Taking the Plunge
If you are joining me here today from my devotion with Proverbs 31 Ministries, welcome! If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, please stop by!
Taking the plunge reminds me of the days when my children were younger and they would spend hours upon hours in the pool. All morning they would beg, “Can we get in now?”. I rushed around the house trying to get one more load of laundry done before we headed out. Once by the pool, the time would fly by and suddenly it was 5:00 and I was herding them out so I could get dinner rolling.
Little children don’t have to be coerced to play in a pool; they want to!
That’s the attitude we need to have when it comes to spending time with Jesus. He said in Matthew 18:3: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Little children are excited about learning and trying new things! When one boy tries a flip, all the other boys will too!
We can be excited about learning and trying new things when it comes to plunging into God’s word. Sometimes, all it takes it changing up the pattern we are set in.
Maybe it’s reading a quick devotion before the day starts. You could try getting up 15 minutes earlier and begin working through a Bible Study.
You might be a gal who always studies God’s word alone. The Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies might just be a great way to help you dive in with others!
Have you ever tried studying God’s word with your children? Reading them a devotion each morning before they head to school has been a great way for me to invest in my girls each day.
Today, I’m giving away two tools for plunging into God’s word. For you, a copy of Tara Furman’s study, “Intimacy with God: Establishing a Vibrant Quiet Time and Prayer Time.” For you to give away to a teen girl you know, I’m giving away a signed copy of “Devotions for a Revolutionary Year: 365 Days of Jesus’ Radical Love for You”. To enter to possibly win, share your favorite tool for plunging into God’s word in the comments section below or at www.LynnCowell.com. If you’re on the go, just say, “I’m in!” I will announce the winner Wednesday on my Wednesday Wisdom Tip!
One of my favorite tools in plunging into God’s word is reading my devotional and singing praise songs.
I’m in! I want to take the plunge, dive deeper and see with my own eyes those beautiful, vibrant and shimmering treasures The Lord has given us to discover. Thank you!
I am in!
I am in!!!
I like doing a study with a small group. Also the Bible app on my phone.
I plunge into God’s Word through devotions, watching sermons on Youtube, and listening to Christian Contemporary music on Pandora. I am also in a bible study, I love the bible app on my ipad, and I love Proverbs 31 Ministries…very motivating and inpirational!
“I’m in!”
I am in!!!!! Love doing devotions!
I enjoying singing but my way into His presence is to remind myself of His Word. It challenges me to face the lies floating around in my head and denounce them with the power of His Word.
I’m in! I have been a christian all of my life, but in the past couple of years have had the desire to dive deeper into the word to gain a true relationship with Christ. (I’m still working at it!) I love to start my day with “Coffee with God”. A couple of friends & I read Proverbs 31 daily devotions & we chat about what spoke to our hearts. I participate in group studies and grow learning from other sisters whether their more mature in the faith, or new babies in Christ! I love listening to worship music. But sometimes I feel like I’m floundering, or reading to check the box & not grasping any message…I hunger & thirst for more of Christ!
I have always enjoyed reading God’s word and desire that same passion in my three daughters. I am in:-)
“I’m in”!
Tearfully, I pray for just such wisdom as to how to dig deeper!
I know how to follow along in a bible study guide, to read a book based on scripture and even to just read a passage of scripture off a daily devotional.
But I want to know how to truly STUDY! How to research and dig deep on my own.
This post was meant just for me, just where I am today! God is so good!!
I’m in! ❤❤❤❤ I love reading devotions and books about God’s Word! I agree with Lisa!
I want to learn how to study God’s Word! I want to do be able to tune out all that is going on around me to hear God speaking to me.
What Lisa said in the beginning holds true for me. I have done some studies. But wish to learn in depth study on my own! And get my daughters involved and taught. I carry my basket with my journal, bible, books I am reading, prayer list with me to my quiet place. Sometimes I take music. You are an inspiration!!
I’m in!
I’m in 🙂
My favorite tools are words from Proverbs 31 and all of the beautiful blessings that come to my email.
I’m in! I thank God for the wonderful work that He done through Proverb 31! May Our Lord richly bless the team!
I’m in!
My favorite tool is to read a chapter in Proverbs daily.
Favorite Tool(s):
Proverbs 31 daily devotion
You Version Bible Studies
Group Study
I have to be at my job very early in the morning but I can’t start my day without reading two daily devotional emails: Proverbs 31 and Blueprint For Life. The words I read set my heart on the right path for the day and give me something to think about. I long to dive deeper in His word for myself and also spend time in His word with my two children, but I have not found a consistent time for that.
My favorite tool is my iPad. I switch back and forth between my bible app, google and the notepad!
Im in!! Im just now learning how to “dive in” the word and i started by reading a Proverbs scripture daily!
I don’t really have a tool and need to find something that will help me get deeper into God’s Word; there’s so much that I don’t understand.
I am in! I love to sit and read the Word! I love the Proverbs 31 devotions! I try to sit and just read chapters but do get lost in what I am reading. I am not the best when it comes to actual study.
Some of my favorite tools are P31 Online Bible Studies and my womens small group Bible study at church. This week I have challenged myself to take a daily walk with Christ- literally. You’ll see me walking around my yard, up the driveway, on a little hike by the creek & river through the woods talking with Jesus!
I am in! I love the proverbs 31 daily emails!
I’m in!
I love the concordance on my ESV Bible.
I have a verse of the day on my Bible app. I start there and then read the whole chapter. If I don’t understand something, I switch to another version. I also enjoy Proverbs 31 devotions.
I am in, I’m in, I AM IN!!!
