Lost in Translation
I wanted so badly to understand him. The man was trying to communicate with me with what little English he knew. When you added the heavy accent to it, I just couldn’t get what he was trying to tell me.
Do you ever feel that way with the people in your own home? You know what is on your heart, the thoughts that are formulated within your mind, but when you try to communicate it, it just doesn’t come out right. The feelings and sentiments are lost in translation. My son is turning eighteen soon and is obviously gearing up to leave home. I know that this time period is a time for cutting apron strings and letting go, yet surely the Lord doesn’t intend for it to be a time of dissention and miscommunication. I find myself trying to speak calmly, use non-threatening body language and be a good listener, but when it comes to sharing what I feel, I often seem to mess it all up under the tension.
As I laid in my bed, getting ready to start the day, I prayed for my son. I prayed that the Lord would be our translator. As I reflected on the conversation from the night before, I was reminded that the Holy Spirit is my kid’s third parent. Knowing this calms my heart and relieves worry as I ask Him to intervene; requesting that He not only fill me and speak through me, but even more importantly, asking Him to translate to my children the very heart of God. 1 Corinthians 2: 10 – 11 says, “but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” With confidence, I can ask the Lord not only to fill me with His Spirit when I communicate with others, but better yet, ask Him to communicate the thoughts of God to the person I love. The peace that this brings me erases the worry; calms my fears and causes me to rest in the power and wisdom of He who created the one that I love.
You don’t have to have a teenager who is anxious to get on with life to experience this type of Holy Spirit intervention. Maybe it is a spouse who you doesn’t seem to understand you. Maybe it is an employer who you don’t see eye to eye with. Maybe it is your child who needs the Lord to invade his world. Whoever it is, ask the Holy Spirit today to be your translator and to bring the wisdom of the thoughts of God into your relationship and just see what the Lord will do!
Lynn, My oldest daughter (14 y/o) and I just had this type of experience today.
As we were having one of our moments, I pleaded with the Holy Spirit to be my guide in every word and my body language toward this precious child.
He totally answered my prayer as I lovingly asked her Whom the lord of her life is. That settled the conflict and got us back on track.
Thank you for this post!
Rock Hill, SC