His Path for Me: I Need Him
Hello Friends,
If you are joining me here today from my devotion at Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today, thanks for stopping by! I’m giving away a signed copy of my new book, “His Revolutionary Love” today…more at the bottom!
This summer, we’ve been going through “His Revolutionary Love” with our daughters. I am excited about moving into this new section of “His Revolutionary Love” : His Path for Me.
My youngest daughter came home from her small group where they are going through HRL. She shared this cool idea: each of the girls in the group is going to take a week during the study. During their week, they will text the other girls verses out of the book; a reminder of God’s love notes to them. I just loved this idea of bringing the study into day to day living!
This week’s love note is from Psalm 9:18 “But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.”
Friends, this verse talks about the needy. Do you know who the needy are? You and I! Every day we are needy because our hearts were created to be filled and just like you need to fill your body each day with water and food, your heart needs filling every day as well! I purpose to do this each day first thing in the morning (and on the days I don’t you sure can tell!).
This year I am filling up my heart by doing a study on the word free. I simply went to Bible Gateway and typed in the topic word “free”. I then printed out each verse in the Bible that contains the word “free”. Each day I looked up this verse or a few of them. Using my Hebrew-Greek Bible, I looked up the words and ask the Lord to share with me how He wants me to understand His freedom for my life that day. Grasping His freedom for me frees me from the need for other’s approval, the need to have everything under control and the need to have everything perfect (just to mention a few of my personal issues!)
It’s OK to be Needy
It is not too popular in our culture to be needy, is it? It is especially not good for women! Those who have come before us have fought very hard for women’s rights – the right to vote, the right to work the same jobs for the same pay and many more. Being needy has been a bad thing.
But with God, that is not so!
All of us are needy; we were born that way! Just think of how each one of us came into the word; completely dependent in every way. Dependent for food, shelter, and affection. As we became an adult, our dependence lessened.
Maybe this is why the Bible calls us the “children of God”. Unlike the cycle of human life, we need to be always dependent on God. Dependent on Him to fill the individual needs that we each have. He is the only one who can fill those needs with a pure motive and with unconditional love.
It is imperative that we grasp this truth and teach this to our children as early as possible because when our neediness is not filled by Jesus, it becomes a force of destruction in our lives.
We are praying for the opposite: for our children to experience the force of revolutionary love which will lead them to make wise choices.
Again…take some time this week to ENJOY your children…they truly grow up way too fast!
Today, I am giving away a copy of “His Revolutionary Love”. To enter to win, simply comment to this question by clicking “comments” below. In what area am I needy and learning to run to Jesus for that need to be met? If you are on the run, just type “I’m in!”
I am so sorry that I won’t be able to interact with you today…I am in Atlanta at the International Christian Retailers Show doing a book signing and interviews, but I will be in touch as soon as I return!
I'm in! AND I need Him to help me remember that I can trust Him this week with my daughter away at camp. I need to believe that he will get through to her with his revelutionary love…and I need to believe he will answer my prayers for her life, both now and in eternity. I am one desperately praying mom who also needs to focus on His love and faithfulness. Thanks, Lynn
I'm in! Struggling a bit with my soon-to-be 16-year-old daughter. I know God can help us thru this ~ just need to lean on him. Praying daily for my daughter to be closer to Him. Thank you for your encouragement today and focus on our Lord.
I'm in! Thank you for today's devotion!
I'm in! I am a young Mom of an almost three year old little girl. This past year has been turbulent for our family with several medical issues but at the same time, we gave been so incredibly blessed. As a result of these medical events, I am rediscovering my relationship with Christ. This is a very exciting, yet challenging time for me as an individual, a wife, and a mom. I am trying to turn to the Lord in prayer instead of reverting back to my old ways of worry and anxious feelings. Even though my daughter is only three, I want to begin NOW! She is so impressionable these days and you can see what a "sponge" she is. My hope for her little life is to live Big with Christ, to always have the self esteem to do anything, to have the value and self worth to know that she is worthy of the greatest unconditional love and that with God all things are possible. I want her to know that Christ is the answer! I want her to grow up relying on Christ and not relying on the outside world. I want her to have a deep faith that is not plagued by constant worry and anxious tendencies. I want so much more for her!
