27. Thank you for what you are sharing with us. My granddaughter is struggling in her life and I hope to be able to help her become a graceful pillar.

  28. I'm in! I am a widowed mother of two girls and need all the help that I can get on how to raise a Godly woman in this society! I have been looking for a devotion to share with my almost 13 year old and I am excited to take this journey of faith with her and watch as God grows her into the woman she is meant to be!
    [email protected]

  29. This post has been a COMPLETE blessing from God. I received my very first Proverbs 31 devotion today and was directed to your blog. I am currently working with a few friends on writing a devotion and weekend retreat for junior high/high school girls about their value to God and how knowing/understanding that leads to obedience and a life lived worthy of His calling. I feel that your blog and this study will teach us so much and give us even more to share with the girls we are lead to serve. I am in awe and praising God today for the blessing of finding your site!

  30. I didn't understand his Love–but felt him reaching for me. Now I long for my daughter to understand this Amazing, Romantic love…

  31. Anonymous says:

    With 2 girls and 5 nieces, and I so excited to learn from this!!! I'm in! 🙂
    ericmolly (at) sbcglobal.net

  32. I'm in! I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home. I learned from an early age of God's great love for me. As a teenager I relied on this unconditional love.
    Lynn, once again I MUST tell you what an incredible blessing this Bible study is for my daughter and I. Yesterday at church my 11yr old daughter experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit for the first time…she cried through our entire worship time! I am so grateful to you for helping me with showing her the importance of a personal relationship with the God who loves her so fiercely!!!

  33. God is so good. Frankly, I am exhausted. I live in the den of iniquity – Montreal. Where sex is sold right next to the Gap and other fine retailers. I have been there, accepting Jesus at 39. I cant seem to get her to see herself and believe she is God`s creation. God doesnt have Plan B for her; neither should she. Signing up today! God bless.

  34. Lynn,
    I have a 13 year old daughter. Your Revolutionary Love would be a wonderful thing for us. My email is [email protected]

  35. I have a 12 year old daughter (who just got baptized yesterday! Praise God!) and a 9 year old daughter. I have read through His Revolutionary Love and will now be going through it together with you and my girls. I grew up in a Christian home but struggled a lot with boy issues and needing to be loved (even though I was greatly loved by my parents). I wish someone had shared what is in this book with me when I was a young girl. I know it will be a great influence in my daughter's lives.

  36. I'm in!

    I have an 11 1/2 y.o. daughter who is a great thinker…but probably thinks too much. She asks constantly, "How do I know God loves me? Do you think I'm a Christian? What does it mean to 'believe' in God?" She has asked Jesus to forgive her sins countless times. She is definitely OCD. So…if you can help me explain all this to her, I'd be incredibly thankful!

    In answer to your question…I don't know if we'll EVER totally grasp the depths of God's love for us! For me it's been an ongoing, lifelong lesson. Life experiences such as marriage and birthing and also learning about God's creation each deepen the depth of my understanding of God's love. And I really don't think we'll ever totally get it until we get to heaven. We can only know "in part" for now. My explanation for that: Our brains are only as big as our skull will let them be…and we would need a brain much bigger to really understand the true depths of God's love.

    [email protected]

  37. I did not know of God's radical love for me as I was growing up. I was always comparing myself to others and trying to measure up. I did not know of his great love for me until I was married but I tried to tell my daughter and now my granddaughters about it…God is so awesome…

  38. Anonymous says:

    I did not know of His love for me as teen growing up. Your book is just what I have been looking for to share with my 11 year old daughter. Thank you for your message this morning–it was a blessing to me.

    [email protected]

  39. I'm in! I didn't know God's love growing up and I so wish that I did. Knowing it now, I want to make sure that my 15 month daughter grows up knowing how much God loves her and how He sees her. There's also one other girl who is in my heart right now (one of my son's friend) that I would love to be able to share God's love with. Here's my email: [email protected]

  40. I'm in! My youngest daughter is just entering high school, and I love the image of her as a pillar, carved by all her experiences, praying that I can help her see God's hand in the process.