I’m in! My favorite tool is the house to myself with Peace and quiet so I am not distracted! Then it’s just me and God and His Word! 🙂
I’m in! I know I need to spend more quiet time in bible study and prayer, and the devotions from Proverbs 31 Ministries have been a great start. I am now in the habit of getting up 30 minutes earlier. It is now my favorite time of the day! Thank you Proverbs 31 Ministries!
I’m in…so want to be in God’s word!
My husband and I do a daily devotional with our kids and sometimes my kids want to do it….this is a daily tradition. I use Prov 31 for my personal devotion as well as Bible study groups but I know I could go deeper.
I’m in!
I’m in !!! 🙂
I’m in!
I love to write in my journal after reading Gods word. For each one of my children i have a journal . I share with then Gods love any scripture that may pertain to the topic i am writing to them about. Hopefully, they will carry on the journaling with their own children. Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us.
I AM IN!!!
I’m in
I am in! I struggle with finding the time to really dig into His Word. So often, I feel that my devotions are inadequate. Help! I am anxious to see what tools get suggested today…
I need some new ideas and/or tools for studying God’s Word. I love the idea of doing it with my kids. How encouraging for all of us!!
I am in.
Jesus calling, Today in the Word (online) from Moody, and my Proverbs 31 emails!! Great way to start the day. I am being lead though to read the Bible but just don’t know how to start and understand it all. I usually just read the “snippets” as you described, Lynn. The little passages in Jesus Calling or TITW. Would love to learn how to dive in more fully. Thank you!
I’m in! 🙂 🙂 🙂
The daily emails of inspiration from Proverbs 31.
I do best when particpating in a bible study that has assigned scriptures to read each day and answer questions about. I’m not in one now so I’m reading Jesus Calling and reading the scriptures it references each day.
I love to do different things. Read thru the bible, read devo books, read proverbs 31, etc. I do love my highlighter!
I’m in…I like my Life Application Bible with it’s study notes.
I cherish my early morning quiet time with God…before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. I use a one year Bible Reading Plan. It amazes me how each day’s verses are exactly what I need for that day. 🙂
“For such a time as this” Lynn, God is always on time. I have been praying for some time to be able to really understand the words I read each day. At this time, I have been reading Bible study plans but I still hunger for more. Your devotional today opened my eyes to see that “I” need to use that hunger to plunge further into understanding the scriptures too as you did. Thank you for sharing…..it was for me.
Jesus is so good. Perfect and on time every time!
I am definitely in!!!
I use The Upper Room daily devotional and the Proverbs 31 devotional. I love these tools but want to dig in even deeper into The Word! I’m in!
I set my alarm for 15 minutes early every morning and check my emails for updates from Prov. 31 and my verse of the day emails. I also have started an on line journal where I write my prayers and thoughts and reflect on them when I think God is speaking to me.
I’m in…When my girls were in grade school we read a daily devotion together every day. Now that they are in high school we struggle to find the time to do a devotional together. Sadly I am a new single mom and would love a devotional that we could do together that is relevant to them now. I know how much the Proverbs 31 devotionals mean to me.
Don’t give up, Carol! My daughters are in high school and I still have them come down to breakfast 10 minutes before they leave for school so I can read to them while they eat. It is not perfect nor do I believe it is all they need to fill their empty hearts. But God’s word DOES NOT RETURN VOID. I am counting on His promise!
I am way in….thanks for the opportunity.
I’m in and I need o learn how to swim. I don’t want to drown and I feel like I am loosing my breath.
Dear Eileen,
I am responding as I am crying this morning. My heart broken. It is at times like this that God’s word is more powerful than ever before.
I am a list of verses I am working through that remind me of who God is and who I am because of it. Could I share it with you? If so, just email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to send those to you!
I’m in!
I’m in!
I’m in! I am so encouraged every day by the Proverbs 31 daily devotionals.
With all my heart I want to learn how to dive into the Word. I have a craving deep inside my soul to read the word, I just don’t know how to begin so when I read my devotional email I knew God was speaking to me, thank you Jesus. I welcome any advice/opinions/ thoughts.
SJ, the best place to start is by reading the book of John. It is the 4th book in the New Testament, the second half of the Bible. This book is about Jesus’ time here on earth. As you read, write down in a journal/notebook the answers to some of these questions: “Who is Jesus talking to? What is He saying? What does He want to do in me?” Before you read, ask the Holy Spirit, who lives inside of you, to be your teacher. Sometimes it takes awhile to learn to hear His voice in the middle of this crazy busy world, but be assured, He wants to talk to you!
I’m in!
I’m in. I love to read the Proverbs 31 devotions and my Jesus Calling devotional; however, I don’t want to just go through the motions, I want to go deep and have a vibrant relationship with The Lord.
I’m in!
I love the readings from Proverbs 31. I know I should “dig deeper” but like so many others It is hard to find the time. I know this devotion was for me because I have been convicted lately about getting into the Word. Last Sunday my preacher’s message was “One Hour with God”. I guess I don’t really know where to start. I need a good devotion book to lead me into the scriptures!!
Chasity, when I am at a loss for where to read, I begin by reading the Proverbs and the Psalm for the date that it is. So today, you would read Psalm 8 and Proverbs 8. It’s a great thing as there are 31 Proverbs!
my favorite tools in plunging into God’s word is singing praise songs It set the mood for prayer.
I too like different ways of studying God’s Word but need a structured study to help me stay on track and keep me accountable. I also like my Bible Gateway app!!
I’m in! And I want my tween to be ‘in’ too!
I want to dig deeper. I’ve been looking for a guide to teach me how. I can’t wait to start!
I’ve really enjoyed the great emails i get from Proverbs 31. Lots of timely encouragement!
Really would be cool to do the mom/daughter study together with my girl.
