The Power of Patience

On Monday mornings, we’ve been studying the qualities of the fruit of the Spirit. It’s time to move on to…

Patience. Probably not many of our favorites!

Now, I’m one of those girls who just has to maximize her time, so when I clean, I learn. I pull up a message on the internet from one of my favorite speakers and listen as I scrub those toilets.

Being perfect like He is, the Lord gave me exactly the tools I was going to need Saturday afternoon while I was scrubbing away Saturday morning through Andy Stanley‘s teaching “Future Family”.

Andy and his wife Sandra, in session 5, shared their way of parenting. “Don’t bail; they them fail.” was one that stood out to me. Not new to me; in fact, I have taught it in my teaching, “Building a Bridge to Your Child’s Heart”, I needed to hear it again. I needed to hear how to respond when my child makes a mistake.

That’s where patience comes in. The Greek word for patience in the listing of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22 – 23) is makrothumia which is patience prompted by mercy. Mercy. Compassion.

Saturday, when I was discussing with my child the consequences of a failure, I was able, through the empowering of the Holy Spirit, to rely on mercy to be patient. It didn’t mean that I came to the rescue. Instead, it meant I sympathized while we discussed the solution. When our kids were little, we gave them a hug after we spanked them; we sympathized. They still need our sympathy now, while life is handing out the spankings!

There was a huge difference this time. Instead of relationship broken, relationship was restored. Instead of blame, there was ownership. I’m hoping, with the Holy Spirit’s power, this will become the new way, the patient way, to handle mistakes.

Holy Spirit, we don’t have this type of patience on our own; only your life in us gives mercy to others in trying situations. Thank you for your mercy toward us and make us conduit of your merciful patience towards others today. Amen


The winner of Elisabeth‘s book Putting Fairy Tales to Shame is Missy B who posted on December 8th. Please email me your full name and address, Missy, and Elisabeth will send it right out. Congratulations!


One Comment

  1. Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder of giving out to our children what our heavenly Father gives out to each of us…every day…all day…any time!! Oh and I hope you don’t mind, but I’m so stealing that wonderful idea of yours about listening to some great teaching while getting some cleaning done!! =)

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