The Danger of an Empty Heart {Give Away Day}


If you are joining me here from my Encouragement for Today devotion with Proverbs 31 Ministries, welcome! I am so glad you stopped by!

I’d love to connect with you more on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and Pinterest. This month on my social media #youandyourgirl series we discovering 10 Tips to Teach Your Girl about Money.


“You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.” Psalm 145:16 (NIV)

Take a moment and read today’s key verse out loud. You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Let that truth soak in your heart. God, the Creator of all things, opens His hand to us. Listen to the generosity there in the One who holds all things. This One is the one opening His hand to you today.

What is in He offering?

Exactly what satisfies our desires.

When we are filled, by Jesus, our hearts are sated, not on the edge of giving in to temptation to give up the best of later for the quick fix of now. The tantalizing pull of the unwise decision weakens when we’re not grasping for what we think will gratify us.

When my heart is filled with His love, I have the ability to slow down when it comes to decisions that come my way.

Desperation doesn’t determine my steps. 

Oh how I want that! I am going after being a wise woman not prone to making decisions based on how I feel, but determined by what is loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle and self-controlled. I want to be beautiful like that and the only way I can become that type of woman is to be filled by Jesus so His Holy Spirit pours out of me.

I’ve got to be a smart business woman making only wise trades!

Today, I’m giving away a “Wise Choice” bundle which includes a copy of The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst,and my book Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants to empower us to be make only wise trades. To be entered to win this combo, just comment below (or if you are getting this via email, please go to and share one trade you feel is wise. If you are in a hurry, simply say, “I’m in!”.

I’ll announce the winner tomorrow during my series 10 Tips to Teach Your Girl About Money (now we’re talking smart trading!)

10 tips to teach YD about money

Is this message of making wise choices a message you would like to bring to the women or girls in your community? If so, click here to learn more about bringing me to speak at your group!



    1. Deb Althouse says:

      I recently earned about your study and am so excited. My trade is to read your daily messages rather than early morning e-mail!

    2. Robin Barnes says:

      Over a year ago I was in a homeless shelter. Now I own my own Housekeeping business. I now trade one job a week to go back into the same shelter I was in, to bring back a story of hope. My true success comes from Christ. I bring them soul searching tools from the Bible with everyday living. The renewing of ones inner self with trading the worldly desires for the desire of Christ qualities. These books would bring such joy for them and myself. Thank God and you for offering these to others.
      Your sister in Christ

    3. Michele Frost says:

      This is a very timely word from the Lord for me. I after 21 years of marriage I’m separated after battling alcoholism and addiction for over 30 years I have come to a place of surrender to the Lord. I am in Teen Challange outpatient treatment program I have three weeks of sobriety. The fog is lifting although I have a very empty heart from years of addiction and from years of trying to fill that place in my heart that only God can fill. And I need help with sacrificing what I want most for what I think I need right now. I can only hope and pray that God sees me and hears me,and will show me how to walk in a place of surrender and obedience and true fulfillment in Him.

      1. Lynn Cowell says:

        Michele, you are my hero! You are making very, very difficult trades…and you are winning! The Father does see (Genesis 16:13) and He does hear. Ask Him to show you each and every day, before your feet even hit the floor, to empower you for that hour, for that day to surrender to His best for you…He will be faithful!

      2. Michele – You’ve just begun a journey that will open doors you never imagined! Yes – it is difficult at times, and courage is required to turn each corner. However, just for today, rest in the knowledge of God’s love. I’m glad you are following Christ Jesus – He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Offer yourself to Him each morning – to build with you what He wants you to be. Ask for His guidance throughout the day. YOU can do this – and He can relieve you of that bondage. You’ve been given a second chance – and I encourage you to do everything you can to glorify God with this opportunity so that you can pass it on to others. Don’t quit before the miracle!

      3. God is SO Faithful, especially when we are so weak! Michele I am separated right now too, after 41 yrs of marriage, but I’m on the other side of the addiction equation. My husbands addiction is alcohol& mine is to him & the life I thought we would have. He hasn’t come to the point of surrender yet as you have, but I’ve had to surrender myself, my life with him & my dreams & it HURTS. But God is showing me that He’s right here with me- He led me to this devotional & blog & your sharing – He is there with you every moment too. You are where you need to be – and so am I. He is working it all together for our good & His glory. Stay strong girl! I’ll be praying for you. God bless you.

      4. Michelle,
        My heart went out to you when I read your comment. I know just where you are! I completed a Teen Challenge program myself and have been sober now for 9 years. JESUS is the way to break those chains of addiction! When you surrender this to Him and allow Him to move this mountain in your life, you will be free! John 8:36 says, who the son sets free is free indeed. I am rooting for you and you can do this! When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future 🙂 Don’t give up and don’t let up…..I pray that you hear the voice of the Lord clearly in each step you take over the next few weeks and months. and I thank God that He will place people in your path that will help you along the way. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus!!

    4. Thank you for the reminder that no trade is worth it if causes me to miss out on God’s best! I am trading my reliance on feelings for God’s truths, my depression and regrets for the promise of a hopeful future. Pray for me, if you would. 🙂

  1. I love this offer. I’ve been wanting to get both books and just read the wisdom God has bestowed on both of you. I’m currently a nursing student, and mom of 3 girls and an LEO wife. I just treasure the words that I receive for Pr.31 devos every morning. It’s such a blessing to know I’m not alone in this crazy roller coaster of life. God is in control but He had also given us fellow believers to sit in the cart with us, an in front of us to share, cry and laugh with. Your devo this morning really touched me right where I am this morning. I thank God for your blessing on my very exhausted heart this morning.

  2. Teresa Cleary says:

    Your message today on wise choices is exactly what I need to hear. I have made some very unwise trades in my life, and this gives me hope of getting back on track. Also, I have a 14-year-old daughter, and want to be able to guide her through these crazy teen years, and so I look forward to reading your book!

  3. I’m in! Love,love,love your blog & insight. Would so love to win these two books. They have been on my wish list for quite sometime now!

  4. I am trading an intimate relationship with my husband for silence. Trying to get through the emotional baggage in order to think and choose logically in our marriage. It is HARD!!!

    1. Christina says:

      It really is hard, and I’m right there with you, Damika! I think I need to trade out a few more things to make my share of the marriage work better.

  5. My trades require vast adjustment, not merely for myself, but so too in order for me to lead by example for my son and daughter.

  6. I would love to win these books for my 22 year old daughter. She is a good girl but at times
    Is making some bad trade offs.
    Thank you

  7. Roxy Morrison says:

    I’m in!…now back to my devotion time….

  8. Cyndi Keller says:

    I’m in – and very interested in reaching the young women in my life to avoid the same mistakes I made and shwo them they can trust that Jesus can give them all the love, attention, and confidence they desire! As a public high school teacher, I want to shine the light they need to see (or be reminded of as many are believers but fall easily into the world’s ways). Looking forward to reading your book, and Lysa’s too, this summer when I will relax and revive myself in time for next school year 🙂

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Thank you so much for investing in our young people, Cyndi! My youngest is a senior in high school this year. One of the people most encouraging her this year is her Math teacher. I am so grateful for her!

      1. Cyndi Keller says:

        That’s awesome! It takes a village… I am fortunate (as difficult as it may be some days) to work with our youth. They need Jesus so much – and to be reminded of the choices they could make to help their lives be fulfilled. Thank you for responding and interacting with your readers.

  9. I will trade satan’s lies about my body for God’s truth about who I am in Him!!

  10. What a great reminder of how we trade things that we should value as important for things that are only “wood, hay, and stubble”. I will be looking closely at what I am trading. Thank you for this post!!

  11. I trade an hour of sleep for time with Jesus. …and the first cup of coffee while it is still quiet.

  12. I’m in! I traded my devotion time for more sleep this morning …bad trade . I still managed a 10 minute devotion time. I’m thankful I didn’t trade it completely ! Thankful for a gracious and merciful God!

  13. I trade extra sleep each morning to spend time in prayer and reading devotions. If I don’t so this each morning my day doesn’t seem complete.

  14. thank you for the wonderful inspiration. I’m laying in bed reading your blog on my phone. My son leaves for work in 20 minutes. He’s 20 years old. I think I will get up and make him some scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. I’m trading my time in bed for an opportunity to see my son off to work. Have blessed day! I’m in btw!

  15. Donna Condon says:

    I’m in! Getting up early and having time with Jesus in my quiet house gets my day started with my heart in the right place. It help me face what comes my way!

  16. As I read this post this morning, I immediately thought of my daughter who is graduating from higjschool in May. As she prepares for the new transition to college, my hope and prayer is that she will continue to grow in her faith, but also that her relationship with the Lord would grow and strengthen. I think these books would be a wonderful tool for her to help make good choices, and also, good trades. Thank you for offering this, and for this wonderful post this morning.

  17. I would really enjoy giving these books to my daughter, she is hurting and could use encouragement. Thank you.

  18. I’m in! Thanks for the opportunity.

  19. I am so thankful for Proverbs 31 Ministries and for each of the wonderful people who share their hearts with us. Your devotion is truly what I needed to read with the task-filled life of raising a family, working, and volunteering. Sometimes, I make the trade that is unwise and I need godly reminders. I would love to have these books, and I would love mt 14 year old daughter to read one, too. Thanks for all you do for so many!