Realizing that I had become self-removed from God has caused me to dig deeper in the Word. There were areas where I thought I was lined up, only to discover that I wasn’t. That has drawn me closer to the Father. I have been a recipient of Prov 31 devotional for a year, but have just fully realize the Blessings it contains.
I’m so glad God is using Proverbs 31 Cassandra!
I have taken Precepts and am in Bible Study Fellowship. I agree with you that to study the word of God on my own is awesome. I read the Scripture first, trusting that God will reveal His truth to me and then I read commentaries just to get other input. I respect what John Piper has to say about Scripture.
I love taking a moment to read through my daily devotional and reflecting on what God has done in my life and through my life.
I’m in!
As of this moment my favorite tools for an Awesome quiet time are God’s Word, music, and my Jesus Calling Devotional. Always the music and Bible !!! Oh can’t forget my ears! Listening to God this one I am learning!!
I have devotion time in the mornings when I get up, before my day begins and distractions hit. 🙂
I’m in!!!
I’m in. Today devotion was for me. I’ve wanting to study God’s word but I only seen to get in a quick devotion.
I’m in! Sound interesting.
I am FINALLY reading through the Bible this year using the “Everyday With Jesus” One-Year Reading Bible and I am loving it! I have started out strong so many times but I always give up after a few months into the new year. God’s word has become alive to me and I am learning so much. Thank you for you very “on time” devotion today.
I’m in! I have three girls who I would love to study with on a more consistent basis.
I’m in-I’m a youth group leader of some amazing young girls, and was actually just looking for a study to do with them! I found your info from Proverbs 31 daily devo! Would love to win this!
Ronda, THANK YOU SO MUCH for investing in young girls! They need us, the body of Christ, to teach them who Jesus says they are! You are an answer to my prayers!!
I have a daily devotional I do, and I also subscribe to P31 and a bunch of blogs from the women from P31
I’m in!!
I read a daily bible plan with the Holy Bible App & I LOVE anything related to the Proverbs 31 Ministries!!
Thank you so much for your encouragement, Carol!
Audio devotional/topic books in the car are a great way for me to go deeper in God’s word even while on the go. Listening to KLove is also a wonderful way for me to sing and reflect on God’s promises found in His word.
I’m in!
I start my day with P31 devotions and several of the P31 bloggers. They always say exactly what I need to hear!
FaithLife Bible app is my favorite tool. It goes with me everywhere. I do miss having my hands on the familiar pages of my study Bible though.
I’m with you, Bev! I love the convenience of the Bible app, but just have to touch the pages for myself!
I needed this word this morning! I want to make time to dig deeper, not just for myself but as a family.
This summer I’ve been doing a study at my church, it keeps me accountable for doing my quiet time with The Lord. 🙂
Just signed up for Proverbs 31 online study that starts July 28th, can’t wait to dig deeper. 🙂
I’m in! I find I go through “cycles” of feeling really connected and then not so much. Right now I’m in the not so much and feel as if anything I do to get in God’s Word is just unproductive and disappointing…on my end. Learning HOW to study God’s Word would be amazing!
Hi Heidi, there are some great authors out there that teach the “how-to’s” such as Beth Moore and Kay Arthur. My Hebrew/Greek study Bible is my favorite tool for digging in on my own!
I do best with a study guide, but would love to be able to dive in on my own more. Thanks for the encouragement!
I’m in! 🙂
The You Version Bible App- It’s free—you can sign up for a verse of the day, different reading plans (can be parts of bible, devotionals, youth focused, family focused, or various topic focused.) You can sign up to receive reminders for your personal reading plan each day…. LOVE IT! A great tool to get into His word anywhere/ anytime!
I have the teens in my small group download this onto their phones!
I am in! I need to make this a priority as the busyness of mom and life consume me!
I use Proverbs 31 Ministries and Unveiled Wife devotions every morning but am looking for a Bible study to do!
Stephanie, the one I am giving away today is terrific! “Intimacy with God” by Tara Furman.
I’m in. As a mom of 4 young boys, I struggle with time and how to dig deeper.
Kristen, I know life with busy children is so hard! When my kids were smaller, they all had to have quiet time in their room in the afternoon. Not for their sake, but for mine!! My kids still laugh about it. A great place to start is with a Bible study you can do on your own or one you can do online with a group like the Proverbs 31 online study right now of Lysa TerKeurst’s book “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God”.
My favorite daily devotional is called Today in the Word offered by Moody Bible Institute/Moody Press
To read each day’s devotional or to request to have a printed copy sent to your home.
I’m all in!
I’m reading this in bed, under the covers, in case somebody wakes up. I definitely need to learn to carve out peaceful study time.
Maya, I do some of my very best praying as soon as I wake up, still in my bed! Sometimes, we have to do what we have to do! So glad you found a way to pour into your heart!
I love doing bible studies by myself or with others. Also love love love worship.. Chis thomlin, mercy me, William McDowell , worship helps set the mood for the day.. Being consistent is the hard part though..
It is hard, Mimi. I have found that the more consistent I am, the more it becomes a part of who I am. Then, when I miss my time with God, it just feels wrong. It miss Him…and I know He misses me too!
I’m in.
I’m in!
I have done many Bible Studies and devotionals but need to learn how to really dig in to God’s Word on my own!
Thank you! I’m In!
Oh how I need Jesus as I walk through the valley each day. God is beside me and I trust He will bring me out in His timing. I know I need to dig deeper and I am encouraged by the words God caused you to write-encouraged to get into the Word!
One thing(tool) I find has helped me in the past is a journal. Any thoughts I have during devo time and/or writing down my prayers helps me stay focused. One other thing I’ve used a journal for is to write down things I am praying for & if I know the time period I started praying I include that with the request. As God starts to answer the prayer I record the date and the answer-that is a good reminder that God is faithful. Thanks for a chance to win some delightful,helpful resources. Blessings~
I’m in 🙂
One of my favorite tools is an online resource where you can look up the original Greek or Hebrew word and see alternate meanings for it.