I'm in! Thank you for these wonderful words! Make it a blessed day!
Kory in MN
I'm in! I pray daily that my daughter will reach toward Jesus and become closer with Him. She is in her twenties and is dating someone who does not attend church. I pray that she will become strong enough to lead him to a faith in Jesus. She is making life long decisions and I pray that she will reach toward God to make the right choice.
I'm so in! At almost 38 years old and knowing Him for most of my life…I am relearning what His grace and love really look like personally. I feel for the first time in my life I'm really starting to understand how great and how wide and how deep His affection goes for me. As I parent a 12 yr old daughter, I desire to help her see this love and celebration Her Heavenly Father has over her as well….at a much younger age than I have! I'm trusting Him to show me ways I can make this real to her as well as allowing Him to do the work in her He needs to do. Even if that means her going through some difficult times as I have or feeling low self-esteem as I have. I need to trust Him completely for HIS path for her life.
Thank you So very much for your encouraging words! God is using you mightily!!
I'm in!! w/ tears in my eyes, needed these reminders today and NEED to pass it on to my 3 daughters.
thank you
I'm in. Everyday there is a different need to run to Jesus. I am so thankful for his love!
I'm In!!! Thank you for your devotions and your new book! I am taking a group of girls to Joplin, MO on July 20th to volunteer with tornado relief help. I'm thinking of getting your book for us to talk about while travelling and in the evenings. One of the girls is my daughter. I'm fortunate in that she does have a good faith foundation although I've seen some of her lifelong friends fall away in the past few years, I pray that her faith stays strong as she continues through her teenage years.
I'm in. My daughter will read when she doesn't appear to listen to me. Your book might just be the key to help her open an area for understanding. Thank you for sharing.
I'm in! We have 4 kids, 2 girls and 2 boys. The oldest is 14 and my stepdaughter. I struggle with teaching her modesty and "self" worth through being God's creation, all while figuring out that "balance" between stepmom and stepdaughter. Thanks for your words of teaching and encouragement today!
I'm in! My daughter has been struggling with being anxious lately. I have realized that the way I react and live is showing her that I'm anxious too. I forget sometimes how much our kids watch us and then take on the heart attitudes that we portray. I am daily trying to seek the Lord in calming my anxious heart so that I can show my daughter that God is it! He is the only one that we need to turn to for our daily hope!
I am definitely needy in how to raise my two daughters – I need His daily wisdom as my girls grow and change before my eyes. I worry over them and stress over whether I'm doing things right. But with daily dependence on my Heavenly Father I can rest assured that HE'S in control of their future, not I.
Kathy K.
I need to trust God with guiding my children to make the right choices in life and know that God is the only way.
I'm in! The past year has been quite difficult for my daughters (11, 9). Their father and I have divorced and we have moved to be near my family, which is 11 hours away from him. They are adjusting remarkably well, but I know the scars are deep. I worry about how they will choose to fill the voids in their hearts. I am trying my best to live as an example for them. Thank you so much for your wonderful devotions. They are inspirational!
I'm in!
I'm in!
At this time my daughter is dealing with a tremendous heart break. It is so hard for us mom's to see our children hurting emotionally. As Dawn said in the previous post, "I am one desperately praying mom". My prayer is that God would show me and give me the perfect words to encourage my daughter to lean on God and to have the confidence that God has an amazing plan for her life.
I'm in! My husband and I have three girls (12, 14, 16) and our desire is for them to have a relationship with Jesus. They have a great foundation. Our particular concern is our 14 year old. As middle child, she doesn't feel special even though she is an amazing girl. We want all of our girls to have the self-confidence, self-esteem and self-assurance that they are each treasures and beautiful in God's eyes (and ours).