  20. I trade extra sleep for quiet time to read devotionals and become equipped for my walk with God for the day. Great trade!

  21. Hello! A wise trade that I will is instead of indulging in social media as soon as I get home, I will use my time reading the bible and praying to God. I just want to reflect my day and ask God to help me with any flaws I have.

  22. Kathy Parker says:

    I’m in:) I have two young sweet daughters I would

  23. I truly needed this devotional. It is an eye opener for me this morning. I”m In! Need to get ready for work now. Have a Blessed day!

  24. I’m in! I recently started working full time again and even though my kids are school aged, I am still overwhelmed by my lack of time to do everything I’d like. I’m having to make choices and trades like crazy AND try to make sure I’m not empty when I do. Thanks for the wisdom!!

  25. It is wise to trade needy, indulging relationships for freedom. We have to be careful of parasitic relationships that only draw from us and give nothing in return. It is unwise to assume you can “save” everyone. We should help when we can, yes. But Jesus is Savior and Lord…there is no way to trade our position with His.

  26. sandy moll says:

    I have struggled with balancing work with family and in the past I traded family time for work the bills. Looking back I wished I would have trusted the Lord to provide all I needed and not.try to control it myself.

  27. Jessica Andrews says:

    A wise trade is to trade bitterness for forgiveness and grace. Holding the hurt weighs us down and wears us out. Great devotional today! I’m in!

  28. Kimberley Williams says:

    I traded a job I had for 14 years to take care of Family.

  29. Thank you for this reminder & devotional for the day. One thing I will trade is oversleeping & then allowing the need to “catch up on all of my work” to interfere with time I am spending with my husband and our two baby girls (Presley will be 4 on May 10th & Irie was just born on December 26). There will always be work to do, but this time with my family is time that I cannot get back. I will also trade watching TV shows at night for reading personal development books & blogs, and spending more time on the phone talking to my parents & 93-year old Poppy who all live 3,000 miles away from me in Pennsylvania.

    Thanks again for the perspective!

  30. I’m in…..
    Thank you for that powerful message in such a simple concept.

  31. Christy Parker says:

    A life without Christ traded for a life with Christ! Best trade ever!

  32. Michaela Mahue says:

    i am definitely a “here & now” girl. God is working on me in several area-prayer, food, and financially. I become stronger every day I struggle and trade my desires for His.

  33. Thank you so much. I read proverbs 31 devotions every morning. I am a working mom with 2 teenage daughters …sometimes I do trade ? Y time with them and then regret it..this devotion was great!

  34. Christina Daniels says:

    One trade is getting up earlier to be in God’s word, first thing in the morning, which is not always easy, but always worth it!! I loved your message this morning!! Also love giveaways!! ☺️☺️ Thank you for sharing your heart today with us all!!

  35. Cindy Wakefield says:

    I will trade in the pressures of pleasing others to please the Lord. I am prone to making impulsive choices as well as deliberate ones that do not honor God. I am ready to read about becoming wise and desperately want my daughters to choose to honor God with their hearts and lives.

  36. Mary Dabney Zayed says:

    I’m in. New to your blog, need to trade “fast pace” for quality time with my middle school girls.

  37. Raising two teenage daughters in an unequally yoked marriage makes my use of time and attention an extremely important issue in my home. I want my girls to know that nothing, including laundry and dishes, takes precedence over their lives and spiritual growth.

  38. I have made some not so wise trades in my life, but am working to make better trades. I work long hours and this often leads to short-changing God and my family. I am working to find ways to spend a little extra time each day with both.

  39. Thank you for your words this morning! I’ve been feeling for a while that I need to choose differently how I go about my day and I love how you’ve worded it about his and what we trade for. I’ve been trading my time in the Bible for running and training for races. I am not taking time in the wide enough every day and it’s catching up with me. Thank you for this gentle reminder. I think it’s so applicable to how I am with my kids too. I’ve traded time with them to keep a certain appearance in our home. These choices and trades can be very costly. Again, thank you for your words of wisdom.

  40. I enjoyed this encouragement!

  41. Don’t you just love when God affirms things in your life? Not 6 hours before this was posted I was sitting in a parking lot crying to my Celebrate Recovery leader about a very bad trade I had been making. I wanted so bad for my friend to love me because I had never had a mother and she sort of filled that hole that I was doing things to jeopardize my freedom, like obtaining drugs for her just so I thought she loved me! The last words my leader gave me were that I needed to cry out to God when I felt desperate and start making healthierb choices when it came to her. Then I found this. Thank you

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      God is so awesome!

  42. I am trading in worry for trust and peace in Him!

  43. Kimberly Hamlin says:

    The wise trade I am now making is to wake up with out hitting the snooze button and do observation with P31. And I am also exercising again. God’s still perfecting me in the area of healthy eating habits.

  44. Great encouragement — I’m in…looking forward to a few great reads for summer break!

  45. I would like to trade the lies of the world for the truth of God’s Word!

  46. Judith Bachtold says:

    What a good thought. I’ve been making trades all my life and didn’t realize it. I am 65 years old…still learning. Thanks.

  47. kim bowles leopard says:

    Love your blog!!!!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Thank you for your encouragement friend!

  48. Making the best trade…I never thought about life in that way! I definitely need to focus on that concept when I am making decisions and I am sharing this lesson with my 13 year old daughter. Her life navigating junior high has made me aware and brought back memories of just how hard daily life decisions can be at that age. She and I have had many benefits from your Devotions for a Revolutionary Year! I’m now subscribed to your blog and look forward to reading them!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Amy – I am so glad you are enjoying “Devotions for a Revolutionary Year”. “His Revolutionary Love” and “Magnetic” would both also help your girl in these sometimes turbulent years!

  49. melissa ward says:

    Thank you so much for this devotional…..I have been struggling because I don’t ha’ve enough hours in a day/week to do everything I want to or spend time with the people I want to….I need to start looking at the trades that I’m making !

  50. I find that I am anyways trading playtime with my kids for the work that needs to be done. I prayed, after your post, to be guided this morning to get as much done to enjoy the afternoon with my children.

  51. I’m in! Thank you for the words to reflect on!

  52. Tracy briscoe says:

    Trades that I think are wise are my sleep for my devotion time. I’m a mess without it. And time to be at home with my children versus working outside the home.

  53. What a wonderful reminder. I’d like to trade facebook time with time face to face with a good friend or family member.

  54. Very timely wise words for me to read this morning. I’m in!

  55. thank you for all your reminders. I’m in 🙂

  56. I’m in! I really needed this morning! I’ve been in the process of waiting on the Lord with regards to a job for…well it feels like forever. I struggle sometimes with wanting to, in desperation, take matters into my own hands instead stay on course with God. Trusting that He has it under control and it will work out in His perfect timing even if right now it seems to be taking too long. And yesterday and last night I was tired and exhausted (this really has been a process of endurance) and I started to wrongly trade God’s promises and truths that He is with me and has a plan for satan’s lies that I need I need to try harder and do more as if God needs my help to get the plan and maybe He doesn’t have a plan at all. Thank you for reminding me that when satan’s lies start sounding more truthful, I need to go to God’s Word and trade the lies for His truth.

  57. I have started walking or doing a workout few days a week. I feel better when I do it but there is still times that I may go a week without doing anything! I have 3 girls, 11,9,6 and i would love to share these books with them!!!

  58. i have got to quit making bad trades…

  59. Trading my career as a therapist helping children for staying home with my own. I can go back to work later, but my children are with me only for a specific season of their lives.

  60. Jodie Wilt says:

    I know sometimes I do chose the wrong things when it comes to spending time with my husband or my food choices and this devotion today really hit home and I will pray and ask God to help me try and make better choices that will please and honor him

  61. I’m in!! When I get up on time on weekday mornings and actually have time for my alone time with God before the craziness starts and the girls are up!!!

  62. Debbie Giese says:

    I traded my job to be able to focus where God has called me…to enjoy my kids during summer vacation and my volunteer role as City Coordinator for our Living Proof Live Milwaukee event in August. I won’t be making money, but I am trusting God’s leading. My last day is June 5th. Thank you for this post. It will bring a new perspective to my day.

  63. So glad I found your blog. So full of encouragement and insight. A treasured resource for sure!

  64. Amy Thornton says:

    Great adviced today, trade wisely.

  65. I traded my novel for some earnest prayer time with the Lord before sleeping last night. I really enjoyed your perspective. Thank you.

  66. I know time is short, but for me an investworthy trade is 2 sit down at the table to eat(at least once a day 😉 versus eating on the run, in the car, in front on the tv. Not only do u get 2 enjoy the food but also the conversation w ur loved ones.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Very important! Great Jill!

  67. Learn to trade mindless TV time with talking with my husband

  68. Julie Muegge says:

    I am up now (earlier than I want to be), wanting to make a wise choice to be filled with Him first so I am a better wife, mother, and person today! I am in! Thank you for offering these books.

  69. I’m In!! (It’s my Bible Study time) thank You for such a wonderful devotion today!

  70. I too often trade peace for busyness masked as necessary involvement. ..even in good volunteer settings, I need to remember that I am trading by saying yes instead of no!

