Nine Days of Revolutionary Prayer for Our Girls

Dear Bloggy Friends,

I am so excited about our upcoming online study of “His Revolutionary Love”. If you haven’t already, be sure to friend me on FaceBook at Lynn Cowell’s Online Bible Studies and sign up to receive the updates from my blog at Starting June 13th, I will post some nuggets of truth here for the moms and for the teens at on Mondays. Then on Thursdays I will post the same video at each site for you to watch either alone or together.

As we are praying that the Lord will begin a movement of His Revolutionary Love in the lives of our girls, I thought we would go into this time with nine days of revolutionary prayer. Each day from now until the study starts, I will post a numbered prayer that will correspond to the same number chapter in “His Revolutionary Love”.

Today is day one: He Wants Me.

Dear Jesus,

I know my girl wants to feel cherished, loved and valued. Thank you that you fill that wanting.

Please plant deep in her heart that she is your prized possession. (James 1:8, NLT). May your words, Your word of God, open her eyes to see you want to be more than the God she serves, you want to be the God she loves.

Lord, pour the truth into my girl that love from a guy, be it a dad or a boyfriend, can never fill the unconditional and perfect love gap in our hearts. Only you can!

Give her the desire to find your hidden love messages (Proverbs 25:2). May she hunger for your word and truth.

Teach her to see herself the way you see her, Song of Solomon 4:7 “All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you.” May this truth be the truth that she relies on as she experiences rejection in this world; the truth that you want her.” Amen


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