5 Steps to Help You Live in the Present
Today, I am so excited to be giving away a new book, Worth of a Miracle, by Linda Kuhar.
Linda survived Stage 3 cancer and a coma resulting from a compromised immune system during
cancer treatment in 2009. Although doctors predicted she would never walk or breathe again on
her own, she proved them wrong. One year after awakening from her coma, she ran her very first
half marathon with Team In Training for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Here is Linda:
Six years ago at this time I was in a coma on life support, given less than 5% chance of survival. Five months prior, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and throughout my cancer treatment I became very ill and ended up in a coma.
Doctors told my family if they believed in divine intervention, now was the time to ask for it because there was nothing else they could do for me. Family and friends prayed for a miracle and that’s exactly what God gave us, a MIRACLE!
After such a miraculous physically healing in my life, I began to share my story with churches and bible study groups. I even became a Christian Life Coach and life appeared great.
A few years later I became aware that I was looking to others for validation that I was worthy to be alive … Worthy of a Miracle! Every time I would share my story, secretly I’d hope that I could believe I was worthy. It led me to a point in my life where I went head to head with God and basically had a faith crisis. Honestly, I didn’t know anymore what I believed. I wrestled with not feeling “good enough” my entire life and now I had this bright spot light shining on me. The brighter the light shinned, the more I questioned: how in the world was I worthy of a miracle?
In my book Worthy of a Miracle: 5 Simple Truths for Believing and Receiving God’s Love, I wrote an acronym that the Lord placed on my heart in the middle of the night several years ago. I put it in my cell phone and it stayed there for about a year before I ever did anything with it. Then one day when I was really struggling, I pulledthe acronym out and started journaling about how it applied to my relationship with God.
The 5 Simple Truths acronym is JESUS:
* Just Live Today
* Expect Miracles
* Speak Truth
* Use Your Gifts
* Start Now
I want to focus on the J in Just Live Today. Being a mom, it is so important that we live today and live in the present. Because of our hectic schedules and long To-Do-List, we tend to stay focused on the future and not live in the present moment.
Here’s an excerpt from my Just Live Today chapter:
“When I was diagnosed with cancer and was afraid I was going to die, I wanted my time back. I wanted to undo the days I’d let slip through my hands . . . the slow and sweet moments with my husband, and the simple and silly moments with my
daughter. I would sit on my front porch swing with the sinking feeling (the new reality!) that I only had that very hour, that very day. I could not go backward, and I was not guaranteed a future. I just had “today”. Looking back, I am finally aware of what a tremendous gift it was to recognize that all I had was that single moment.” Pg. 177
If we take time to really think about living in the present moment, we are able to stay connected to God. Whenever our brains are scattered and running all over the place, we cannot live in the presence of God. This is one truth that has helped me stay grounded in my worth. When I’m in the presence of God, I am able to hear Him and receive His truth. I am His daughter. I am loved. I am worthy.
I have 5 Just Live Today habits that help me live in the present moment:
1. Deep breathing—taking time to simply breathe.
2. Thanking, praising, and worshiping God continually throughout the day.
3. Slowing down. Not rushing through my day.
4. Being aware of how I’m feeling physically. Is there tension throughout my body?
5. Listening—to myself, to my surroundings, to God.
I pray this post gives you some encouragement to live in the presence of God. It is so challenging being a mom. We adore our children and we give so much of ourselves to everyone. I want to stretch you just a little and encourage you to live in the present moment and in the presence with God and hear his truth. Simply Just Live Today!
I would love to hear from you today. If anything spoke to your heart from this post, please leave a comment below. (Only comments on the website will be entered). Everyone who comments will be entered to win a copy of my book Worthy of a Miracle. Lynn will announce the winner next Wednesday on her Wednesday Wisdom Tip.
About the Author:
LINDA KUHAR is a Board Certified Coach with the Center for Credentialing & Education,
Certified Christian Life Coach with Christian Coach Institute and has led women worldwide
through online Bible studies. Linda speaks to organizations such as the Leukemia & Lymphoma
Society, churches, and women’s ministries throughout the United States. A wife and mother,
Learn more about Linda at http://www.lindakuhar.com
Watch book trailer HERE!