  71. Dawn Gandee says:

    Thank you for the truths and your reflections. I am definitely going to be more mindful of the trades I make. I’d love to win these books as well. Thank you for listening to God and writing from your heart. Count me in

  72. Molly Uliczny says:

    Im trading my phone for more quality time with my Jesus and my family!

  73. I too trade extra sleep in the morning to have a few quiet moments with God – most often spent reading devotions from P31. I am always amazed at how often the devotions speak right to me at this stage of life I am in. For that I am grateful! I needed to hear your example about continuing to dust instead of stopping & giving your daughter full attention. That is a trade I need to be willing to make more often. With 3 kids & a job I find myself multitasking my way through my day. This really spoke to me & is a great reminder that my attention, time, & grace should be given to people in my life – not things & to do list.

  74. I’m in. I have two girls who I am trying to teach about trades
    As I learn myself. Currently looking at trading saving for post secondary vs paying for activities now.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Nicola – you would love my current series: 10 Tips to Teach Your Girls about Money. To get it each day, just sign up on my website under “Subscribe to Lynn’s Blog”.

  75. Every morning I trade 30 minutes of sleep to read and be with Jesus through the Bible. It’s makes the world of difference as to how the day goes. I am so thankful God gave us His and our life’s handbook!

  76. sarah kellogg says:

    I make terrible trades every day and end up on the losing end.

  77. Karen Evans says:

    I live a little over an hour from family and often they plan family gatherings such as birthday celebrations. I always grumble-it’s a long drive, I have housework that needs to be done, I’m tired, on and on when one if these gatherings are planned. I always go and once I’m there, I have a great time, laughing, sharing stories, etc. on my way home I’m reminded by God that this is what really matters in my life. I can always rest, do housework, but I won’t always have my family members. My trade off is the love of God showing me these most important things in life aren’t material things but things invisible like love. Have a blessed day.

  78. I’m definitely a work in progress on this! I loved the way you penned it…it absolutely resonated with me. My take away will be this little key phrase I’ll try to repeat to myself before a ‘Yes’ comes out of my mouth will be ‘Empty Trade?’. Thank You Lynn 🙂

  79. I’m in! Thank you for the chance to win these books!

  80. Hi Lynn, thank you so much for sharing your devotional this morning. It really spoke to my heart! Trading out work time for more family time is a wise trade – and one I struggle with! Thanks for reminding me of the importance of making good “trades” by using Esau’s example. Have a blessed day!

  81. Thanks for the chance for awesome resources.

  82. I’m in!!! Would love both of these books 🙂 I often trade to my detriment instead of benefit.

  83. Theresa Root says:

    I’m trading my self-absorption in dealing with my pain in a way that separated me from my husband with more time devoted to “us” to heal our marriage and regain my relationship with my husband.

  84. I’m trading brokenness for healing. I’m trading sorrow for joy! Im choosing to lay down my pain at Jesus’ feet and put on His love, strength, peace and security! I’m trading the worlds view of me for Gods view of me!! Woohoo!!

  85. Beth Lesesne says:

    I am IN. I have a group of ladies that meet on tuesday evening for Bible study and we are doing Breaking free by Beth Moore. This fit so well with what we learned last night. I trade secular romance novels over Christian to often so now I will chose Christian fiction and not this worlds fiction.

  86. Good trade – taking an hour after my kids go to bed to do my Bible study while the house is quiet. Bad trade: choosing the cinnamon pop tart instead of the boiled egg for breakfast.

  87. Elizabeth Scholz says:

    I’m in! I have been wanting to read “my best yes” ! What a great giveaway! Than you for continuing to point your readers to Christ

  88. I have been ever struggling with food & wine. I want to trade those in & go to God instead, To have God satisfy me! I have a daughter & would love these books to read with her. Thank you.

  89. I’m in! Lately I’ve started to trade sleep for spending time with God. I try to wake up half hour earlier to read the Word and just hear from God. I’m in college and I found that as much as I love sleep, I am putting my schoolwork before God so spending time with him first thing in the Irving prepares me for the day. Thank you!

  90. Great word! Would live the bundle!

  91. Rachael G. says:

    What a wonderful message today. I think we are always trading one thing for another, if only the thing we trade was always for him! So thank you and bless you!

  92. Darya McMurtrie says:

    I would love to win!! A trade I need to make more often is trying to get things done for playing with my baby girl! She will be all grown up so soon, and some days I let getting things done come before her! Thanks for your wise words today!!

  93. I’m totally in!! With three girls!! I would love both of these books!!

  94. Chandra Stroud says:

    Thank you for this devotional. So glad that God knows how to get my attention. I know I haven’t been making very wise trades lately. I have been trading staying up late nights with a friend for sleeping late and bypassing quality time with my Father. He’s been waiting on me to come back. He has everything I need and He loves me more than anyone ever could. I will return to my first love. I can’t love anyone back if I don’t allow God to love me. His love is greater than anything! Thanks again and may God continue to bless you and your ministry.

  95. I am in! Thank you for offering this!

  96. I’m in. Thank you for the reminder to make wise choices and trades!

  97. Kendra Jenkins says:

    I loved reading this devotion today! Totally what I needed to hear. I think the trade I struggle the most with is trying to keep a clean and perfect house in exchange for time with my children. Something I definitely need to work on. Thank you for sharing and making me realize their are good and bad trades. I would love to win this bundle pack!!

  98. Terri O'Connor says:

    I have been hurting and struggling over a poor trade made by my husband, and honestly as I read your Encouragement today I realized I have been considering an unwise trade of my own. I’m going to face this today with a different attitude…thank you for what you do!

  99. Trading alcohol for a clear head in the morning is a good trade! Choosing not to overindulge in a night of drinking allows you to wake up with a clear head and conscience.

  100. Brandy Milton says:

    Like you, sometimes I giveup my free time (when the 18 month is taking his afternoon nap) and read God’s word and pray, rather than reading somefluff book or taking a nap myself. Sometimes this isn’t always possible xue to a chronic health condition, but if I could JUST keep in my head that I feel SO much better after reading and praying than sleeping, I would be much better off. Also, remembering how patientGod has been with me keeps me in check when it comes to the 18 month old. Tradinglosing my patience for a possible life lesson alwaysworks out better!

  101. I’m in! Need these books! Thank you!

  102. I love the quote about desperation. Sometimes we forget to look up when we are in the midst of difficulty. God’s plan is always bigger than our wildest dreams.

  103. Tammy Trietch says:

    I know a young woman (32) who desperately needs this book!
    She has a strong dependency on drugs and is in serious danger of losing custody of her youngest daughter (she lost custody of her oldest daughter several years ago).
    Please pray that she turns to God instead of drugs and that she obeys His word to get her path straight
    Have a blessed day

  104. Wise trades are not always easy, often involving sacrifice of self. The wisest trade I have made so far is trading my morning sleep for time in His word – I am sleepy, but pushing through to read and discover more about my Savior is worth it!

  105. Robin Barnes says:

    I was in a homeless shelter a little over a year ago. Now I am a self employed housekeeper. I now trade one job a week to go back into the same shelter to bring the story of hope. My true success comes from Chrirst. I bring them soul searching tools from the Bible with everyday living. The renewing of ones inner self and trading them from the worldly desires for the desiring God’s qualities. These books will be enjoyed to these broken girls. Thank you so much for offering these books and may God put them in the right place.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Robin – beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!

  106. Amy Finch says:

    I teach girls on Wednesday evenings at church and I am constantly looking for material that I can use to teach these young, impressionable minds. Also, coming from a background where I am constantly worrying about money I would like to have a better grasp on it myself and be able to give these young girls something to build their lives on to keep them from having that struggle.

    I AM IN!!!!

  107. my trade will be putting some things off during the day to spend more time with God and being consistent with it.

  108. Kade Rich says:

    I’m in!!!

    I’m a very busy working mom of two toddlers…I have made some unwise trades in the past couple of years and my family has suffered 🙁 after reading today’s email, I have the courage and determination to make healthy trades! I can give up some sleep to actually spend time in The Word with God!

  109. A recent wise trade I made was to stay awake and have a conversation with my husband. This was after my first day back to work from maternity leave and had finally settled both of our children into their beds. All I wanted to do was collapse in our bed and sleep! I quickly realized that we had not spent a single moment together that day and we both needed to connect. It may seem little but that trade was invaluable to me.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      It was invaluable to him too, Lauren! Keep making those wise choices…it will pay off!

  110. Nicci Ramirez says:

    Hate that I am in a rush this morning, but I AM IN 🙂

  111. I’m in! Thank you for this devotion! I Have an 11 yo girl and we have been talking about this very thing regarding our health. I would love to read these books and help both of us make better choices!

  112. Today’s devotion was right on God has been speaking to me about. What’s important in my life really important, not my crafts, not my hobbies but family friends, God, my relationship with HIM… My trade is getting up early and having my alone time with my Father before I start the day.

  113. Thank you for your encouragement this morning. I often trade my sleep for time with God alone in the morning. today I awoke at 0500 to pack lunch for my son to go to work and thought wow! I am trading 2 items today. I may have less sleep but I helped my son get out the door to work and I spent much needed time with God. So thank you Lynn! My day couldn’t have started any better…..truly a “Best Yes” decision this morning!!

