Organizational Whoa
It’s 1:26 a.m. and I can’t sleep. Maybe it was the Diet Mountain Dew at 10:00 p.m…I don’t know. I decided to check out some blogs and ended up at Lysa Terkeurst’s of Proverbs 31 @ Ever since attending “She Speaks” – a speaking/writing conference I enjoy following some of the speaker’s blogs.
The discussion was organization. How did she know that my husband had decided that the last three days of spring break would be spent reorganizing our house (for a phlegmatic like myself that is quite a challenge!) So here it goes…how do you handle linen closets? I just took 4 bags to Goodwill full of sheets, blankets, etc. but still have more than my closet can hold? (I have a really large family that comes to visit, so I need extra stuff like pillows and sheets for pull out beds, etc.) Any advice is welcome! (Good night!)
Can you move the “guest” items someplace else? In a tote under the bed in a guest room, or in the guest room closet? I put those little lifter things under the bed legs in our guest room and I’m amazed at how much i can fit under there!
Another tip I heard once for saving space in a linene closet is to fold all the pieces of a sheet set into one of its pillow cases. Then you can stack the pillow cases and the sheet set stays together. It takes up less space than storing the top sheets, fitted sheets, and pillow cases separately. Just a thought….
: ) Becky