I’m in 🙂
I’m in! And looking forward to spending quality time in the Bible & learning to listen to God’s plans for me & my family. I want to share this with my sister who is struggling & searching for answers of her own.
I’m in! Ive been working through a bible study and prayer book by Lisa Whelchel that i’m enjoying and i Just started reading Proverbs 31 devotionals. I’m doing little things now like GoTandums text message and phone calls. It gives me little reminders throughout my day, but I would love some tools to help me go deeper! Also, as a mom of two teen girls and a youth leader of teens at our church I’m always looking for tools to help them walk closer to God!
I’m in! My favorite way to study God’s Word is to listen to the 1-year Daily Audio Bible (dailyaudiobible.com) and journal on scriptures or thoughts that jump out at me.
I’m in! I am a retired church secretary who is now caregiver to my 95 yr old father – in our home. I want/need to dig deeper into God’s Word like, since being on computer seems to be easiest way to read the Bible and have few quiet moments, while still being able to keep an eye on my father/patient.
Thank you for such a well prepared site concentrating on our future investment in our daughters and granddaughters. I pray for what our Lord is showing us as you give and inspire us each day through Him.
My favorite tool for diving into God’s Word is actually my iPhone. I’d’ve being able to look up a verse in a different version or translation on my You Version Bible app. I also like to use my thesaurus or dictionary app to understand a word better or see it differently.
I’m in!
I’m in!
I have been praying for a deeper connection with God and have started within the last week to make time for devotions (online) and praying on a regular basis. I am excited about what God has in store for me! thank you for the chance to win a resource to help me in my journey.
Well, God spoke through your Title just now…you see, my husband and I received a phone call about an hour ago from our 16 year old son, who is traveling in Europe with other high school students. He was upset because he jumped in a pool (Took a plunge!) forgetting he had his cell phone with all his pictures in his pocket! We did our best to console him reminding him that the most important thing was that he was safe. God knew that I needed encouragement after that phone call because I am a worrier. When I read your title “Taking the Plunge”, I chuckled knowing that God was speaking to me giving me peace about a situation I could not control. I read your devotion with much interest as I so desire to dig deeper into God’s Word, but I struggle with discipline and concentration. When I read your words, “As we explore different verses, their original Greek and Hebrew meanings, the culture the text was written in, and how verses tie in together, it’s like coming upon a gold mine.”, I thought…THAT IS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW HOW TO DO! So any suggestions would be welcomed! Thank you and all the ladies of Proverbs 31 Ministries for answering God’s call to share His Word. May God bless you as you have blessed so many. I so enjoyed meeting Lysa when she came to speak to The Kenya Project. Enjoy today.
Hi Ashley,
When you get the Hebrew/Greek study Bible, many of the words have a number next to them when you are reading. You simply look up that number in the back of your Bible and it will tell you the meaning of the original language. It is so interesting!
I’m in!! I love to wake up and read the daily devotions from proverbs 31 ministries. I get discouraged when i try to study God’s word because it’s difficult for me to understand it i want tools to help me better understand His Word and will help me grow closer to Him.
Hi! I am in!
My favorite and most effective way to dig into the word is via Bible Study Fellowship. I encourage anyone who has not been involved to find out if there is a group you can join near you. It is an international ministry and besides being an incredible non denominational Bible study they have an outstanding children’s program!
One of the tools that helped me learn how to dig deeper was a book called The Girlfriend’s Guide to Bible Study. I learned that just a devo in the morning or a book study with friends wasn’t going to take me deeper. I had to take the plunge. I did and was so rewarded. However, lately I’ve let my busy life interfere with my deeper Bible study and extended time alone with my Father. I appreciated the suggestions for how I can take the plunge again!
I’m in!!
I love to pick a topic and find all the verses about the topic. Right now, I’m studying all the ways God loves me and how I should find my completeness in Him and not a man, kids, career, etc.
Thanks for the chance to enter. My daughter’s father converted to Islam, and I think you’re devotional would be perfect as I try to keep leading her to follow God AND Jesus.
I did that same thing a year ago. You can go to Bible Gateway.com and type in a word. The word I chose was “trust”. I then printed all those verses out and studied them. It was a great way to study God’s word!
🙂 Thanks Lynn!
I’m in! Last night I was praying with God about a health concern and need. His soft gentle voice told me that I needed to be in his Word daily. This morning, your devotional came and led me to your site. His timing is perfect. As I type this, I am reminded that his healing will also come in His time. I give thanks to Him in all things!
I’m in!!
I start our each day reading my devotional and Encouragement fpr Today.
I’m in!
such a blessing that I was prompted to go to Proverbs 31’s daily devotions this morning, after a long time of being away. digging deeper was exactly what I needed to read about today. thank you so much!
Welcome back, Tami! Can I suggest that you go to http://www.Proverbs31.org and sign up to get the daily devotions right to your email box!
I’am in !
i start out each morning by praying and giving thanks to God!
I start our each morning by praying
i start out each morning by praying
I so need to plunge in deeper. I need a guide to show me how to do this better. Hopefully,I can bring a grandaughter in with me to help heal a craven between us.
I have different devotionals I read everyday and I am usually doing a Bible study of some type. But I am always looking for new ways to get into Gods Word.
Reading Proverbs 31 Ministries devotionals encourage me to dig deeper. They spark my interest and curiosity in a particular subject and then I research it further in God’s word. I also sing his praises in churches, and before doing so, I seek wisdom from God’s word to share before each song. Finally, wanting to be a better mother and wife drives me to dive deeper into God’s word so that I may be the example He wants me to be.