  114. Shannon Braswell says:

    Trading off time needed to train myself for a new job to help train someone else for my old job. Is this wise? I don’t know, but just treating others as I would want to be treated 🙂 I’m in!

  115. Alice Harmon says:

    I gave three of your Magnetic books to 2 Greatgrandaughters and a Niece. Praying that they are “soaking” in your wise words!!! Would love to read the Best Yes and give another Magnetic to a Greatgrandaughter who will be at a reachable age in this next year. Blessings for your ministry.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Thank you so very, very much, Alice for investing in the lives of those dear girls!!

  116. Oh love this, to be wise! Make good choices!

  117. Wow!!! What a fantastic article. I am always struggling juggling housework, homeschooling, and life in general with spending quality time with my children. My youngest are always begging me to come and sit with them and just read. Reality is that I am trading and making bad decisions by not stopping to share time with them. Thank you so much. You described me to a “T”. I needed a wake up call.

  118. A wise trade I’m making is by investing in relationships that build and encourage. Also with those who will hold me accounable in the area I need this. Thank you for this message. Blessings to you.

  119. This message on “trades” was perfect timing today! Blessings! I’m in!!!

  120. This is just the book I need to offer a girl I’ve been visiting with about main the decision to move in with a got and her two young boys because she doesn’t want to lose her financial and medical aid, for her college classes and her boys. This is not God’s Best for her. Would love for her to be able to have Lynn’s book! Such truth!! Thank you!

  121. Rebecca Ann says:

    I’m trading time to relax for work out time. It’s not too hard on days that I can fit the workout in before work, but days I can’t I would rather not change and get sweaty… I’ve been interested in your magnetic book since it came out. Thanks for the chance to win.

  122. I make a bad trade with working on diy projects for to long away from my kids. But I try really hard, like an every day effort to make a good trade to be with my kids. They are only small once.

  123. I’m in! Facebook…. I could trade fb time for many things. Time in God’s word. Kitchen pickup, bathroom cleanup, the list goes on. I will reflect on your devotion this week whenever I sit down at the computer! Thanks Lynn!

  124. Stacey Nelson says:

    This devotional was great! Really got me thinking about even the small trades I make throughout my day. A strained relationship with my husband and a busy life with 4 kids has me making wrong choices at times. I’m a new Christian, and my husband hasn’t seen the light yet. I pray for him everyday but too often I feel alone and empty…which I just realized is when I make bad trades. I start listening to satan’s lies instead of God’s truth. I would love some more great inspiration from you 🙂

  125. What s great post! I needed this today! Thank you for your wise words!
    Blessings! Nina

  126. Anna sheets says:

    This would be such a blessing, there is so much God is teaching me about investing myself! I want to be all I can for Him and his work! Thank you for this opportunity!

  127. Lynn. I love your blog and am excited
    about reading your book!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Thank you for your encouragement, friend!

  128. I’m in! After graduating with a Master’s a year ago and struggling to find work as a therapist I have been trying my best to make worthwhile trades. It can be hard working on spiritual growth, balancing relationships, and building a career. I need reminders like your devotional this morning to bring my attention to the trades I make.

  129. Such a good read. I need to work on making better trades. It’s an ongoing battle, but you just gave me some inspiration for today. Thank you!

  130. I let the dishes pile up and play with my kids on weekends. My to do list is endless and sometimes I need to let it go.

  131. What a wonderful and eye opening devotional this morning. Thank you for sharing! This morning God helped me make the trade of sleep for running and time in his word and prayer before my kids get up! Thanks for the chance to win!

  132. christine lafferty says:

    I’m in!

  133. I’m in.
    I recently made a trade from a high demanding job that my travel there alone was 1 1/2 hrs one way to going back to school for a career I have always had a passion for. This decision was not only for me but also so I could spend more time with my kids. My other job I missed out on alot and it wasn’t fair to them or me. Currently my struggle is making more time with the Lord and sharing it with my girls.

  134. I’m all in! Today I traded my normal devotional routine to get off the beaten path. I discovered you and your insight for today. Thank you! Don’t you just love it when our Papa surprises you with a completely random gift?! Truly, His mercies are new every day! Praise time! 🙂

  135. Roberta Walker says:

    Trading. If we could remember to think quickly about our options, we would see the foolishness of many of our choices. Too many times I’ve thought I had to do this or that not realizing God will give me time to do what’s necessary and still bless me with time to enjoy His best. Go for His heart first. His best will follow.

  136. Donia Wayne says:

    This is just what I needed to read this morning. I trade my time and my health for a lot of useless things. I would love to win this pack to find ways to find the right yes and the best trades.

  137. Good word for today! I trade sleep for time with Jesus.
    Do I really love Him? Do I really trust Him? I want His best
    For my life!!!

  138. Megan Hanneken says:

    I’m in! On my better days, I trade a clean, orderly kitchen for quality time with my three little cooks, helping me make dinner.

  139. I struggle with my priorities 🙁 most of the time they seem confushed and out of order.

  140. Nancy Huff says:

    I have battled the overweight issues for years. For ten days I am going to trade my bad habits for healthy eating as I should.

  141. I’m in! I need to trade more of the things on my to do list for time spent with my kids and my God. Working on this and hoping these books could help. Thanks!

  142. Thank you Lynn, for reminding us the seemingly simple deals/trades we make today may have lasting negative impact on our future if not made with Holy consultation.

  143. Christina Hodge says:

    Thank you so much for today’s devotion. So many times I make the wrong trade, not realizing that it is actually a trade. God bless you!

  144. I’m in! How often have I “missed the moment” with a child, my husband, a family member, a friend or a co-worker simply because I was “”too busy” with whatever it was that had my attention or focus in that moment. I have learned that things get broken, discarded or replaced, yet PEOPLE matter.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      So good to hear from you and see your picture in my comments, Susan!!

  145. Sherrie Buras says:

    I’m in! New to your site today. Love what I see.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Thanks for joining us today, Sherrie! I hope you’ll be back again and again!

  146. This message is wonderful – definitely what I needed to hear to help me on my path of totally surrendering to God. I take more action on my own plans and not so much of God’s. He knows what’s best. I pray I can make wise choices throughout the day, spending more time with God.
    I would love to win these books – would be great for helping me keep my eyes focused on Him.

  147. I’m choosing Christian counseling over trying to “deal” on my own…

  148. Tracey E. says:

    For breakfast, I should have traded that slice of cake for a hard boiled egg that is just going to waste after dying Easter eggs. I should have traded that sluggish sugary feeling for energizing, protein-filled nutrition.

  149. Heather Forbus says:

    I traded my supervisor position for a home health company, making great money, to be at home for my husband and three children!! Best trade in the world!!

  150. I would love to win this give away. I prefer to trade investing in people and not in things. I recently bought a couple of books to do a Bible study with a young Mom. I have never done this type of discipleship or mentoring before. The friend is dealing with a lot of anxiety and discontentment. We are learning about true contentment that comes from The Lord and not our circumstances.

  151. linda anderson says:

    hi I try to be a good Christian. the only trouble I have had is witnessing. I just need prayers for me to be able to witness. I would love to win the book also.

  152. I’m in a place where I need to know what is right, best and true for me. I’ve been so programmed and doing, that I’m dry. Need renewal and refreshment to know what Jesus’ best for me is.

  153. Cammi Hevener says:

    Sometimes need to trade some work time for teen time… I need more one on one time with my girls these days ..

  154. As I lay here in bed, being lazy, trying to get in that extra half hour of rest, I skimmed though my emails and read this morning’s Proverbs 31 devotional about tradeoffs. My heart is sunken and I am feeling so condemned. What happen to the woman who used to arise at 5am each morning, excited and alive….ready to spend time with the Lord? Praise music and joy would already be in my head and dreams of sharing wuth others about the gospel would have been on my mind. But, not today…. In fact, it has been months since I have felt that way. And I know the reason why. It is because of yet, another trade-off. I am in a relationship with a man who loves Jesus, but deep in my heart, I know he is not the one for me. He is a brand new believer, and I’m new, too, with only a couple of years under my belt, yet passed the milk phase and eating solid food through in-depth study on my halfhearted days. I know God can do wondrous miracles, but I feel we are unequally yoked. God has something bigger and better for the both of us
    As a single mom, raising a five year old by myself (estranged from family and parents deceased), the lonliness has been overwhelming for years. This relationship was an easy trade-off…. Is an easy trade-off. Maybe your book will speak to my heart again and give me hope? Even though it doesn’t feel like I’m hopeless right now, I do feel like I need supernatural strength to end this and wait on the Lord. Thank you for speaking to my heart this morning. I am getting up now to spend time with the Lord.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Michelle – thank you so much for your vulnerability and honesty. Any one of us could see how easy it would be to make the trade you are – to not be alone. May I pray for you?

      Father, thank you for intersecting Your word with Michelle’s heart this morning. Give her the courage and power to begin making wise trades. Help her to get back to her first love of You, knowing that when she does, You will give her the guidance and direction she needs each and every day. Increase her desire for You, knowing that as she fills her heart with your love and truth, the other situations in her life will have clarity. Amen

  155. I’m in! Just recently deleted Facebook so that I could spend my time more wisely…with God, my Husband, my Family and Friends. No more comparing my life to peoples highlight reels.