  41. As a young girl I had only been introduced to the idea of God's existence let alone the depth of His love for me. As a teen and through most of my early adulthood if I had really understood how perfect His love is then I would have not been 'searching for love in all the wrong places!' God has placed the longing for Him in us and it's a very sad life for us if we don't know that the longing is for Him. This morning in my quiet time I reminded myself to not dwell on the thoughts of a sinful past or to grieve my upbringing or strained relationships with the women in my life responsible for training me. I saw some sad Moms leaving comments and I pray that they will not dwell on any mistakes they have made but just ask for forgiveness and trust and hope in the Lord. And if there is a girl or a young woman out there feeling the longing for God but you're in a bad situation I want to encourage you to not be afraid and to simply ask God to lead you in the right direction and to introduce you to people that you can add to your Christian support system. Thank God for resources like these because I had to kind of raise myself in a lot of ways and I couldn't have done it without God and some of His very special people and ministries!

  42. I haven't come to understand His love until just recently, which is a little scary since I grew up as a minister's daughter and have gone to church on a regular basis since birth. (I am over 40 years old now!) I hope I can convey this to my daughter NOW so she makes a few better choices than I did. Thank you for your words of encouragement.
    [email protected]

  43. Anonymous says:

    Lynn, this is an area that I struggle in so much. My oldest daughter turned 14 this week, and has had some tough times recently. I want her to feel loved and wonderful but I have such a hard time with self esteem for myself. I guess I need this to read this as much as I want her to.

    –Kerry Ann

  44. I never heard of God loving a young girl in this way when I was growing up. How that would have changed my life! But thank God, I can tell my young daughters that they are precious to Him! Thanks Lynn, this is going to be great!

  45. Lynn, I enjoyed your message "He Knows Me." I have 2 teen daughters and have a desire for all teen girls to hear this messsage. I devoted time during my girls jr high years to teach this kind of message to them and their friends! It is always a good time to remind us all of this message!

  46. I love this message I was a broken hearted child from a broken home I always felt God but did not learn until I had my own beautiful girls how absolutely BEAUTIFUL and PECIAL I am in His eyes! God has taught me his love through my own girls and my desire is to share His love with them I cant wait to get the book! God is also showing me how regardless of the dark parts of my life he can build me up and make me who He called me to be through those bad times where Satan would use them to drag me down and to cause self doubt God uses them to strengthen and encourage me that He has a beautiful plan for my life!

  47. My heart aches for girls and their Moms to know who they are in Him! I didn't know the Lord as a girl, and my passion for for girls to know what I didn't know! Thanks for your message today! 🙂

  48. How special it is to know what we truly mean to God. Living as a teen and not understanding my true value and worth, or what love truly means was probablly the most disheartening thing about growing up. It also cost me so much, but I know God used it all for His good and mine (Romans 8).

    Thank you for working to help young ladies learn this now so that they will not grow up with regrets and they can become all that God designed them to be!

  49. Anonymous says:

    I would love to have a copy of your DVD and book my daughter has a very low self esteem and a fragile existance. I have not been able to be an encourger to her as I was not encouraged as a child and never had a father to encourage me or believed that God loved me enough to care about the life that I had lived. As an adult I have been blessed to come to know the Love of God but I still struggle with all of this. My daughter would be a greater Christian than I was if I could learn ways to better myself to encourage her. Please send me your DVD and book
    [email protected]

  50. Lynn, I grew up in a basic Christian home. My parents loved me but they and the church we attended lacked biblical teaching to help me grow up according to God's best plan. However, what my parents shared hit home eventually. After making errors, hurting my own heart with unwise decisions,I knew enough to unconditionally turn to the Lord, seek His face, despite the lack of biblical knowledge, and He sent me my godly mate in the form of my husband,Keith, a compassionate pastor who taught me what the Lord desired me to learn. I fed on the Lord's faithfulness. Now I desire to feed my youngest daughter with your book/videos as she leaves for college this coming August. She is already a beautiful responsible young woman. I want to help her butterfly wings be prepared for what lies ahead especially her first year at Baylor University.
    God bless you and your ministry.
    [email protected]

