Right On Time

“When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” “Dear woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My time has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants. “Do whatever he tells you. John 2: 3-5 (NIV)

Have you ever felt like life was just a series of waiting? Waiting to find the right man. Waiting to have a new baby. Waiting until the right job came along. Waiting for your child to finally start school. Waiting, waiting, waiting.

What do we do in the waiting? Is it a passive time where we just whittle away hours and days until the thing we hope for comes to pass?

I believe Mary has our answer and it is written for us in I the story of Jesus at the wedding. Knowing He loved to celebrate the good things in this life cheers my heart. Yet, when I read this age old story this time, I saw something new. I saw Mary’s response.

The wedding had run out of wine and Mary knew Jesus could do something about it. So she went to Him and stated the facts, “They have run out of wine.” And He responded, “It’s not the right time.” But look at Mary’s response to those around her: “Do whatever He tells you to do.” Her wise words are ones we can grab hold of and follow in our lives as well.

My husband and I were sitting with the counselor wanting advice on a family matter. We needed some godly wisdom. What he said was something I had never thought of. “You have allowed this situation in your life to cause you to stop living. You are waiting, but you need to move on.” I hadn’t thought of it that way. Waiting in faith is not a passive thing. We do not wait and simply sit idly by until God moves. Like Mary said, while we are waiting, we need to do whatever He tells us to do. Are we growing in our prayer life? Are we investing in the lives of others while we wait for our own “yes”? Are we stretching our faith in other areas so that we can contain the blessing of the Lord when He finally says “yes”?

The outcome in the wedding story was worth the waiting. When Jesus did say “yes”, His “yes” was the very best. In fact the master of the ceremonies declared it to all that were at the reception, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” We can trust that that is exactly what Jesus is up to every time in our lives as well. He may be saying “Not right now” or “Maybe later” or even “No”, but we can rest assured that when He does say “yes” it will be “yes” to the very best!

I’m trying to learn to ask the Lord, “What do you want me to do now?” and then walk in obedience until the wait is over!

What are you waiting for? What are you doing or feel you need to do while you wait?
We would love to hear! Just click on “comments” below.

Are you in a season of waiting? Do you feel like life is at a stand still and you can’t seem to move on until God intervenes? We would love to hear how you deal with waiting!



  1. Sage words here, Lynn. We cannot passively wait and do nothing. We must be about the Father's business.

    For me, I find that worshipping God in the midst of the waiting, the hard times, is what ultimately shifts my focus to Him. Then, even when things don't change (yet) or don't turn out as I hoped, I'm not devastated. I'm SAFE. In His arms.

  2. I think I should have read this about 10 days ago as I was waiting for the birth of our son!! The wait was worth it though and he has arrived!

    Your words also made me think more about my recent post and how sometimes during the pain it's hard to wait when we don't understand. But again in God's timing He reveals what He needs to reveal. And I love your reminder not to be passive while the waiting goes on…that can be a real struggle.

    Blessings to you,

    By the way we're gearing up for the Rise and Shine Retreat here in Iowa!!

  3. Ah…the waiting game. When the wait is long, it's hard sometimes not to give up. Often our hearts turn to negative thoughts and we think delay means denial. Not true. Having faith through the wait, God is growing His character in us.

    Months ago when my life seemed to be nothing but hospital visitation it appeared that my life was on hold. I remember telling someone, my life is not my own. As soon as I spoke those words the Lord spoke to me. He said, "Joy, you're right. Your life is not your own. It's Mine and right now you are exactly where I want you."

    The 'wait' is part of God's plan. Our faith grows as we continue to trust in Him.

    Trust all is well with you and your family,

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