  156. I’m in! I feel very selfish at times when I trade activities or tasks that I feel have to be done for time with my girls ( ages 7 and 10) I want to teach them a more balanced mindset than the one I have and am afraid I am passing on. These books would be a great help to us. Thank you!

  157. I am currently going through a difficult time in my marriage and your devotion today made me think about how I have been making certain decisions. For example, I have been considering divorce. That would fix my current problem but what reprocusions would that have for my future? Thank you for making me stop and think about the costs of trades.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Dina – to hear you are considering this trade obviously means you are in a very difficult situation. I am afraid too often, when we make a choice to make a trade, we don’t carry out what the future of that trade will be. In our family, we have had those who have said, “My decisions don’t impact others.” Divorce is one decision that heavily impacts others, especially children. Can I pray for you?

      Oh Father who loves us so, thank you for Dina reading Your word today from the story of Jacob and Esau. Jesus, Esau chose what felt the best at that moment. The remainder of his life he paid for that decision. Empower Dina to soak herself in Your word and hear Your truth so she can make wise decisions and the best trades in her life. Amen

  158. A wise trade would be to take my 4yr old to the park instead of grocery shopping. The stress of the decisions of my teens has left me with emptiness on wisdom and my younger ones are getting the bad end of the trade.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Portia – the great thing about God is we have access to HIS wisdom. In James 1 He says if any of us lacks wisdom we can ask of God and He will give it to us LIBERALLY. Our part is to ask and then follow it. Reading His word every day is a huge part of gaining that wisdom. The trade of time is a hard one, but so very, very worth it! Thank you so much for stopping by today!

  159. I waited for God to send His best for me (a husband) while the enemy sent someone along that, while intriguing, wasn’t the Godly leader my heart needed! So thankful I didn’t compromise and trade momentary pleasure for a lifetime of joy! Would love to win!

  160. Jessica Twitty says:

    Would love to win. Thank you for the devotional today.

  161. Rachel D. says:

    It’s so easy to trade in the Word for the world!

  162. Katharine Wright says:

    I’m in!! Thank you so much for this perspective today. I will be trying to focus on making wise trades!

  163. Tiffanie Watkins says:

    I’m in! Thinking about what trade we are making is important. I had not considered this fully until I read the devotion today. Thanks for sharing!

  164. I don’t typically read these emails daily…but today’s title pulled me in. And it was really a message I needed to hear. I find myself trading time with my 2 little girls for my never-ending “to-do list”. Excellent reminder that this is more than a choice, it’s a trade.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      I am so glad you did, Heather! Encouragement for Today can be read in about 2 minutes. I think you would find it to be well worth it 🙂

  165. Donna Spitzer says:

    I need all the help I can get….My husband of 43yrs passed away the Saturday before Easter, leaving me to finish raising our 13yr old daughter & our 19yr old son, sadly his last 4 years of med costs & nursing home cost didn’t leave money for life insurance…I have spent so many hours in tears & on my knees And am feeling completely overwhelmed…HELP
    I need big help making the “right” decisions for our future……………………………………….

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Oh Donna! There are just no right words. Can I pray for you? Dear Jesus, our heart hurts for our sister Donna. Jesus, you knew Donna’s husband was going to go to be with You. You also knew and know just how You are going to miraculously provide, both financially and with wisdom for decisions. Pour Your peace into her heart and in her situations. Send help, those who can provide support and guidance. Show Yourself mightily, Jesus! Amen

  166. I’m in!! Thank you for the wisdom and encouragement!

  167. Trying to make wise trades AND be content with the choices! I am trading financial surplus and “pretty things” for the blessing of homeschooling our four children (15, 13, 11, & 10). Pouring into them is surely more important than chasing after the trappings of this world, yet how quickly the enemy can slip in and plant seeds of discontent. When I focus on “stuff” and ponder trading these fleeting years of building my children’s hearts in exchange for a squeaky-clean, picture perfect, magazine-worthy house, I pray the Lord will remind me that every choice is indeed a trade!
    Thanks, Lynn

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Friend, these years are going to fly by. I homeschooled for awhile. I can honestly say, now that my kids are 23, 20 & 18, they were the best years of my life. I only wish I had done it longer. A well worth it trade!

  168. I’m in! I love this idea and need to be better about making wise trades. A wise trade that I have found is stopping to talk to that homeless person on the street rather than just driving past them. I once did it and after hearing his story, the man looked at me and said “Your time means more to me than your money ever will.” I will never forget that. Time is our most valuable asset and I want to be wise with mine instead of always in a hurry to get to the next thing. Someone’s value and sense of self worth might depend on it.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Kelsey – wow – what an amazing trade! Jesus, make me wise like Kelsey and compassionate too! Amen

  169. I’m learning how God would like to direct my life. In that, I’ve had to be silent and still long enough to hear and listen and apply His teaching to my heart and my children’s hearts as well as others. The voice of pity and insecurity is strong, but I know He can bring me through it. Now it is a matter of trust and leaving my worries at the feet of the cross. Your post was very insightful to me in regards to what I’m trading in my life and how I can change that in future to be the best God wants me to be…fully rooted in Him!

  170. oh how I needed this. I have to be careful with what I trade, for example making sure that I don’t trade conversation time and bonding time with my husband to finish up that last chore that needs done. I need to make a conscious effort every day to spend time talking to him, knowing that it’s important to him and to our marriage.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Good trade, Amber! It can wait!

  171. I recently traded my 10 year nursing career that I loved for the job of a stay at home mom with my 2 babies. I never thought I would ever be a stay at home Mom but God had other plans for me. He is reminding me yet again that his plans are always so much better than mine and I am enjoying my time with my babies who are growing up way too fast! Everyday I thank God when I witness a little moment or milestone that I would have otherwised missed had I not been home!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Amanda – I fully believe you will never regret and be so very, very glad you made this trade. I also traded a career to stay home. Yesterday my youngest turned 18. I am so very happy I had these years at home with my kids. What a blessing…I’m going to miss it so much when this nest is empty!

  172. Fantastic blog post this morning. Thank you for the encouragement!

  173. Recently, I have traded unhealthy eating for a more “clean” diet. Difficult some days, but well worth the sacrifice. Even some of my family have joined me on this journey. It’s nice to have companions in the struggle! So many other areas in my life where I trade. Thanks for the insight – praying God will use this to help me re-evaluate. Blessings.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Keep making those wise trades, Diane!

  174. I’m in. You speak to my heart

  175. I’m in.I find myself trading important time with God for not so important things.

  176. I have made some bad trades when it comes to doing house chores instead of loving on my kids, which I feel guilty about. They are so precious and I just don’t tell them that enough. Also, with my hubby, I can be selfish and put my needs above his which is a horrible thing to do. It is my prayer that God will help me to start making some wiser choices and better trades so that I can enjoy the people that matter most to me. Thank you for this reminder.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      He will, friend! Just keep asking for His help!

  177. Shari Felten says:

    I have a 22 year old daughter who would benefit greatly from these books and my husband & I also teach the College/Careers class at our church. I have a burden to reach out to college age girls because I started going astray in college until I met my husband & God pulled me back on track. I would love to have this book to lend out to our girls. Thanks for the great devotional today!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Shari – thank you so much for investing in the lives of these beautiful young women! Magnetic and The Best Yes would both be great study to go through with your girls. Also, check out the free resources I have on my website. Just click on “freebies”. I have a terrific video from Christian guys on dating with a free discussion question guide.

  178. Annie McVickers says:

    I’ve never truly considered the concept of a trade as presented in your devotion today. Thanks for a new insight! I have “mourned” finishing “Keep It Shut” and would love a new book to begin my next journey to seek what He has for my lIfe!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Hi Annie, How about joining the new Proverbs 31 Ministries online Bible study “When Women Learn to Walk In Faith”? It’s terrific!

  179. Beth Hudson says:

    I’m in!

    I have never seen Esau’s story told quite like this. I need stop trading a lot of things for the best God has!
    Excellent article.

  180. Thanks for wonderful devotion! Just what I needed to hear today!

  181. Amy Elliott says:

    I am so in! I can see so many bad trades I’ve made in my life for various reasons and I need to learn to seek God and his provision and not depend on my own thinking and planning that often comes from an empty place.

  182. Awesome devotion today! I hadn’t thought of my decisions as a trade. It gives me a new perspective.

  183. thankful to have your blog! What resonated with me is that sometimes we don’t even know we are making a trade. Sometimes I am so busy I don’t stop to see I am trading good for mediocre or bad. Thank you for your message.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      So true, Richelle! Jesus, open our eyes to SEE the trades we are making. Making us wise women, Father, and make good trades! Amen

  184. I’m in! I will continue to trade time worrying about others and what they have for time in the Word. Anytime an unworthy thought comes into my mind I just open one of my Bible apps. Like most of us, I’m never without my phone–so I’m never without the Word and the opportunity to quickly change the trades I’m about to make!

  185. I make many poor choices with how I spend my time. I pray God helps me to make wiser choices. I want to be more present in my children’s lives and make more time to study God’s word. Thank you for this devotion and for the opportunity to win these books!