I read Jesus Calling, I listen to Music and I just talk to God in the Morning before I get out of bed, But I am always looking for more more ways to get closed to my Savior
I’m in! I want to know more, I NEED to dig deeper! Please help me learn how…!
I’m in S.C. visiting my gbaby! Tomorrow is my birthday. Sure would be great to win the signed devotional Bible! 🙂
Thank you & God bless you!
I’m in!!!
I’m in! First time visiting your site. Thanks for your P31 devotion today.
I have twin 14-year-old daughters, so I’m definately in! We do daily devotions with them in the evening.
I’m in!
I’m in.
I love reading the Proverbs 31 devotionals. It is amazing the way God speaks to me through these women!
I have longed to dig deepe into God’s word for quite some time. I had never read the whole Bible and that was a goal I really wanted/needed to accomplish. I signed up for the Bible Gateway Daily Reading Plan 3 or 4 years ago. Something seemed to always get in the way of me following the plan every day. I would miss a few days and try to catch up but I’d only get farther behind. I’d end up skipping chapters (and books) and I’d give up. At the end of 2011 I prayed to God and asked him to give me a mind that was stayed on Him so I could get to know Him better. So in 2012, every morning when I was laying in bed and I grabbed my phone to check me emails or texts He would tell me to “Check me out first.” So before I read anyting else, I read God’s Word. It was a life changing experience and I read the whole Bible and formed a new relationship with God in 2012. When 2012 ended I was happy for my accomplishment but sad that my rea5ing plan was ending, so I started over! I’m half way through the Bible again and God’s words are as new and powerful as the first time! So my advice is to always- Check God Out First!
I’m in. This is exactly what God has been speaking to my heart (to spend more time with him) and I would love to share the teen book with my daughter. It has been some time since she has been in regular biblestudy so this might help jumpstart her devotions again. Have a blessed day!!! Thanks.
I’m still wading in…to get started I’ve been doing an online study with some mostly local women – we’re in the final weeks of a Proverbs 31 Study. I also enjoy the Proverbs31.org daily devotionals. For my daughter, we are reading God’s Little Princess Devotional Bible: Bible Stories.
I’m in!
My favorite tool for getting into God’s Word my Jesus Calling devition. I also like reading in my NKJV study Bible and digging into scripture with the study commentary at the bottom of the pages and with prayer. When I was pregnant I had a lot of free time to be with God in His Word and prayer. I’ve never been so close to God. Singing to Him is my favorite way of worshipping Him and I sang all the time during my pregnancy. I just had my baby 3 1/2 weeks ago and now all my attention goes to caring for my newborn and breastfeeding, and still taking care of three older without girls, being a housewife and cook. Now my time with God has been cut short and I desperately yearn for that closeness I had before. I had to give up ministry with youth and children, volunteering at the pregnancy center. I’m looking for new ways of having time with God and getting His word daily. For now I’m lucky if I can read in my jesus calling devotional without getting interrupted by crying baby. Any ideas?
I’m in!!
Hi, I enjoy what I have read and can use the extra “help”- thanks
Oh, I forgot to say “I’m in”! Sorry about any typos or misspelled words, holding baby in one hand and typing with the other.
Praying through Scripture and praising God in all circumstances. Is my way in life. Any tool be it book radio sermon care groups only brings you that much closer to knowing Jesus. And isn’t that the goal to which we’ve been called. Blessings from Tonia
I love books to use as tools to pray the Scriptures. It is great when you are busy. And praying God’s word back to him are the best prayers.
I already got my daughter your devotional. But there is a girl at church that I would like to give it to if I win.
I have also been reading a Psalm and Proverb a day. They are so rich I find myself wanting to go deeper.
Also a friend of mine has been praying for her children to have a hunger and a thrist for God’s Word.
Proverbs 31 Ministries is my main tool but I need to go deeper and today’s devotion really spoke loud and clear to me. I’m excited to finally commit and get started!
in our church we also have home fellowships, where one night during a week we get together to discuss further and deeper the teaching from the previous Sunday service. I find it very helpful and also keeps me in track usually for not slacking off, since we are a group of friends who do it together.
I also like listening to teachings on youtube…there are plenty these days, including those of world famous preachers….I like going thru topical studies that they offer…
I’m in!
I’m in!
I’m just restarting my walk with God if you will and this time I’m trying new things and doing it different because I want this faith walk to last and count this time …I am in and open to the new experience.
I’m in, I so want to dig deeper into God’s word but I just don’t know how! Thanks for sharing.
I’m In, I need a good study tool because I am on a quest for God and need to go deeper.
I’m In!
I’m in and I usually listen to Gospel music and read my daily devotions. (In Touch, Proverbs 31, Encouragement for today, and Girlfriends for God.
I want to dive deeper into the word esp. when I don’t understand.
I’m in! Your words ring so true. It took me a while to see what many Christians are never blessed to get. Devotionals are fabulous. But NOTHING compares to God speaking directly to ME through His word!! I have had some amazing opportunities with my kids through the years but find as they grow older- daughter 16 & son 12 – it’s much harder.
As a single mother of 3, I always feel short on time, money and energy. However, I felt God tugging on my heart for more from me. I had to get intentional with carving out quiet time with the Lover of my soul. I set my alarm 30 minutes earlier in the morning to nurture my relationship with Jesus. Communicating with God first thing, gives Him precedence in my day and sets the tone for my day. Do surprises arise and threaten my joy and peace? Definitely! But because I know whose I am, my anchor is strong and steady! Being intentional with my Jesus time, makes me stretch and grow by learning more about the One who loves me with an everlasting love! (Jer 31:3) And ladies, who doesn’t want to foster such a relationship? We desire for a man to love us naturally in this way, but let’s trust God who loves us supernaturally to be who He is in every facet of our life. (Jer 17:5-7; Prov 3:5-6) He will give you the desires of your heart! (Psalm 37:3-6) Be encouraged to get intentional ladies!