Connect on Facebook Here!
Order your copy of Worthy of a Miracle HERE!
The winner of Hoodwinked from Wednesday’s post is J. Taylor who posted on 11/11 at 11:32 a.m. Taylor, please send me your full name and address to [email protected] and we’ll get it sent right out to you!
Your words, “When I was diagnosed with cancer and was afraid I was going to die, I wanted my time back. I wanted to undo the days I’d let slip through my hands . . . the slow and sweet moments with my husband, and the simple and silly moments with my daughter,” are what hit me the most. I have been feeling as though I have missed so much time with my family. Thank you for the reminder that all we really have is the moment right in front of us.
Leigh it’s a great reminder for me as well to remain intentional with my day. Thanks for commenting!
I’ve been trying to slow down and live in the moment this year. I want to make the most of my time raising my kids. I wish my head and my heart would both remember this daily instead of getting carried away with the rush of life.
I’m with you Jennifer …. remember this daily helps with the busyness of life.
I can’t begin to thank you for this timely post today. I desperately needed the reminder to stop worrying about the future and to live in the now. I love the acronym and will be putting it somewhere visible to remind me of how I need to slow down and enjoy each moment as is comes, knowing we can never go back and have them again. We need to make the most of the now. Thank you!!
I am in a growing stage that is most unpleasant in the natural realm but in the Spiritual realm, I am becoming more like JESUS!. Thank you for sharing Linda’s encouraging story. Thanking God for today, for the “Present” of another day.
Wow! That line where she explains to live right now…past is over. Next hour is not guaranteed. That one hits me so hard. I always think about past and always plan for future. Gosh, I got to start living NOW. Thank you for sharing her story!
I want to learn to live in the present more. I feel many of my days are lived on autopilot. I will seek to be intentional in incorporating the 5 habits to help me to live in the present moment, especially:
2. Thanking, praising, and worshiping God continually throughout the day.
3. Slowing down. Not rushing through my day.
This article was very encouraging to me.
God healed me of breast cancer in 2003.i daily thank Him and try to savor and capture every minute of time
With my family. Every October the pink ribbons remind me more than most days and I’ve realized I’ve had survivor guilt. Feeling thankful but unworthy. Trying to live a life worthy of His grace. Your message spoke to ke in huge ways. Thank you for sharing.
This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
I would love to win this book! As a spouse of someone given a cancer diagnosis, I would love to read this! It does at times feel like a death sentence but to learn to live life in the now and enjoy and give God the glory for each day is a great reminder!
This message came at the perfect time. It encourages me to believe in His strength as I deal with my emotions related to the news of my grandpa who is like a father to me being in the hospital with multiple infections. This message is giving me the steps I need to do instead of worrying. Thank you for posting it. Would love to win this book.
Thanks for the post! I have been working on thanking, praising, and worshiping God continually throughout the day. I take so much for granted and want to be more thankful.
I have to constantly be reminded to SLOW DOWN and be present in the moment…thank you for the reminder yet again! Thank you!
I would love to give a copy of this book to a fellow coworker whose daughter is dealing with nueroblastoma. She was scheduled for bine marrow transplant and found out her tumor was too big and not responding to chemo. They went back to the drawing board. Amelia is eight. I would love to share your book. I am gonna order a copy on Monday when I get paid. It is going to her. However I feel like I could really use a copy as well. You truly spoke to my heart in just a few seconds and I am posting your acronym in my bathroom to see each morning. Bless you. Karen
I constantly rush thru life. I need to learn to slow down and be in the moment. Thank you.
This is such a good truth and one God is continuing to teach me.
I would like to have the book. I am struggling with trying to heal from an accident as well as continuously dealing with sinus infections which is making my brain so scattered that I feel like I am not able to connect with the Lord the way I want to. I would also share this with a friend going through a difficult time. Thanks for all that you do.