  186. I’m in! I find myself sacrificing time with my husband for much less important things.

  187. Sheri Johnson says:

    I’m in…I made a trade today, giving up my day off to go in to work some extra hours to help my co-workers. Its a mixed trade: I set my own hours to include allowing myself time to take care of my health at the gym before I go in to work and getting out in time to pick up kids at school. BUT, will be pushed through the day with having packed it in with little margin for anything. I am praying God will orchestrate my day!! This devotion has reminded me of the the trades I make every moment and I will be more conscious of them especially today in the time I have with my family as well as the moments this morning to reflect on God’s love and promises.

  188. I’m in! From a girl who desperately needs encouragement, wisdom & a fresh start at home

  189. Brooke Wallcraft says:

    I’m in! I’ve reached the point in my life where I think I’m ready to receive the wisdom contained in these two books. A couple years ago I would’ve scoffed at the subjects, but now I’m eager to listen.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Brooke – may you fill your heart and mind with all of the wisdom from God’s word you can get your hands on! Lord – fill her up!

  190. I will trade in impulsivity for patience.

  191. I would love to read these books and share experiences with some girls in my life who are making poor choices and aren’t listening to Godly wisdom from others who have made it through by the grace of God! And I need encouragement and guidance on poor trades I make on a daily basis! I praise God for this ministry and am so thankful to have you hold me accountable! May God continue to bless your ministry!

  192. I so appreciate your ministry to women of all ages. I’ve been meaning to get your Magnetic book for my 14 year old daughter to help own her eyes to focusing on her eternal beauty and her relationship with the One who has loved her from the start. Now that you are bundling this book with The Best Yes it’s even more good stuff to help her (and me) make wiser choices.

  193. Amy Wells says:


    Thank you so much for your words. As usual God spoke through you exactly what is happening in our lives. Trades are occurring for me, my husband and my teens. I will pass on the devo to them as well so we can all be reminded of our choices even in the little things that matter. Thank you for developing your writing skills and allowing our Lord to work through you. I had seen the 9 prayers for our girls in the past and peeked at the Magnetic book noting in my mind it would be a special read.
    God bless you,

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Hi Amy – all of our kids need us investing in them, even making trades with our time, money and energy to do so. I think it is even more important than ever during the teen years. I hope you’ll join me for my current series: 10 Tips to Teach Our Girls About Money. Thanks for stopping by today!

  194. Wow! Thank you for this post. I never actually thought about my life in terms of trades and that is exactly what I do every single day. Usually my trades aren’t the best. But a good trade I’m in the process of doing is giving up a 9-5 (5 is a loose term at best) job to become a career coach and consultant in order to spend more time with my now teenage daughters. It’s a scary choice especially as a single mother. But I feel it’s the absolute right choice after months and months of prayer!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Kristin – your timing couldn’t be better. Our girls need us available to them as much as possible during this sometimes turbulent years. Way to go!

  195. I am in! This really spoke to my heart this am about all of the trades I make that aren’t what God wants for me. I will be paying more attention today! Thanks!!

  196. I make too many bad trades to list. But today I want to replace taking God’s blessings for granted with gratitude for everything and every circumstance! Thanks for the chance to win!

  197. I appreciate this reminder of we are always trading something for something. Right now I have been trading my time to do stuff around the house or take care care of my body for foolish stuff.

  198. Cristie giles says:

    I too often trade financial security with the compulsiveness of buying things. I am a sucker for a sale even if I do not really need it.

  199. I loved this devotional. It was exactly what I needed to hear today. I have been trading other things for spending time with God. I stay in bed instead of getting up to get my day going and spending time in the Word, I go on Facebook instead of reading, I move on instead of praying for someone that comes into my mind. This was a great reminder of the trade offs that I have been doing are not worth it. Thanks!! I would LOVE to win the books.

  200. Im in.

    I traded death for elevation. I was about 21 – 22 years old, I decided to leave home and join the Army.
    Although I didn’t like it at first because of the unknown factors. I soon realized that it was better than stay stuck.
    Stuck being average (just getting by), financially broke and spiritually dismantled.

  201. Amanda Karlin says:

    I more often than not feel like I am choosing the wrong trade out of the two options Jesus has given me. Right now I need to focus on the little, sweet moments with my kids over tedious house work or meaningless distractions, before they are grown and gone.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Trust me, it comes all too soon, Amanda! My youngest turned 18 yesterday morning. I’m just going to be honest – I spent about an hour crying and asking God, ‘What’s next?” I know it will be good, but I have just enjoyed this season of raising kids soooo much!

  202. I have never commented or posted before but your message today was exactly what I needed! I make what seems like a million trades a day that put demands of this world over loving God, others, and myself. All of this leaves me so empty that I then make even more trades for short term relief over long term health and happiness. I would love to learn more about making better decisions about how I spend my time! Thanks again for the message:)

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Welcome Nicole! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and share today!

  203. Julie Kissinger says:

    Wow! I love this post. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to win the books! I immediately think of my daughter and how much she and I could share and grow with these books.

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

    Blessings on your day

  204. I’m in, Lynn. I’ve made pretty bad trades in the past, and while I cannot get those things back the way they were – I know God will return them to me magnified if I stay faithful to Him. I am going to keep trading negative thoughts for positive ones.

  205. I loved this lesson. I’m in the middle of Lysa’s Made to Crave devotional, so I’m trying to make some positive trades in my eating life. My good trade for today is drinking water with my meals instead of delicious sweet tea (and all that sugar). I would love this bundle pack. I’ve got a girlfriend who I think could really use your book. She’s recently divorced from her failed first marriage, and she has a tendency to not pursue godly men because that’s not on her priority list when it comes to dating. I hope that your book can show her the characteristics that Christ wants her to exhibit, as well as the characteristics she should be looking for in a husband. And I will definitely keep (and then share) The Best Yes. I, like so many other women, have that terrible please-everybody-disease. Thank you for your beautiful devotional today!

  206. I’m in! I try to trade an extra half hour of sleep for time with God each morning. Some days are moresuccessful than others. 🙂

  207. Oh my how true this is today! I’m in and I am sharing this with my 2 girls.

  208. I would love these books for my 17 yr old daughter. She needs to hear these things. She’s a great kid that is starting to trade for things she shouldn’t.

  209. There are so many trades I could advise my daughters to make because I’ve made the terrible ones. However, I would tell trade in Satan’s lies about myself and who I am in Christ Jesus. If you accept the truth of who Jesus’s say s that you are many hurts and disappointments know.

  210. Oh I need this! I’m in!

  211. I feel like I am continuously trading time getting stuff done around the house or giving my attention to the kids for having my nose in my phone 🙁

  212. One good trade I can make today is trading (wasted) time on my phone for spending time playing and being present with my daughter!

  213. Trading an extra 30 minutes of sleep for a devotional time with God is a trade worth making.
    I’m In.

  214. Well, Lynn, you did it again! You always make me stop in my tracks and reflect! (thank you!) I need to trade some negative thoughts this morning…and complaints! Husband, responsibilities, bills, the list can go on forever!! Thank you for helping me see beyond the complaints, in order to see the blessings!! You are awesome, and I am blessed to have found your blog! Have a GREAT day!! 🙂


  215. I’m ALL in!

    Thank you for being a blessing to me as well as other women. I’m sure I’m not alone when I make the horrible trade such as trading intimacy with my husband for more sleep. I know marriage is God’s design which is why we become one in God’s sight. I need to be more aware of what kind of trade I’m making and be more attentive to my husband’s needs because as my “other half” his needs are important because he is part of me and we belong to each other (I Cor).

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Preach it, Olga!

  216. I look forward to sharing this with my two granddaughters . . . when they are a bit older. Thank you for sharing the wisdom God has given you. When days are hard, especially when I’ve struggled with health problems, I’m tempted to trade Bible time with mindless electronic time. Definitely a losing trade!

  217. Wow!! What a wake up call for me today!!! These words spoke straight into my heart!!! Thank you!! Would love to have these books to keep feeding me!!! Have a blessed day!!!!

  218. Diane Pace says:

    I’m in, I would love to have this book to read. Thank you for the wonderful devotion today. Have a blessed day.

  219. Over the past years I’ve been struggling with the hardships that’s come up in my life – (multiple rapes starting from age 7, miscarriage, physical abuse as a kid, depression, suicide attempts, self harm) and I have struggled to focus on the Lord through all these trials. I came to the Lord about 5 years ago and have been down a long path. But it’s what got me here. About 7 months ago I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital due to a suicide attempt. Again 2 months ago. Now with this as a back story I want to say that I’m ready for a trade. I’ve been in therapy for going on 7 months and have decided to push more on to the Lord. Although, Therapy is helping me I think it’s more important to focus on the Lord.

    The beginning of your article states that every choice is a trade. So here’s the most recent trade (choice) I’ve made. I’ve traded suicide attempts and self harm. In stead of doing these things I am now focused on a woman’s study in my church, accountability within the church and my walk with the Lord.

    This is what is really important to me right now. And reading these blogs on Womens’s daily Devotion is also helping too.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Stella – welcome to new life, friend! May you find in our Love, Jesus, all the love, joy and peace your craving heart desires. We all have the same craving – we express these cravings differently. Jesus is the complete filler of our love gap and He will fill your’s as He fills mine each and every day I run to Him!