I’m In!!!!
I’m in!!
I’m in! Right now, I am reading Tara’s “Created for Purpose” as well as Stormie Omartian’s “The Power of a Praying Wife.” I read various blogs through Proverbs 31 and other resources. I use my YouVersion app and Bible Gateway to follow plans on the go and look up scriptures. I have tons of favorite resources, but would love to win this one to help me learn to be consistent and to be able to dig deeper in my quiet time. I want to be a living example for my six year old daughter. She just got her “big girl” Bible a couple of weeks ago and we have been reading each night. Her prayers are growing and she is asking so many questions. I want to continue to grow in my faith and my relationship with Christ so that I can be the best influence possible for her, and to be able to fully answer her questions.
I’m in!
My shift at work changes a lot. I may be working 1am in the morning or 8pm in the evening. I have a special email account on my computer and have set up several different Christian places that email me daily. Yours is one of them. I get up and after praying go to my computer. I have my daily bible readings, scriptures for the day, and very interesting views and ideas for several people. I find it very interesting to get so many different ideas and thoughts.
I still love to read my bible daily, nothing can take the place of that, but it is fun to use the computer for important things like my walk with GOD.
Love you
Nancy Hughes
I’m in!
I’m in!!
I’m in!
I’m in!
I’m in!
I love doing Beth Moore Bible studies with a group of ladies from church and in between the studies I usually read through Psalm.
I’m In …
I’m in!
Each morning I read the Proverbs 31 daily devotional, the daily devotional in Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, and read the corresponding scriptures that are in both. Throughout the day, I recieve emails about new posts from the P31 bloggers and participate in the P31 OBSs. Which I can’t wait for the next one at the end of the month! 🙂
Just got in His Revolutionary Love to read with my daughter!! I read thru a portion every night and she will read it at her own pace and then we discuss what she gathered and how it relates to her life. I also have to start my day a little early with Me/Jesus quiet time before I have to head to work. Gotta have my day start right!
Melaine, I am so excited that you are going through “His Revolutionary Love” with your girl! Be sure to get the free leadership guide on my website and other free stuff to. Just click on “freebies” at http://www.LynnCowell.com.
Also, did you know there is a daily devotional to go with it? “Devotions for a Revolutionary Year”. As my girl Madi says, “His Revolutionary Love” pours in the truth; “Devotions for a Revolutionary Year” drips it in each day 🙂
As my kids have gotten older, our regular devotions have becomeo more and more sparse to nothing 🙂 Am struggling wtih rearranging our lives with teenagers in the house and making necessary adjustments in parenting and living. One of my tools is scripture memorization – and I have my kids ‘spot’ me —- they read while I recite – so as they are checking me, they are also getting it. 🙂 Would so appreciate a chance for your resources, and thanks for your ministry!
My favorite tools to digging deeper into God’s word is to read a particular verse or passage of scriptures in 3 to 4 different versions of the Bible and look up words in a Bible dictionary. I am in!
I’m in!! Thank you for the reminder that I need to stay in God’s word through the summer. As a homeschool mom, I find it so easy to get out of my regular routine during the summer so I can get projects done that I don’t have time during the school year. It is easier to wake up and get busy forgoing my time with God each day. I just needed a reminder that summer shouldn’t change my schedule with God!
With three girls under the age of 6, time is limited so I’m up early! I try to read any and everything I can before the little feet hit the floor!
I’m in!!!!!
i’m in!!!
I’m in!!
My favorite tool is my smart devices I can plug into worship and my bible with my daughter anywhere!!
My plunging in tool of the moment is Tara’s new bible study Created for Purpose and of course my all day accessible You version bible app! This tool helps me throughout the day when I have downtime I able to immerse myself in God’s love sometimes when I need it the most!!
-Deanna is IN!
I’m in!!!! I want to help lead my children by example. The more they see me in the Word, the more I pray they will want to do the same.
I’m in! I love participating in bible studies with other ladies, gives me encouragement and I love the community.
I’m In!
I’m in!
Spending 6 months reading one “large” book of the Bible, over & over & over or taking several shorter books for a 6 month period – each time through, God has something “jump out” at me.
I love my devotionals from Proverb 31 each morning and read some each evening. I would love to get deeper in the word and be able to understand all it has to offer. I just don’t understand alot of what I am reading.
I’m in!! I’ve been doing online bible studies through various means/sites. They’re awesome for filling in blanks and expanding my thinking. Always along Godly tracks, too, which I have to be honest was a concern for me at the beginning. So glad I took the plunge!
I’m in!
Right now I am reading Max Lucado’s email devotionals.
I’m In!!
I’m in! During the school year I study with the local Community Bible Study. I LOVE those women! Then, in the summer I dig deeper into learning Hebrew language and reading books of the bible I feel drawn to. This summer it’s Hosea. I will read a section and see which verses pop out at me. From those I will choose words that seem important. I’ll do word studies on each of these, record them in my journal,and also see where else they are used in Scripture. I tend to linger and meditate on those words before moving to the next chapter. Amazing how many times the section I just read or the other verses are mentioned on the radio, podcasts and in other books I pick up. My friend, Sherri, calls this, “mentionitis.” It’s as though He wants me to know that these are from Him. Most of the time I am in awe at how beautiful, powerful and relevant God’s Word is to each day’s situation. I am in awe that the God of the universe loves to spend time with me! How blessed are we to have His Word available!!!
My favorite tools are my small group girls! I love the sharing, the growing and holding each other accountable. Blessed.
I’m in!!!!
