Open Doors
How many times as a Christian do I ask God for something? Daily! Constantly! Lord, help Greg in his work. Keep my kids safe. Help me to love and serve my family. Lately, my prayers have been consistent. I have been taking the asking, seeking and knocking verse quite literally.
One of my dreams is to have opportunities to share with others on a public platform the things that I see God doing everyday – all around me. He has so much for us to see. So much for us to know about Him while we are here. My heart just bursts to share that with others. I also have a dream to publish a book one day. So…these are some of the things I pray about.
Today, I was spending some time with the Lord and I read Acts 16:22 – 24. Paul and Silas are in jail after being flogged, beaten and jailed unjustly. So how do they respond to this awful trial? They start singing and praising! “Suddenly, there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.” verse 26 NKJV
I read that verse and those words were bolded for me – all the doors were opened. Yes, He says I need to ask, seek and knock. Keep that up. But add the praising to it and then all the doors can be opened and even better yet – everyone’s chains will be loosed. Praising not only can open doors of opportunity; it can be the very highway that the Lord uses to bring His incredible freedom into others lives. Now that is something to get excited about!
How about you? Do you have an area of your life where you need the doors opened and the chains loosed? Together, let’s try following Paul and Silas’s example. Today, while I am dusting, vaccuming and cleaning those toilets – may my praise be loud!
I’d love to hear how what doors you need opened or chains loose and ways that you praise Him. Please leave me a comment and I will pray for you and praise with you!