      1. Lynn – Thank you for the encouragement today. I really appreciate it. I look forward to becoming a Christian Therapist later on in my life. And reading your book can help me as well as helping others in the future. I would love to read your book. I have subscribed to your blogs as today has filled me with great joy. Thank you.

  220. Beth Tatman says:

    I’m in! This really hit me hard today. I can think of all the bad trades I’ve made in the past. I feel the best trade is getting up early to spend time with the Lord. Thank you for this timely devotional!

  221. Thanks for getting me to take an honest look at how I spend my time. Many “little trades”‘can add up to a big loss. This will hopefully make me stop & think if the trade is really worth it before acting. Thank you for the wise words and offer. 🙂

  222. Brenda W. says:

    I love this article I going to some things with my daughter trying to make her understand that quick fixes are sometime only temporary. Do trade in your life for a quick fix. I so needed this and i printed it off for her to read. I would love to have the books to sit down and read with her. She listen but she think I’m old fashion and sometime it take her seeing it or hearing it from others.

  223. Lydia Hostetler says:

    I needed to hear this today. I came over by way of encouragement today in my email. Thank you. I too often skip my time with God and get busy with my day. I need to learn to trade my busy-nesd for peace and quiet time with God.

  224. Lisa Mebane says:

    The several minutes my *very slow computer* took to bring me to your blog was a good trade of my time. 😉 I look forward to your shared wisdom, & am going now to check out the ’10 tips to teach my girl about money’.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Thanks for sharing, Lisa! I hope you enjoy the You and Your Girl Series. They are each month and began in December.

  225. Thank you once again for your beautiful words!

  226. Just what I needed this morning. Thanks

  227. I’m reaching out to a young lady who is asking for daily living guidance in her spiritual walk. I think your book Magnetic would be a perfect gift for her and I to start reading together.

  228. Great message. I would love to get the bundle for my daughters America and Gabriela

  229. Stephanie Rudash says:

    Trades – lately I’ve been learning to trade some reading time for time here and in Gods word through the P31 OBS

    I’m in for the drawing please!

  230. I would love to start the study Magnetic with both my girls. That will require some time and schedule trades.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      A great trade 🙂

  231. I have a friend who struggles with self worth and making devastating decisions with her body. She has a daughter who sees her mom in different relationships often. Something happened to her as a teenager that began this spiral of negativity about herself and body. She is aware of it and I try and bring her comfort and let her know that God loves her and that she is a precious being to Him and to me. I hope one day she would see it. I would love to give her the book so she can see for herself.

  232. I personally want to make the right trade! I have a daughter that sometimes makes unwise trades. She is starting her adult life and I would love for her to go out into the world on the right track and being conscious of her trades. I want her to see the light of The Lord. She is open minded but not fully sold. I want Him to speak to her in no other way she ever imagined and feel what I feel from Our Father!! Thank you for the encouragement!!!
    Have a Blessed Day!!

  233. I trade TV time for more silence and devotion time with God.

  234. I’m in! I so need to be more conscience of the trades I’m making.

  235. YES! This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Finding myself wavering and needing this reminder to refresh my perspective with more of HIS truth and less of my desires. His ways are best. He knows what is unknown. Trusting in that truth. Thank you!

  236. Melissa K. says:

    I need trade my desire for success(I have a entrepreneur’s heart) for nurturing my family.

  237. I would love to win this book for me and my 14 year old daughter. We’re all about making that trade from being engrossed in our technological devices to hopping in the car for a drive to get a frozen yogurt together. Some of our best conversations take place this way. Thanks for the chance to win!

  238. Allison P says:

    I’m in. I came from Proverbs 31, and I’m looking for a new devotional so I’m pretty excited to find you!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Welcome, Allison! Glad you are joining us!

  239. Thank you for your wise words and sharing God’s grace! At 22 I am experiencing difficult times and trades that could effect my life in Christ. I traded achieving a career that others assumed I would pursue and would bring me Worldly success for God’s plan for me. Instead of focusing all my efforts on education and reaching the next milestone, I am allowing God to take over and display His grand design. It has not been easy but in the end I know that this trade will bring me closer to who I am supposed to be in Him!

  240. I’m in! More time in the Word and with my family and less time with the T.V.!!!!!!

  241. Dana Tumlin says:

    I made a trade over a year ago… Drop social media for more time in the word and with my family! Still going strong:)

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Awesome, Dana! I need to follow your example more and my phone less! Great trade!

  242. Kaye Newsome says:

    I’m in! I know many times I don’t make the best “trades” you could say. I am trying to take more time to pray harder so I can make better “trades”:)

  243. Catherine Bell says:

    I’m in! I love your Proverbs 31 article today! I never thought of how I make bad trades. That concept could be so life changing! I pray I can take it to heart and make the changes that God is calling me to make. Thank you for the message!

  244. I have been trading my weekend time for spending it with my elderly parents that need me now. There are times I am not doing this with the joy in my heart that I want to be there.

  245. Victoria Wheeler says:

    One trade that is always good for me is just spending time holding my baby versus… well, anything else!

  246. Your post for today really spoke to me. I am printing part of it to have in front of me all day so I won’t compromise by making unfulfilling “trades”. Thank you!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Great idea, Diana!

  247. I’m in. Thank you so much for the encouraging words.

  248. Trade money (socialization, etc.) for being a stay-at-home-mom 🙂 — I’m in!! – Definitely agree that I need to be more conscience of the trades I’m making as well. —

  249. Would love to win these to share with my young mom’s group at church!

  250. I so want the magnetic book….

  251. I am the overwhelmed mother of a 19-year-old daughter we adopted 8 years ago. She is angry and rebellious. I want to be able to touch her heart for God so she will be able to trade her hurt and bitterness for the love of a Savior.

  252. I think this book would be an amazing tool for my life. I live in a family in which I have NO worth. My father calls me derogatory names, my mother always has some negative comment about how I look (I can’t help it if God gave me flat hair, grey eyes and my genetics make me prone to gain weight, or that I get severe brake outs all over my face, or that medication as an infant turned my teeth permanently yellow and am “flat chested”, and short) I have a younger sister who is drop dead gorgeous, perfect hair, “chest”, height and eyes.Everything….! Every one LOVES her, even though she is a MEAN person. I am kind quite gentle, loving forgiving, hard working, I do my best to always be an example of Christ. (I don’t meant to be “singing praises”) Yet, people don’t see Christ in me, they only see a walking carpet, no one has any respect for me, no one notices me except when they want something from me, and the moment they get it they are done with me, until they “need” me gain. Even then they don’t see Christ serving them, they see a carpet they can wipe their feet on. I want to be liked, to be appreciated, to be noticed, to be worth something, I want to have a magnetic personality that says, “look at what Christ did for me, He can do this for you too” I think this book may be able to guide me in how to be a magnet for God.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Oh Michelle – it sounds like you are already magnetic! The fruit of the Spirit – that is what God calls gorgeous and that my friend is what you are!

      1. I don’t see how being ignored or viewed as $h#t is by every one I know is “magnetic,” and being trod upon and keeping your head down about it like a coward is”fruit”. Cowardice is not in the list of fruits form the spirit. God doesn’t call people to be carpets, He calls them to be lights. But thank you anyway!

  253. Shelly Burns says:

    I’m in! I just found your blog via Proverbs 31…what a blessing! Today’s post about trades is awesome as I’ve recently traded processed foods for real, clean food. I know that our bodies are temples and shouldn’t we fuel them with what’s good instead of what’s not? Would love to win these books!

  254. I am a single mom and cancer survivor and am struggling to make the best trades with my time and finances. The financial recovery seems so daunting and I fail often at making a trade that will benefit my daughter and I in the future instead of the “right now.”

  255. Carrie Childers says:

    I’m in! Trying to make a job decision! Praying about it!

  256. My trade is for the Lord, but means I now live as a single mom with my 4 blessings. ..2 whom are chronically ill. But we all feel safe and loved

  257. Lynn,
    yes, I came over from the daily devotional via Proverbs 31. 🙂 With my three young daughters, I am mindful about wanting them to be satisfied in their hearts with God first always. That they would hold themselves with value and not believe that they “need” something or someone to satisfy their desire to be valuable.
    As I wrestle with it myself, my prayer is that God will give me that contentment. (1 Timothy 6:6) and I’ll be able to model it for them. I’ll trade a perfectly tight and toned body for time with them instead of leaving them with caretakers to go to the gym all the time. (this is not to say I won’t pursue a healthy life, but that I don’t want them to see an obsessed mother who worships a “perfect” body) After three girls, my “perfect” ideal needs to be directed inward instead.

    Thanks for the giveaway, I’d love to read your book as well as “The Best Yes”.

  258. Bobby A. Sturgeon, Jr. says:

    traded in revenge (you made me mad) for discipline (you disobeyed God)

  259. I’ve been struggling with my job a lot lately. I’m so frustrated and want to leave the company. I’m afraid to get out there and do something new though. So today, I’m trading those fears for God’s comfort and promise that he will take care of me.

  260. One trade that isn’t worth it is sitting and spending time on your smart phone instead of paying attention to your child. Sometimes I’m guilty of that. Also, it is always better to do what God thinks is best for your future than to fall into the temptations of “right now”. That’s something I’m also learning.

  261. I would like to trade all the excuses!!

  262. I truly need these lessons on spending. I would love to win the bundle givaway.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      So glad you signed up to get them Arlene!

