The Real Deal
On Thursdays, we have been studying Priscilla Shirer’s book He Speaks to Me. Today I heard just what I needed.
Next weekend, I am traveling with another speaker from Proverbs 31, Melissa Taylor to Kinston, NC to speak to a group of teenagers. Melissa asked me yesterday to give my testimony in one of the sessions. For years, I struggled with my “testimony”; it just seemed like there wasn’t a lot to share. I didn’t have an incredible story to tell of how the Lord saved me from destruction…or so I thought.
This morning, while reading this chapter, Priscilla used just the words that describes me. “Moses’ problem was that although he reverenced God, he didn’t know Him very well.” That was my problem too! I believed in Jesus. Obeyed Him in most every way I knew how to; I just didn’t know Him very well. Later she says, “Understanding God’s attributes – the distinguishing marks of His character – helps us appreciate Him in a deeper, more intimate way as it moves us from knowing ABOUT Him to knowing Him. Because God is beyond our comprehension, what we know about Him can come in only one way: He must reveal it to us.” p.59
Wow. That is what happened to me. The King of the Universe revealed Himself to me and I was transformed. I discovered that He was flipped-out, madly in love with me and I have never been the same since! God chose to reveal Himself to Moses. God chose, in His grace and mercy, to reveal Himself to me. That is my prayer for the dear girls I will speak to next week: That God will choose to reveal Him to them and meet them.
May that be your prayer today. I know it is one He can’t wait to answer!
Lynn, I used to always wish I had some ‘great’ testimony to…something that captivated everyone’s attention of what I used to be like and where I am now. However, I’ve come to realize the preciousness (is that a word?) of rejoicing in all that God has kept me from. But for His grace, my testimony could have been filled with years of heartache before coming to know Him. Thankfully, the Lord has given me a testimony of His loving protection even before I received Him into my life. His sustaining power has shielded and surrounded my life even before I knew Him personally. Now, that’s something to give testimony about!!!
Love ya and praying for you as you share your testimony with these girls,