The Push I Need
The winner of I Want God by Lisa Whittle from Wednesday’s post: When Our Daughters Will Want God is Amber M. who posted 2014/10/08 at 12:20 . Please send me your full name and address, Amber to [email protected] and I’ll get it right out.
It’s been just what I’ve needed. Maybe you need it too? With all the investing we do as we women, we need other women to come along side us, pushing us to grow and reach our fullest potential. My friend, Sarah Martin has been doing for me that last couple of weeks. When I read this passage yesterday in Just Rise Up, I thought, “That is exactly what Magnetic is about!” “John 15 talks much about fruit. If sin separates us from Jesus, the flip side is that repentance and obedience (sticking close to Him) produces fruit in our lives, namely, the fruit of the Spirit that Paul wrote about in Galatians 5. When we step away from sin, redirect our course in repentance, and stay connected with the Lord, He promises love, joy, peace, patience, kindheartedness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Each of these molds our hearts to live more like Jesus. Each fruit adds depth to our personal character as we live out our faith and love for our King. When we “taste” this fruit daily and allow God to enrich it in our lives, we then see that fruit grow in more of an outward expression.
Those around us see the fruit and want some for themselves.
Our actions may even encourage them to examine their lives, repent, abide in Christ, and RISE UP! to pluck their own fruit off the tree, so to speak.” I want my girls to learn to keep their hearts soft and pliable before Jesus, free of sin so they can develop the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. I want that for me too! This study has encouraged me to keep bowing my heart and life to Jesus each and every day, so I will become magnetic, attracting others to my King. Maybe you need a study to do the same? If so, join Sarah’s Online Bible Study coming up November 3rd.
It is common to look at our faith as something that just “is”. It’s not strong, nor is it weak; it’s simply a part of us. But faith is something we desire to strengthen. It is a vital relationship with our Lord that should be nurtured, celebrated, and shouted from the rooftops as the most incredible gift we will ever receive.
Just RISE UP! is a call to do just that. This invigorating study motivates women to do life differently by making Jesus famous in all aspects of life. Many have the itch to make a difference with their lives but don’t know how. By living a life of praise, with a humble posture and a Kingdom perspective, women will step into their life purpose. With Just RISE UP! readers will evaluate their present stance before the Lord and become excited to RISE UP! and take their place in the Kingdom to make the name of Jesus renowned.
Features include:
- Snippets of conversations with Sarah’s readers
- Journaling prompts to help the reader dig deeper
- Questions to facilitate dialogue
Today I am giving away a copy of “Just Rise Up!”. To enter to win, just comment below how you feel we can best stay “connected” to the Lord each day. If you’re in a hurry, simply comment. “I’m in!” I will announce the winner next week on my Wednesday Wisdom Tips.
PS Sarah is sharing what she’s learning in Magnetic on her blog today and giving away a copy. I hope you stop by!
Thank you for the words today! Would love to read rise up for tips for
our women’s prayer group. Blessings to you!
I feel we can best stay connected to Jesus each day by talking with Him all throughout the day. Talk to Him about our joys. Tell Him about the things that sadden our hearts. Tell Him when we are afraid or when we are looking forward to some exciting event. If we recognize the fact that He is always with us – that we have a constant Companion in Him – we can share our day with Him. He is our dearest heart Friend!
Karen! Yes…well said. Thank you for sharing this!
I stay connected through these daily devotions, christian radio, and fellowship.
I have 3 daughters. One who is at a critical age 8 and I am so fearful of not doing enough to show her how to depend on God. I am fearful of confusing her with too much! She has two little sisters that will be learning from us both. The pressure to get it right is overwhelming. I could sure use some guidence!
I’m in
The way I stay connected is by beginning each day with God. I read several devotions, study a chapter from both the New and Old Testaments and also a chapter from Proverbs. When time allows I’ll read a Psalm too. I follow this with prayer and meditation. Sometimes journaling my thoughts. It’s so important for me to feed myself daily with His truths so I’m equipped or whatever the day may bring.
Happy Friday ladies!
I know that when I am feeling overwhelmed and burdened it is always because my prayer time or my time reading scripture is gotten filled with other things. I also believe that we can see God through finding the things we are grateful for in our lives because it reminds us where he already has been working. So, even though it seems dry right now, our lives our full of the living water of Jesus, we just need to swim in that water instead of stand by and watch it flow away. Thanks for your wonderful devotions!
I’m in!
I’m in!
I know that if I would prioritize reading God’s Word daily that would help me stay closer to Him. Praying to Him throughout the day about everything is a great way too.
I’m in!
God Bless,
Mainly reading His word and spending some time with Him, asking Him what it means – God is faithful in His keeping of our hearts/ minds. I’m in!
I believe having a moment every day that works for you that you have one on one time with God is one great way to stay truly connected. I heard a pastor (not sure who it was) mention that if its worth worrying about then it’s worth praying about. Any time you worry about something, stop that worry and say a small prayer. While helping all my fellow worrywarts put there, I think you also become closer to God by constantly putting your trust in him throughout your day and your relationship only solidifies.
thank you ! I’m in !
I’m in
I’m a stay-at-home mom and I find that it was easier to find time to spend alone with the Lord when I was working because my days were so much more structured. When your time is more your own to manage the enemy and our own laziness, selfishness, etc. can easily get in the way. Even though i know spending time connecting to God and STAYING connected through constant conversation with Him all day is essential, I find days going by when I don”t…Really looking forward to this study!
First thing, before her feet hit the floor, my mom would say, “This is the day, the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” I was blessed to be awaken each morning by a mother determined in Spirit. I whisper “Thank You, God for this day. Let me use it wisely. I tried doing what Mama did, but God did not want just a repeat from me. He wanted more, He wanted sincerity. He wants me focosed on Him and our relationship to be like no other. I grab my coffee, do P31 devotion M-F, a few more Christian blogs, and ask God to use me, to let my words and thoughts to be acceptable to Him, to show me when to speak and when to just listen. If I encounter someone who is burdened, we pray, right then, right there. Yesterday it was in MacDonald’s, a place I rarely go, so I know God led me there for a purpose. The more we seek Him, the more we find Him. Journaling and music are also very helpful to me.
We can best stay connected with the LORD each day by CHOOSING to fill our minds with His word each morning before we fill our minds with anything else that the world is tempting us to fill our minds with. I even carry note cards around with mi in my pocket and when I feel frustrated, aggravated, drained, or like I don’t have anymore to give, or like I’m about to loose it with some people, I just pull the note cards out and start reading the verses I have wrote on them and it helps me to keep my focus on God and not myself and saves me from doing something I’ll regret later.
I’m in!
I’m in 🙂
I’m In!! 😀
I’m in!
Taking time throughout day to pause in the rush of the day and thank God for His blessings.
P31 was one of my first ways to learn to connect with God daily. And through them and that experience I have started adding so many more ways to connect and beautiful women of faith that show me daily how they do it as well.
To stay connected the essentials are prayer and bible reading. Would love to do this study and challenge my faith to grow!
I stay connected with him by reading the word daily. It is so vital! If I miss a few days, I really can tell the difference in my attitude and perspective. I also listen to christian radio and listen to podcast’s of bible sermons from churches I don’t attend. I also get several devotionals by email or Facebook.