I'm in!
I'm in! Good to be reminded that it's ok to have needs and PTL Jesus fulfills every one!
I'm totally in! Thank you for this devotional. As a mother of a 9yo daughter, I worry about how she will view herself in her teen years. I pray constantly that she will SEEK GOD FIRST in every area of her life. I am 'in need' of God's constant outpouring of mercy, compassion and faithfulness. God bless you, Lynn, for following HIM!
"I'm in"…I need help in a lot of areas.
I'm in! Loved your post today and your devotional from Proverbs 31. My daughter recently turned 12, and I'm starting to see many signs of her struggling to find acceptance and self-worth. I so want to model to her that she needs to seek these only from the Lord! Thanks for your encouragement and wisdom.
I'm in!
I'm in!
I'm in! Thanks Lynn for this devotion.
I'm in! I am praying that my daughters and granddaughters will know that only God can help them meet the challenges they will face in their lives.
I'm in! I really liked today devotional!
I'm in! I really liked todays devotional! As someone who has struggled with my weight, I find myself running to food for comfort! Today I am making a stand to run to Jesus to satisfy my needs instead of food:)
I'm in! Praying that God will open my eyes to the teachable moments with my daughter and help me to be a Godly example for her. Lots of praying!!! Thanks for the devotion.
I'm in! As I read your devotional I felt God saying this is what you need to do for yourself and then I can help you do it for your daughter.
I'm in! My daughter will be attending public high school, after being in a Christian school through 8th grade. My prayer is that she will face the secular world confident with Jesus by her side.
I'm in! My daughter is almost 14. Your devotion really hit the mark for what I desire for her life! May God help me as I seek to raise her to know God in a personal way. Thank you.
I'm in! I have 2 teenage daughters, one who is 19 and one who just turned 13. It is so hard to fight against the influences of the world and I need the Lord to give me wisdom in how to deal with issues that they are faced with.
I'm in! Thank you for today's devotion. My daughter just turned 7, but I've been exposing her to God's love. I realize how important it is for her to know Him.
I need to learn to run to Jesus instead of food.
I'm in! I need courage to ignore my body's nudges to get me off my (working!) meal plan. I need courage to continue decluttering my house and filing the papers I've not had a plan of attack about. I need His comfort and direction as I start getting sidetracked from today's goals. I need His priorities about choices I make today. As a single, I need His companionship and to hear His voice as I go throughout the day. As His beloved, I am praying that the eyes of my heart would be enlightened to enjoy and rest in His love, in contrast to the messages of conditional love I absorbed growing up. For me, faith seems to be mostly about courage– courage to believe He is Who He says and means what He says. After courage comes freedom– and courage comes as a gift from Him and from looking steadily at Him and not my circumstances.
I'm in! My oldest son is the one looking to his peers for confirmation of his self-worth and currently his girlfriend. I definitely need to show more of my dependency on God and my need for Him as an example for my oldest. Thank-you.
I am needy in realizing my worth as a woman (now twice divorced) and a mother. I need to remember that I can trust Him to take care of my precious girls when they are away from me. Thank you Lynn for reminding me it is ok to be needy.
Erica M
I'M IN!!!
I am SO incredibly in need of my Savior, especially right now in my life- both me and my 14 year old daughter. We are both fighting our own inward battles constantly everyday. I pray so hard every night that I can be the primary example in her life. Over the past 3 years, I have been recovering from drugs and alcohol. It is definitely a tough battle reconnecting with each other, but this devotion that I read today was so fitting for both of us. It spoke volumes to me. I pray that she will have enough courage and faith to run to Jesus with the tough choices she will face, and the easy ones too, of course 🙂
I have learned through out my recovery to not hesitate or think twice about running into the arms of Jesus, no matter if the need is big or small. That's where I am safe and secure. I pray that my daughter Halley learns this too, and the best way I know she will be able to learn this is from watching it lived out first hand. Like you said in the devotion, some take longer than others so I do know (firsthand) that we all have to walk our own path before we realize where we need to be, who we are and 'whose' we are. I will be turning 30 in August and starting college in the fall of 2012. She will be starting her first year of high school year this August. Part of me is scared stupid, but I I am staying right where I know I belong which is in my Savior's arms. The other part of me knows that we are both going to be just fine. I pray that I turn to Him for all that we both need and that my life will be a perfect example for her to know where she belongs.