My Ladies Bible Study group often does Beth Moore studies and that’s what really taught me to dive in and study my bible. Unfortunately when we’re on break – as now for the summer – I’m guilty of just reading a quick daily devotional and going on with other things.
On another note – I would love to win the devotional for my daughter who’s in college now. She recently lost a dear friend to an accidential gun shot. Instead of turning more to God to help her through it’s like she has shut him out. It breaks my heart. I know the friend would be upset with her too because he had recently became saved and was a fine young man. Please keep her in your prayers.
Thanks for your faithfulness and May God continue to bless and use you.
Jesus, you see the hurt and broken heart of Helen’s daughter. Please soften her heart and give her the courage to turn to You for healing from her pain. Amen
I’m in!!
I have an Expositor’s Study Bible which helps me immensely. It’s done by Jimmy Swaggart and it has explanatory notes under most verses. I also take notes and cross reference verses as well as use the Strong’s Concordance. I read to my granddaughter (age 9) and this helps her fall asleep at night. Nothing like the Word of God to ease off into sleep, still fresh in her mind and her memory. I am in the running and pray that I win because it has been my charge to raise her. I’ve had her since she was born. Her mother (my daughter) is still trying to get her own life straight and she just met her father for the first time last weekend. Please keep my family in your prayers! Thanks and God bless your wonderful ministry!
Carol & Destini
County me in~~
OOPS! Count me in~~
I’m in!
I am not a morning person, so I usually read during the day or end my days with a devotional. I love proverbs 31-i forward them on to my family
I meet with 2 of my dear friends weekly for bible study and fellowship. I’m in! Thank you!
I’m IN!!
I’m all in!
I’m in! 🙂
I’m in!
Well, as a school teacher this summer has been a great opportunity for studies that I don’t usually get to do with school…
I am doing gods at war with a small group.
This week we start a women’s study on the fruits of the spirit at church for 4 weeks.
And individually I am reading thru 66 Love Letters by Larry Crabb.
Wow. I’m in.
I am usually up early & can read devotional emails, but I find that I let other things get in the way. My hubby and I used to be active in our church, but between moving and his horrendous work schedule, we are not able to attend morning OR evening services. Recently something happened at work which was a big ol’ flashing sign to get back into God’s word daily… Deeper than just the email devos. Plus I need to be better in tune with The Lord to know what His will/direction will be for my husband and I as we deal with decisions regarding aging parents (early retirement? relocation?), unbelieving family members (my parents, sister, niece & 2 of his sons) and as we mentor/pray for his youngest son (& fiancée) to seek & follow the path God has for them.
Jesus, we ask for your will and your wisdom for Elsie and her family. Amen
I’m in:)
Reading the Psalms gives me comfort and encouragement to forge forward.
To make myself accountable, I challenged myself to dig into my personal devotions until I found something that was speaking to me then post it. It has been such a joy to learn … and to share. I also just finished a project of making a book of scriptures (one for every year of my dad’s life) as a gift for him. I was so blessed during this project and kept finding such great verses. I’m now making an index card version for my kids! Just like today’s verse: “I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great treasure.” Psalm 119:162, I just feel like I have unearthed a great treasure!
I have absolutely loved the “Jesus Calling” devotional book. It was perfect for me to pick up and start when a crisis occurred in our family, which is still going on. When I read the devotional and the scriptures that go with each day, it’s like Jesus is actually right there talking to me and giving me guidance. Through the words in each day’s devotional, I have been able to see that I just need to give this crisis completely to God, and when I did, I had total peace. I have been able to rest in God’s arms and have been more able to help the members of our family who was right in the middle of the crisis. Please pray for my son and daughter-in-law and their 7 children as they work through this crisis. The book, “Jesus Calling” was written by Sarah Young.
Jesus, you see our broken families. We are desperate for You to do what only you can do. If we could fix it, we would Jesus. But so often, the best we can do is pray…and that is a powerful thing! Heal Lord! Amen
P.S. I also live the Proverbs 31 daily devotionals and the daily posts from them on FB. They always speak to me and most times relate to something I am going through or have gone through in my life.
I’m in!
I’m In!
My way is through podcasts usually, and daily emails as often as time permits.
Honestly, I need to jump back in. My quiet time is non-existant currently, but my fall-back has always been to read the Proverb corresponding to the day’s date, ever since doing that in high school every morning in home room devotions. Ironically that teacher is now my mother-in-law.
I love using the Blue Letter Bible app to dive deeper into God’s Word. I look up the Hebrew or Greek words and their meaning, look up the words in Vine’s, and read some commentaries.
I am in!
Routinely I have a Precept study to work through… But balancing that with quiet time and meditation is sometimes a challenge for me … I love digging deep and finding truth treasures!! I have 2 teenaged daughters whom I would love to share this book with!!
I have been using a 1 year Bible, but it is taking over 2 years to finish because I get too “busy” as a new mom, business owner, wife, etc. I love for my daughter to ask me if I can read the bible to her. Having a new baby has thrown me off a little -even though I spend far more time in my recliner than before!
I’m in!
I have a women’s devotional bible and reading the recommended verses along with the devotion really help me get into Gods word.
I am in. I have no excuses. Kids are grown and out of the house, I am not on a strict schedule at work, but still, the evil powers that be, keep me from getting up early enough to devote time to my Lord and Saviour. How selfish is that? I am able to carve out about 10 minutes in the morning to read devotions that I get online, but it feels rushed. I am able, though, to spend quality time in the evening.
One other comment…we have two grown sons, but my niece is entering high school in the fall, so I gave her a few age related books from P31 and the one year devotional along with a journal. I wrote a very long note to her about how journaling has helped me retain more of what I study, as well as look back to see how far I have come in my journey. I also included some stickers and scrap booking type things for her to use on the pages. I wrote out the first page for her with my favorite verse “God fill my heart with a peace that surpasses all understanding and brings me to a closer relationship with you”. I added stickers and descriptions of what God sees when he looks at her.
