In the Know – Our Teens Helping Other Teens
Sixteen. The other day she blared out her song, rocking on the coffee table with star-studded glasses and a whisk microphone. Now her angelic voice sings solos in front of hundreds. For the special occasion of her sweet sixteenth birthday, my daughter specifically asked for one gift: a donation made to Stella’s House, a ministry rescuing young girls from sex trafficking. Learning of this atrocity had broken her heart; she wanted to help.
Can you picture the little feet that belonged to these tiny shoes? Now picture fear and pain on her face before the little owner of these small sandles she was rescued from human trafficking. This was the image burned in my mind as Tom Davis of Children’s Hope Chest displayed these small shoes that once belonged to one rescued. With tears pouring down my face, I knew I had to get involved; we have to help the least of these.
1.2 million children are trafficked every year; this is in addition to the millions already held captive by trafficking. Every 2 minutes a child is being prepared for sexual exploitation. The average victim is forced to have sex up to 40 times a day. By 2010, sex trafficking will be the number one crime worldwide.
The average age of a trafficked victim is 14 years old. Here is where our teens can fit in. Maybe your teen saw the movie “Taken” so they have an idea of this epidemic. If not, you can raise awareness by sharing this video with them. When presented with the truth of the tragic lives of others their own age, teens will want to crawl outside of their me-centered world to give help and hope to another. They can use FaceBook and Twitter to raise awareness. Teens are the most creative people; capable of coming up with the most innovative ways to fund raise for rescuing.
You can start by being an example. Children’s Hope Chest is actively rescuing young girls and giving them new lives with hope! Please stop by the Children’s Hope Chest at Be a part of changing the life of a child TODAY!
Thank you for contributing to the awareness of this horror, and thanks also for the suggestions to get teens involved.