I'm in! I need him to help me in continuing to raise my 3 granddaughters who are now 18, 17 and 15. When they came to us they were 4, 3 and 18 months. The middle granddaughter has struggled w/self esteem, has run away twice, been in with the wrong crowd, and now is asking to come home. I know we need to extend God's mercy, but my stomach is in knots, not only for her but for the rest of the family. I know His faithfulness will see us through. Today's devotion was meant for me and I thank you for it! Gma Debbie
I'm in! I was reminded again of the importance of being a model of a godly woman for my daughter. She needs a strong example for a mother, not just a girlfriend. His word is the path for my life.
I'm in! The prayer in your devotional is exactly my prayer for my daughter who has not accepted Christ yet and has Down Syndrome.
I'm in! I have 2 young daughters that I'm trying to raise knowing God. I was once a strong Christian but slowly fell away into the arms of a man that is not a Christian. He does not like me teaching the girls about God and makes fun of us going to church and singing Christian songs. I'm trying to change our lives so the girls will know God and seek Him. But when your made fun of for everything you do its such a struggle. But I know God is with us and will helps us.
Im in. Needy… I find myself needy when I am stressed I look in the mirror and try to find things that are wrong with me. Usually creating blemishes in my mind that I don't even have trying to get rid of them anyway- leaving my face scarred. Instead of getting on my knees and bringing my needs before the Lord knowing He loves me so much. I know this may seem silly to some- but it is way more than a face blemish issue – I know it goes much deeper than that- and need to truly know my worth in my savior!
I'm in! Thank you so much for your devotion today. It reminded me of things I need to do as my daughter enters her teen years. As I struggle with cancer, I am reminded that I need to be an example for her, showing her how often I do turn to the Lord to fill me up. I also need to show her how I slip but that God still forgives me because of the sacrifice of his son. May God use my imperfect example to help my teen realize she needs him to fill her up.
I'm in!
Thanks for the reminder again about your book. I was just thinking the other day that I'd like to do a study book with my teen girls. Raising teens is tough stuff sometimes, but God is so faithful! I'm looking forward to reading about his revolutionary love.
Loved today's devotion. It's one of my favorites. We all want so much MORE for our kids. Thank you for encouraging me and reminding me that it's start with my heart.
Love, hugs, prayers and blessings!
I'm needing Him to teach me how to love. Not just the ones that are easy to love, but the ones who get on my nerves, who are irritating and aggravating and just down right strange, cause I know I'm irritating and aggravating and down right strange, too! Plus, He tells us to. And He is the perfect embodiment of absolute love.
I'm in – thanks, Lynn! Jenny C. [email protected]
I'm in. I lost my Daddy at age 13 (almost 40 years ago) and I'm still desperate for the love that a father has for his daughter. I'm very needy for His Revolutionary Love!! Sounds like a great book. Wishing you much success in Atlanta. Thanks for the opportunity.
I'm in!! I'm lifting my oldest daughter up to the Lord – she is 22 and has such a low self worth, she doesn't know who she is in the Lords eyes and is looking for love in all the wrong places!! I also pray for my 13 & 11 yr. old daughters that they will not have these same struggles and have a stronger relationship with the Lord. Thanks!!
I'm in!!! I need Jesus to run to everyday of my life because the trial I have been enduring is coming to a heavy end. My daughter's biological father is a woman abuser who has exposed this to my daughter. Through him abandoning her, my husband who has been in her life for the 14 yrs of her life and a loving Dad has filed to adopt her and through all this she has accepted Jesus as Lord and just got baptized. The battle for our kids is on our knees in prayer. We need this book so we can gleam together from Jesus. His love is amazing! Thank you, Maureen
I'm in!
