My Own Eyes – Seeing Heaven
Some days you wish it would come sooner than others. On the days when the dog runs away…again. On the days when the freezer breaks and spoils all the contents. On the days when your child’s cell phone is stolen and discovered in the toliet in the boy’s bathroom. This has been my week. It is on these days that the comfort from the book of Job is so precious.
“I myself will see Him with my own eyes – I, not another. How my heart yearns within me!” Job 19:27 NIV
Friend, when all else seems to be falling apart, remember…you were not made for this world; we were made for heaven. I’ll paraphrase C.S. Lewis (that’s not a sin is it?) – If nothing else in this world satisfies, maybe you were not made for this world, but for another.
On the days when nothing goes right and on the days when everything goes right, let us remember we were made for heaven. This world is not our home.
Can’t wait for that day!
Have a beautiful weekend!
I have also had one of those weeks–I felt forsaken–Thank you Lynn–made me feel better!! Have a nice weekend and I hope next week is wonderful!!! Barb Wall
Onward Christian soldier. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard what HE has prepared for us.
Thank you for this post. I was having a stressful day and this is something I needed to hear!
The great thing for all of us is that his mercies are new every morning!!!
My week is going to end great. Just landed in DC where I get to share the truth tonight and tomorrow with girls and moms….Jesus is crazy about them.
Have a great weekend – Lynn
Amen! My hope is in heaven. That sure helps me on tough days, weeks, months. Monica
oh my if only you knew how encouraging,affirming,and comforting this was to me at such a time as this at the end of one of Those weeks.Thanks for such a good reminder that is so easy to loose sight of and forget!