I have no terminal diagnosis, no tragic story, no compelling testimony, and yet, I struggle. I’m a wife and a mom, and I’m over-scheduled, unmotivated, frustrated; thankful, peaceful, and joyful at the same time. I live a contradiction. I need to take a breath, but I also need to start again, after that breath.
Amen…we need to remember that we are not alone. We all struggle with the same things. I will keep you in my prayers. God Bless. Karen
As I was reading this I noticed I was slightly rushing to get all done before my day begins. I read the line, BE IN THE PRESENCE of God. I unrushed and let his word surround my mind and heart. So here begins the deep breath starting now. Thank you, God Bless You!
My husband is gone Monday through Friday and I feel like a single parent most of the time. I feel like the days zoom by and I miss having fun and enjoying the kids. I want to slow down, I am just not sure how to do that.
I’m really bad about rushing to get things done instead of stopping to enjoy them.
God’s timing is so powerful… WOW!!!
Thank you for sharing. I am currently taking chemotherapy treatments for stage 4 colon cancer that metastasized to stage 1 ovarian cancer (just finished treatment #10 of 12… Praise God). I have truly been blessed with this trail because it does open your eyes to the more important things in life BUT all of the sudden lately I feel so down and so detached from the Lord. It scares me!!! I have been praying that God would help me to understand why and to lean more on Him every day. After reading this story I realize that I’m not living each day but, thinking about finishing the last two treatments, wondering if this cancer is going to come back. Asking myself, what did I do to cause this cancer? Definitely don’t make the same mistakes again. In all of this “future” worrying I have just been existing and taking away from what God has given me… LIFE!! I am 44 years young and have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children to love and live for. So today is a new day and I have written down the acronym and the 5 habits and plan to use them daily.
I love the Lord with all of my heart but my mind and body are weary so its time to fight just a little harder. I pray for spiritual growth and healing as well as physical healing and I will give all the glory to God. Thanks again!!
I love the Start Now in the acronym. Sometimes I think all the pieces have to be in just the right places to start, so I never start. If there were a poster child for “I’ll do it when…..” I would definitely be a top contender.
That acronym is very good. I often struggle with thoughts that I’m not good enough or don’t measure up. And also the part about being present resonated with me. I’m trying to be more present & engaged with my 3 girls. They grow up so fast & I don’t want to miss it!
Thank you Linda for the beautiful simplicity of this acronym & for the reminder that I am loved ‘just because’ & because of that love I am blessed with deserving a miracle each & every day….I am surrounded by them 😉
Praise & blessings on your ministries Lynn & Linda – I look forward to reading this book!
Thanks for the timely post. I too have learned to live in the moment and want to make memories. My husband died very unexpectedly two years ago so I know what it is like to only have the memories. It is so true that we only have today!! Thanks for reminding! I am trying to build some memories with my 14 year old daughter. Keep up the good work!
This spoke directly to me today, as our family is currently dealing with a health scare, and I feel as though I am the voice of truth that is available to all of us, but since part of my family does not believe, I am torn. When I read your post I specifically relate to the (U)se your gifts, and (S)tart now. I’m certain that my family member facing the reality of this illness would directly relate to (J)ust live today and (E)xpect miracles! If I win I will certainly share this book with my family, and even this post has helped me to see that I can be a light to those that I love who tend to remain in the darkness.
Thank you, and God Bless you! What an awesome testimony!
Just by reading this I’ve taken some great pointers to make each day more focused and peaceful. Can’t wait to read the whole book. Such a great story and a testament to our miracle-working God!
Bless you!
Thank you for this reminder to be living in the present. So often I am there with my children but not truly present. What a relaxing moment it can be to not live in the future!
“whenever our brains are scattered and running all over the place, we are not in the presence of God” I had to stop dead in my tracks on that statement. The very words “brain scattered” and “my mind is just running all over the place” were literally just spoken by me to my husband earlier this evening. And I have been in this state for awhile trying to figure out why I can’t seem to get my mind , and subsequently, my life to slow down and have some type of order to it. If “With God all things are possible”, what then can be said for a chaotic scatter brained life without time for Him?
Thank you for your words and willingness to openly share.