  263. I have always said life is about choices, but I like the word trade! It is an interesting way to think about each choice we make. I would like to trade self doubt for self worth and truly feel the love God has for me. I don’t want my children to grow up with the same self doubts I have always felt, and the best way to teach is by example. I am so happy that I stumbled upon Encouragement for Today – I look forward to reading it!! Thank you!

  264. Wonderful devo! Trading in flying on auto-pilot about food choices for more deliberate healthy choices.

  265. You are gifted, thank you for sharing. Even though I would love to have your books to read and share I’m going to trade my chance to one of the other women who have posted here that need it more than I do.
    God Bless you always!

  266. I need to trade unnecessary, unhelpful, mindless internet time with the more important things right in front of me!

  267. Susan Gruener says:

    I’m trading my desires for His desires!

  268. Michelle B says:

    I’m in! New to Proverbs email messages and to your blog but love them both

  269. Alexandrea Perez says:

    First off, thank you for sharing this today. I think it’s something we all need to be reminded of- that at the end of the day none of this “worldy” stuff matters, so we need to constantly be making these smart trades. Second, off I REALLY want to win this!! 🙂

  270. I’m in! This sounds like the perfect book at the perfect time!

  271. I’m in.
    It’s tough to think about all those unwise trades lof the past. Thankfully I’m forgiven and can work on make wise yrades from now on. Thanks for the inspiring words. I like to share your posts with my frirnds.

  272. I’m in
    I recently traded watching my favorite tv show for spending time with my girls at bedtime!

  273. Abby Breuklander says:

    Oh I needed this today!! I think trading my feelings of fear and doubt for the love and peace that only He gives would be my best trade!!

  274. I’d like to trade in the way I spend my time & take care of myself. I know there’s a better way. Thank you 🙂

  275. I’m in! My life has been a roller coaster this past year….it’s time to get back on track and devote the quiet time with Him again, trading a bit of sleep for this wonderful time!

  276. My goodness, YES, I’m in.

  277. Amanda Carpenter says:

    A trade I’m willing to make is cutting back on sleep and getting up earlier to exercise my body and my heart– doing physical activity and reading the Lord’s word! 🙂 I get at least 8 hours a night on average, so 30 minutes early isn’t a big deal. I sure do act like it is, ha! Great blog!! <3

  278. My trade? When I leave work, that’s it for the day! I decompress from the day on my card ride home and when I walk in the door, it’s all about my family and I’m just Mom. That is my favorite person to be!

  279. Emily Fleener says:

    I’m in – your devotion spoke to my heart today – thank you!

  280. Maxine Kalkwarf says:

    I’m in! Trading time for Jesus is sometimes hard, but what he did for me is why I can trade computer time for Him.
    Thank you for all that you do for me.

  281. Michelle Faile says:

    I’m IN!!!!!!!

  282. Thanks for helping me to look at things differently Lynn! Wow! I always thought Esau was so foolish to make that trade, but never really thought about how hungry he was and how he just wanted the food. What foolish trades have I made? Wow! I pray the Lord will open my eyes and give me the wisdom I need to make the best choices!

  283. Christina says:

    I’m in, thank you for this post, and for the opportunity to read both books.

  284. I am in. My husband and I are on the brink of separation maybe even divorce after 23 years of marriage and 6 kids.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Lord, You know everything there is to know about Michelle and her marriage. You can do a miracle, Jesus. Please give Michelle Your wisdom and guidance and the power to follow that. Amen

  285. Marcia Spath says:

    These books would be great to share with my students at school.

  286. Thank you for sharing this insight! I like the idea of framing every action we take as a “trade” because lots of times you choose to do something in place of another thing, and this really makes me examine my own “trades.”

  287. Jasmine Smith says:

    I am trading my fear for God’s peace!!
    🙂 🙂 🙂

  288. I’m trading thoughts that I’m expendable & forgotten for thoughts that I’m worthy & precious

  289. Oh the trades we make! Thank you for bringing wise words to my heart and encouraging those trades for the best from God and turning from the trades of the enemy.

  290. Charlotte Daniels says:

    I’m in:)
    Thanks for the opportunity to get two great books. Whomever wins will be blessed.

  291. Alicia Wade says:

    I’m in…I am signing up to win this book for my sons present girlfriend. She comes from a very broken background and I am trying to get to know her so I can minister to her. She announced today that she plans to move in with my son when he moves out and that this is a good thing. I am trying to convince her that this is such a wrong choice. I need all the help I can get. I want her to realize her value in the eyes of the Lord.

  292. I am trading my TV time for time with God in his word and also in prayer.

  293. I’m trading my silly novels for some time spent with His word and those who speak His word.

  294. I’m trading my desire/obsession for food for more intimacy with my husband, a closer relationship with God, and feeling healthier and looking better.

  295. My daughter has been making trades since she was 16. She is now a single mom of 3 beautiful girls 6, 4, 2 1/2. We have supported her all through these trades. She is still trading, mostly time with her girls for her own desires. I deeply desire this package to read and share with her the importance of her walk with the Lord and her own wants. She has been raised in church all her life. She struggles continously. I am totally heart-broken and exhausted talking with her trying to get to the root of why she makes the decisions she does. I know it’s Satan. I talk to her about it o ly when she confronts me with her life. She has called my husband and I many times saying, “I am at the end of my rope.” She lived with us during her pregancies and my husband and I raised these precious girls. They are God’s children and they are such huge part of our lives. I hurt daily. I am in constant prayer and in my Bible. I ask that what I say is ONLY what the Holy Spirit speaks tbrough me. My daughter would benefit so much from information you have to offer, I’m sure I will too. Please consider me prayerfully as you give away these special gifts. I only want to recieve them if the Holy Spirit guides you in that way. Thank you so much.

  296. For me the best trade is my thought life. When I am tired or worn out or feeling negative, I just have to quieten my mind and open my heart to Christ. I don’t have pray or anything, just loving him with my heart transforms everything. I immediately feel lighter and peaceful

    God Bless

  297. I’m in!
    Everyday I trade the urge to get out of the house & get a job for the chance to be home keeping my kids in check! I am currently starting my own photog business but it’s been slow going. Thank you for all of your encouraging words & God bless you!

  298. I’m trading my tendency to drift, to waste time (especially on my iPad) and to be more intentional in my time- in running a home, being with my family, time with my hubby.
    Thank you for the reminder that everything we do is a trade.

  299. I really like the imagery of Christ’s open hands towards us. My trade today is grace over judgement.

  300. I’m in! Trading time at work for time with my son is a def no no if I have my own choice in the matter. He’s only young once!

  301. I’m in! I’m trading sleep in the morning for quiet time with God and a clean house to play with my kids. (both of these are very difficult for me1)

  302. I want to trade all the yeses I always say for the best yes. Looking forward to winning both books:)

  303. Jennifer Nixon says:

    I trade in sleep to read my Bible alone in the quiet before everyone else is up and starting their day.

  304. Christine says:

    I’m in!! I have been making terrible trade offs and feeling very down and weak….I want to turn my life around and only God can do that for me. Reading some of these comments, I’m feeling quite inspired 🙂

  305. I’m in! I enjoy your Encouragement for the day devos.

  306. Stephanie says:

    The wisest and scariest trade I made was to leave my career and substantial income to be home with my two daughters. It has been two years (they were 1 and 3 at the time) since I left the professional world. Although there are days I miss the feeling of being a professional and “important”, interacting with adults, as well as the money, God reminds me that I am right where HE wants me to be. These are only short term sacrifices that I pray will bear a great harvest in the long run. Lord, I pray for you to guide me during this time as there are many days I do not feel cut out for this job or feel equipped the way I think I should be to raise such precious little ones in this world. Love your site Lynn…Wise Women…Wiser Daughters! Thank you for the opportunity for these two great books.

  307. Jennifer Chapman says:

    Making good trades is something I need to work on especially when it comes to my husband and children. I’m really struggling with understanding why I’m doing what I do at work because I’m miserable and burnt out. I’m working hard on leaning on God to help me find my purpose so I can be happy again. I’m in!

  308. I really enjoyed your article The Danger of an Empty Heart. Even though only read it a few minutes ago, it has really begun to resonate with me and has encouraged me to seek the Lord’s council on those trades I have been making in my life, especially the ones I didnt realize I was making. I just want to thank you and the Proverbs 31 ministry for your obedience to the Holy Spirit and all that you do. May the Lord bless you all immeasurably in every area of your lives.

  309. Im trading in facebook time for time studying in Gods word

  310. I’m all in and thankful for your words of encouragement today. It is way to easy to trade for things of this world and leave the leftovers for God. I pray that I am faithful in responding to His calling as He prods me daily to be more obedient, to get into His Word and to share with others His goodness, mercy and grace. May I always put God first in every aspect of my life!

  311. Miranda Miller says:

    I trade 30 minutes of sleep each morning to study God’s word

  312. I’m in. Thanks for offering this opportunity to win some wonderful material.
    I plan to trade checking email for taking more time in God’s Word each day, as well as taking time to pray. I also plan to trade time thinking about a plan of action in cleaning up some paperwork in our home for actually just getting started and getting it finished one step at a time.
    Thanks again, for all you do to help us all. 🙂

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