Obviously, I could go on, but….for now, Love and Prayers.
Wow…thank you so much for investing in your niece, Sheila. Jesus, take your word and plant it deep within her heart. May it take ROOT for her lifetime, Lord!
I am in!
One of my favorite ways to spend time with my father is reading through the Psalms then rewriting them in my own words I often insert my name just as if the Lord were speaking straight to me this makes it more intimate and personal. I’ve often written my own Psalms to the Lord through the different seasons of my life. It is life changing when you do.
I have a Daily Bible verse / passage on my phone. So often it speaks right to my circumstance.
Honestly, I don’t always take time to read the Proverbs 31 devotional, but in the busyness of the summer I have been feeling I need to make Bible Study more of a priority.
Thanks for your obedience in writing today’s devotional because it was just what I needed to hear. I look forward to “diving into God’s Word” more this summer and pulling my 3 children into His word too!
My favorite tool is my bible. Also, I’m in a couple of women’s bible studies, and just hearing the wisdom of the other women is such a great learning experience for me.
I also have three daughters and I would love for them to follow a life of Christ!
I am in!
I’m in. I love to start my day with my devotional and listen to Christian music when I’m in my vehicle it gives me such peace
I’m in
I’m in!!! But I truly enjoy the daily mediation that I receive from the Henri Nouwen Society.
I’m in’
I’m in!!
Praying for God will strength my desire to dig deeper each day!!
I’m in!
I try to begin most days with devos from proverbs 31, my bible and journaling .
I like to get up in the morning before anyone else wakes up, and read my email from Proverbs 31!! I am in!!
I’m in!! I would love to send this book with my daughter to college!
Im in!! 😀
I’m in!
I’m in! 🙂
I’m in!!!
I have many devotions sent either by email or on Facebook that I read each morning and night then I share them with friends.
I read along with my church’s reading plan in the Bible. I also read an amazing blog daily called SHINE Girls. Found at http://www.shinegirlsshine.com
I enjoy reading The Jesus Calling daily as well. I have two young daughters and we read The Jesus Calling for children. I love how the adult and children versions go hand in hand!
I’m in :). Now that my daughter is 13 trying to find a new way to approach The Word with her.
I am in too! I started waking up early before the kids woke up to get my quiet time in and most days it still works! thank you!
My favorite tool is a family devotion book from Ruth Graham.
I am sitting in my prayer chair right now reading my online devotionals. I wake up early every day to come to this spot in my den and read the devotionals and the scriptures with them. So often, the devotional speaks directly to me of something I am dealing with in my life or something a friend is struggling with….the time I spend in that green chair is precious to me… It sets my mind on answers and prepares my heart for th day. I am so grateful to those of you whose ministry is writing devotionals…you share your giftings so well. Thank you…<3
I’m in!
I’m in.
My son and I do a daily devotion and we listen and worship with Klove during the day! There’s more but I should say I’m in! Leaving for work… ♥
I’m in for my niece! I’m already a study girl and want to share this early with my niece.
My favorite tools are the Daily Devotions I receive from Proverbs 31 Ministries. I have signed up for several and they have been so helpful in steering me toward parts of the Bible to read for that day or a particular situation. They have also introduced me to the online Bible studies they offer. And helpful books to read. I am so very thankful for Proverbs 31 Ministries!
I’m in!
Bible studies, quiet time, listening to klove.
I am in. My tools for plunging in the word of God is my Bible .praise songs and mediating on psalms .I like to be surround by mature to seek God I feel a real connection with him. His creation is awesome. I spend quiet time in my garden and converse with God.
I am in!!
I’m in!
Im In!
I AM IN! I definitely need to take the plunge and spend more time with God.
I like using many different things for my devotions. Daily I read the daily bread and the posts on Proverbs 31. I also like to use Halley’s Bible Handbook.
I love the idea about leadership to help hold myself accountable for reading His word. I often feel as though I’m drifting away because of the responsibilities at work and home are overwhelming. I need to find ways to hold myself accountable so I stay on course!!
I’m in.
I enjoy doing Word studies on key Greek or Hebrew Words in the Scriptures. One resource for this that is outstanding is Rick Renner’s “Sparkling Gems” As I get a deeper understanding of God’s Word I am able to apply it to my life. I am in!
Looking for new ways to connect with my teenage daughter – maybe this devotional book would be a way. I’m in!
“I’m in!”
My husband and I purchased an audio bible that is dramatized. We each have our bibles out reading along as we listen to the audio bible. It has really helped to understand things better, because we are not struggling to pronounce all the different names and places.
I’m in!
One of my favorite tools for diving into God’s word is to choose a passage of scripture and then dance it out. For instance if I’m reading a chapter in Psalms that descriptively describes how we are to worship Jesus then I will dance out that passage and worship Jesus the way that chapter tells us to!
I do 3 receive 3 devotions each day, 1 being Proverbs 31. Today after reading ” Taking the Plunge” I began to research who Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were. I began to dig deeper into the gospels.
I would love to connect with my 16 yr old daughter. I have been in prayer for awhile asking The Lord to open doors of opurtunity for us. He has been, because He is that AWESOME!!
So I AM IN!!
I thank you and All the woman that make up this Ministry. Keep being obedient.
Love in Christ,
I’m in!
I’m in!
I’m in.
My closest girl friends are all in different states but we all read P31 devotions. We will call, text or email one another about the Devo’s throughout the course of the week. It’s an easy way to encourage one another and laugh in awe about gods timing and messages.
I’m in