Every mother of a teen girl needs this book. I was just looking at it yesterday but couldn't buy it, however I would REALLY like to share this great wisdom with my 13 year old daughter.
Thanks for answering the call to be a woman after teen girls hearts!
[email protected]
I'm in!!! I need Jesus everyday of my life to pull me through the heartwrenching trial my daughter, my husband, and me have been going through now for 2 years with our daughters biological father. He has exposed my daughter to domestic violence as well as mental, emotional and psychological abuse. Through this, the Lord has kept her safe from him and since he hasnt seen her now for 2 years, my husband..her stepdad who has been her true daddy for all 14 years of her life has filed to adopt her. Through all of this she has accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and was just baptized this month. We are to fight for our kids through prayer and the Lord is faithful. His love in never ending and we desire to read this book together so we can gleam all we can from Jesus. Please keep this adoption in all of your prayers as we have been. Thank you, Maureen
I'm in! Need Him to pursue, draw and heal my adult son, 27 years old, suffering from PTSD from the war, recently discharged from the military. He takes out all his rage on me and has shut me out. Praying for his healing and restoring right relationship with God and then me.
I'm in! Needing Jesus to help me work through my worries and know He has great plans for my children!
Thank you!
Emily S
Dawn, Just the fact that you are praying for your daughter to get this truth is amazing! He will be faithful to do the rest!
He will be faithful to help you! Keep taking in everything you can that will help you to learn to relate to her…reading books, etc. I hope you will stop by my blog as we walk through raising our daughters together!
I'm in! I struggle with fear of the future – especially in regards to my children. I need to rest in the assurance that He is in TOTAL control…and let that be enough!
Dear Arant Family,
Keep pouring the truth of His revolutionary love into your girl! What you sow you will reap!
Saying a prayer for your daughter today!
I am so needy in the patience arena. i.e. I don't have it and really need to. Thankfully God is more patient with me than I ever deserve.
I'm in! Thank you for today's devotion!
–Kerry Ann
I am in! Running to Jesus to have Him help me be the Godly mother He created me to be; not only to my 19 year old daughter but also to my three boys (22, 9 & 7).
I'm in! My soon-to-be 11 year old little gal will be making the huge jump to middle school in the Fall. I see her growing and maturing so much in the few short weeks since 5th grade ended. I desire to be a good role model for her of a Christian Mom, Wife, Friend, Child of God. I am grateful to have found your ministry through Proverbs 31 and appreciate your message and ministry to young girls. Thank you!
I'm in! I have a daughter struggling with depression. She does not believe she is lovable. I am praying that I can win this book and share it with her and that God will use it to help her believe in His great love for her and that she was created beautifully by Him for a purpose.
Thanks, Judy
I'M IN!! I need to remember to TRUST HIM in all my situations. I am a single mom of a 9yr old little girl. I tell you sometimes it is so tough making it day to day but I need to remember that HE is Jehovah Jireh MY provider and that HE will provide for us. I just need to remember that He is faithfull and just to provide for both of us. I just basically need to TRUST Him in all areas of both of our lives.
i'm in! I have 3 girls and I was raised in a family with an anxious mom… and i fought anxiety until just recently. I want to show my girls God's love and how to lean on him on the journey. If i do anything right as a mom, I hope i can convey that…
I am going through divorce and settling into a new custody/visitation order. I need Jesus to help me trust that He is going to protect my daughter from the rebellious lifestyle of her father and his friends. I am praying that she will see Jesus in me and will desire to have a relationship with Him above all else. I know that I need His help in all aspect of dealing with a broken family. I see the insecurities and anxiety popping up in her due to a lack of daddy time and having a father that doesn't model the Father's love to her. I pray that she will know our Heavenly Father's love despite the circumstances and that she'll run to Him.