  51. I did not have a personal relationship with My Lord & Savior when I was a young girl. Although growing up in church, the God I knew was the Judging God and I always felt I didn't measure up. Now that God has brought me to a new understanding of HIM, my desire is to continue to lead my girls to the truth about who God is and who they are in His eyes. I look forward to reading your book. Thank you for sharing your passion for God's word with us.

  52. Lynn,
    I have two daughters (17 and 16) and I struggle daily to teach them how to survive in this world of constant peer pressure. I did not understand how much God loved me as a teenager, but my grandmother reassured me often. I memorized the 23rd Psalm and it got me through all of the tough moments.
    God bless you.
    Beth Smith
    [email protected]

  53. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for your encouragement. I am the mother of two teenage girls. My oldest just graduated and leaves for college at the end of August. The younger will be a Junior at High School. I soooo want them to know who they are in Christ and avoid the regrets that I have from trying to find value in the wrong ways. Blessings to you as you minister to women. From, Michelle: [email protected]

  54. Anonymous says:

    Sorry to say I wasn't taught of God's radical love for me as a young girl even though I was raised in a christian home. Most days I still struggle but I want my wonderful 13 yr old daughter to learn what a beauty she is not only to me but to her heavenly Father. Count me in for today's contest and thank you for todays devotional!
    [email protected]

  55. Nne Pepple says:

    Lynn, I really want thank you for your words this morning. I do not have a girl child yet but the prayer you said at the end of the post touched my spirit. I printed it out, i'll paste it on the wall of my bedroom and i'll pray it daily for my son Samuel(18 months) and my 22wks old (unborn) baby. I love them so much and my greatest desire for them is that they Love God and also bask in His Divine Love.
    Thanks Lynn
    [email protected]

  56. I enjoyed this post so much! I was 16 before I really knew who God was. I don't have girls, but I have a friend who has teen girls and would love to share the book with her.

    Be blessed,
    [email protected]

  57. I never knew it as a young girl!! Actually still learning it everyday and so excited about it!!!! [email protected]

  58. How timely this devotional was to me this morning. I have a 16 year old daughter and I am constantly on my knees praying for her to be all that she can be in the Lord. Your book sounds like just the thing we can share with each other this summer. In two years she'll be off to college and my hearts prayer is that she'll take with her a deep sense of the love Jesus has for her. Thank you and blessings!

  59. I am so enjoying reading each of your comments today. Many of you have said you still don't feel like you fully understand God's love for you. That is the great thing about being a mom…you can learn together!

    When I homeschooled, I love to teach history because somehow I got out of school without learning much of it. Each lesson was so new and exciting for me!

    The same can be true with the truth of Jesus' love. You can open the Bible or get "His Revolutionary Love" and read these WITH your girl…the two of you can learn these truths at the same time!

  60. Dear Ashleigh and others,

    I would be happy to send you the "His Revolutionary Love" leadership guide free of charge to help you invest in the lives of young girls!

    Just send me your email address at [email protected] and I'll get it to you!

  61. Hi, I have always been encouraged by the Proverbs 31 Ministries and have never been one to blog much, but today your words meant a lot to me. I have been blessed with a son and a daughter. I am realizing more and more each day the impact I have on my children each day, especially my daughter. She is truly an inspiration to me because of her faithfulness to Christ and her longing to be all that God is wanting her to be. She is a beautiful young lady that I know God has special plans for and I pray each day for her to use her talents for Christ. My life has always been influenced by godly women from my mom and aunts that truly took time to show me that I can do all things through Christ and He created me for wonderful things. I know God has blessed me with my daughter so I can pass the blessings to her; so she can be that light to so many young people she comes into contact with. God bless your ministry and thank you for your words of inspiration and guidance for this mom still growing in His grace.

