Inside Looking In

Inside Looking In

When have you felt like you were on the outside looking in? Growing up, at times I felt the ache, the wanting to be part of clubs I couldn’t; reserved for just a few. Swim clubs, study groups and cheerleaders were just a few with specific criteria I couldn’t meet. Other “clubs”, not so set…

Creating Your Christ Confidence Journal {FREE DOWNLOAD}

Creating Your Christ Confidence Journal {FREE DOWNLOAD}

  If you are joining me here today from Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today welcome! Let’s continue to connect, ok? It’s easy! Just sign up to get my posts automatically by clicking here. I’d also love to connect with you more on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest too! In my devotion today, 3 Steps to Remind Yourself of God’s Faithfulness, I shared below three steps I take…

It's Up to Me

It's Up to Me

    I pushed send and began to pray. God, I need Your favor. Please help them to like this idea. From there, I began “pray continually” as  the Bible puts it.  Lord, I need your help here. I think this is what You want me to do. I want to do what You want me to do….