Thanks! ~Kari
I'm In! What a great devotion! Thank you!
I'm in!!! Thanks for today's devotion 🙂
I'm in! Truly needy! Going through some financial struggles and need to rely totally on the Lord and His sufficiency. Also facing some issues with my hubby's side of the family. Need to remember to stay focused on the Lord as He helps me face these issues.
Thanks, Rosie from Tx
I'M IN!!!!! AWESOME word this am 🙂 Thank you! We have three daughters and it the desire of my heart for them to always seek the Lords guidance. Each of our children are so different, but with prayer I hope they alwys share one similarity…their love for JESUS!!!! I would love to share this book with my fourteen year old, and my prayer would be she would share it with a friend when she has finished. I pray continued blessing for your ministy and this book. God Bless!!!! Marti
I need him to help me raise my 5 children to depend on him. So often, I find myself trying to do it all myself…but I need to depend on HIM!
Leigh F.
I'm in!
[email protected]
Thank you! This is perfect for where I'm at in my life.
[email protected]
I would love to win a copy of your book! I bought one for my 3 girls but decided to give it to my teenage niece. I am trying to run to God more and more when dealing with my 4 kids ages 3-11. I have definitely realized I need God to help me parent HIS way as my way is not working ;). The demands of dealing with my middle school age son and girls ages 3, 5, and 8 are so varied. I would love to have your book as I know I will need it soon for my oldest.
Thanks for all the open sharing you do, it really blesses me.
Angela J
I would love to win a copy of your book! I bought one for my 3 girls but decided to give it to my teenage niece. I am trying to run to God more and more when dealing with my 4 kids ages 3-11. I have definitely realized I need God to help me parent HIS way as my way is not working ;). The demands of dealing with my middle school age son and girls ages 3, 5, and 8 are so varied. I would love to have your book as I know I will need it soon for my oldest.
Thanks for all the open sharing you do, it really blesses me.
Angela J
I find that I rely on my husband, often going to him first rather than the Lord. I need to remember to seek God first! I have 2 teenage girls; 16 and 18. The older is leaving for college, and I will really need to lean on God to get my through that transition. The 16 year old; Oh how I want her to follow God's plan for her life and put Him first. More prayers on the way! 🙂
I am always in need of Jesus and as our pastor preaches through the book of John I am rediscovering all that Jesus is.
I'm so there right now with an independent, strong willed teen daughter, who is looking everywhere but to God. My husband and I worry to no end for her, and we're desperate for her to wake up!
I'm in! Revolutionary Love, my daughter just believes in the revolt portion of that word. She is making unhealthy, inappropriate choices that have us on our knees and that is okay. Praying that next weeks mission trip for her will bring her closer to some "girlfriends" and not just add another male cell phone no. to her list! I'd covet your prayers.
I really need to rely on him around the area of expectations and perfectionism. I expect too much of my kids and husband, and need prayers to show them grace when they make the mistakes they're bound to make.
Oh! How I need to connect with Him in a very real way so I don't pass on a generational curse to my sweet daughter. She just turned one but I am already terrified that she'll fall into the pattern of self destroying thoughts, talk and actions that all of the adult women in my family are in! This can't be so for her. This devotion today spoke directly to where I am in my struggle to fight through the lies the devil is feeding me. I am desperate for HIM…
I'm In!! Thanks so much!!
This book will be a blessing to share with the jr. high girls I mentor. I want them to know of God's crazy love for them to give them strength to avoid poor choices my lack of knowledge of that let me to make at their age. Thank you for the opportunity to win and for all of your love and encouragement towards girls of all ages!
I'm in! I need to rely on God to protect my children as they get older and release the control I "think" I have over them! Your new book looks great!
I'm In! I am struggling with worry and obesessing about things I have no control over.
I'm in! What a blessing today. The cake illustration & thoughts may just be what we need to help our 10 year old daughter, who is already seeking to meet her needs somewhere else.