  62. To Peggy and each and every woman and girl out there…

    Jesus is an amazing creator and He did make an AMAZING creation in each one of you. Why would He take the time to make anything that would be less than His best?!

  63. Fran,

    Prayer is definitely a huge key! In addition, love, love and love unconditionally! This is SO hard! They make us SO bad and frustrated at times. But just seeing in us the same grace that we receive from Jesus is huge!

    Keep investing my friend!

  64. Would love the opportunity to share your message with my daughter. She just turned 13 and we are planning a mother/daughter road trip this summer, which would give us the perfect time to listen to your teachings and talk about this subject. After spending a few days at camp this year with our middle-school-aged kids, it definitely opened my eyes to how desperately kids are looking for attention and wanting to be wanted!! Thank you for sharing your heart.

  65. Anonymous says:

    I'm in! I did not come to know the love of Christ until I was 36, and now I lead a junior high girl's Bible study, focused on seeing them built into spiritual pillars and with deep roots in the soil of God's love. I would love to share your DVD with them! God bless!

    [email protected]

  66. A friend of mine sent me the "Where Did the Time Go" Link this morning. I took my baby girl to college this past weekend and drove home yesterday with tears in my eyes the entire four hour trip home. These words helped me realize that I have to let her go and let her make her choices in life with God's help. We have raised her with God's love and it is time to let her shine. Thank you for these words! Such a timely message for me! [email protected]

  67. Anonymous says:

    Hi Lynn,
    Unfortunately I didn't know about this great love when I was younger but do now and I intend my daughter to know it too.

    I'm in!

    [email protected]

  68. No, I wasn't saved until I was in my 30s and now I have three girls, 15 and soon to be 13 year old twins. So much I hope to teach them before they leave the security of our home.
    [email protected]

  69. No, I wasn't saved until I was in my 30s and now I have three girls, 15 and soon to be 13 year old twins. So much I hope to teach them before they leave the security of our home.
    [email protected]

  70. No idea…maybe I will never truly comprehend til I am in His awesome presence! 🙂

  71. Gina Glazer says:

    It is always amazing to me to see the way God chooses to get our attention! I did not KNOW God's unconditional love for me as a young girl, I felt it at times but as soon as I was back in the real world I'd fall. I wasn't strong enough in His Word or following hard after Him. My step daughter is in the same place that I was at 16 and it breaks my heart to see her making the same mistakes that I did. Your words were just what I needed today and have motivated me to be more proactive in showing her how much she means to Him!!!! THANK YOU, you have no idea what God did through you tonight!!!!!
    In Him,

  72. I'm in! I so wish I had known this truth as a teenager. My choices would have been so different. I have 2 wonderful daughters, ages 16 and 11 (along with 2 teen boys)whom I would so love to have God plant these truths in their hearts. Thanks for the devotional and for this resource

  73. I'm in! God has blessed me with two beautiful daughters that are growing up right before my eyes. Thank you for your encouraging words and for allowing God to use you in such a powerful way! Melanie @ [email protected]

  74. I really struggled with confidence as a teen and had loving parents that I always tried to please and earn love from. I felt as though if I was "good" I was loved for my deeds and if messed up I was a disappointment. This was an insecure and teeter totter feeling. I love the warmth of the holy spirit now and the knowledge that he lives me no matter what. It took me years to know this. I want to be there for my niece. Her dad is my baby brother, that two years ago now at age 40 committed suicide on her 13th birthday. She's 2 hours away and sliding out of reach with my sister and I. It must be painful for her to associate with us. I hope this book and my prayers will provide insight, love and support to being a positive person in her life. I know my young boys will reap the benefits of this book as well. . Please send me a copy Lynn.

  75. Anonymous says:

    Hello Lynn
    Thank you for your encouragement today. I have a 9 year daughter with mild case of cerebral palsy due to premature birth. She has such a loving heart and outgoing personality. I see days ahead where there may not be so nice people she encounters. I can not wait to share your book with her.
    [email protected]

  76. Anonymous says:

    I'm in! I have a daughter turning thirteen next month. I think studying about God's love would be good for both of us.

    [email protected]

  77. Heather Lapierre says:

    I am so in! :). This post came at the perfect time; my daughter is 11; a 6th grader in the Fall. This would be a perfect study for us. I would tell my story in detail but I pretty much could writeva book. There have been so many events in my life that God has made his awesome love known to me. In short I have a beautiful Mother who never failed to show me how much I am loved in Gods eyes; I missed out because I refused to see it then – but train a child up on the way he should go – and my life is a true testament to that- I was like the prodigal son- my mothers prodigal daughter- I felt how much I am so dearly loved by Him; my Savior when I was 21 years old and expecting my 1st child out of wedlock- in spite of what I had done I felt His comfort,grace, and forgiveness just fill me up beyond explanation- He made sure I knew He will walk with me through this- and to this day 11 years later He continues to do just that! What an awesome Father we have!

  78. This is just what my daughter and I need right now. She and I have been going through a difficult time in our relationship, but it seems God is speaking to both of us. She is 16 and wants to try her wings, but her decisions lately have not been good choices. Through much prayer and the wonderful resources God is leading me to such as your website, I have hope. I have seen even small positive changes in the past two days. I am looking forward to your study and thank God for you and your work.

  79. Anonymous says:

    I'm in too! I did not know the love that my Father had for me as a young girl, teenager and still struggle with it as a middle age woman. My husband of 18 years and I have 3 daughters, two are of the age where this study would be beneficial!
    [email protected]

  80. I'm in! I didn't know the Lord until the end of my college career, after a few failed worldly relationships. After I came to Christ I had such joy and peace knowing my Lord and Savior. Surrendering my life and putting my faith in His unconditional love changed everything. I now have a 2 month old daughter and pray she truly knows the Lord at an early age.

  81. Anonymous says:

    I am in! I did not understand the love of my Father as a young girl, teenager and even now as a middle age woman. I tend to sell myself short on the love department! With three daughters, I am looking forward to doing this study together with them. We all will benefit greatly from God's Word and from your wisdom. God Bless you Lynn as you go through this with your own girls!
    [email protected]

  82. I'm in! Thanks for the reassurance and for allowing me to begin to teach my 17 year old, soon to be 18, daughter about God's love and how it can be all sufficient.
    [email protected]

  83. Andrea Stanley says:

    I'm in!! I love this. I have not started this study with my daughter yet but we will be starting it very soon together. And reading all of the posts and blogs before hand is really getting me excited about what my daughter and I have to look forward to!

  84. Hi Lynn, I got to know Your blog through 'Encouragement for Today' from Proverbs 31 Ministries.

    Although I'm not mum with daughters but I do have girls around me who are looking for their identity in this world and finding who they are from different channels instead of God.

    For me, I've known God's love for me during my teens and He had changed my life and helped me to appreciate my life more than before.

    Thus, I'm glad that I've known this book, 'His Revelutionary Love', that I can use to speak to the girls.

    Thank God for how He had used you to write this book to reach out to many other girls.

    God bless. 🙂

  85. Thank you for your message. I'm 34 yrs. old and I still struggle with really getting this truth. I have two little girls and really want to learn how to teach and model this to them and turn around the generations of women with low self esteems and broken lives. I have been in a relationship with a guy for 16 yrs. He's been my husband for the last 7 yrs. but we've been separated on and off and this time it's been over a year. I know as I always draw near to the Lord that He wants me to really get this truth that you are teaching on. Things will never change for me or my family if I don't. I know that's kind of alot of info but I just want to let you know how much it meant to me to have your message forwarded by a friend to me today. Thank you. I'd really love to join in reading your book this summer.

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