Raising a Strong & Independent Daughter with Katie & Brooklyn Reid
I was completely overwhelmed. Homeschooling my kids, trying to teach piano to my kids, plus attempting to overhaul the way our family was eating all while helping care for my dad who was dying of cancer.
It was way too much, but I didn’t know how to do life any differently. They all seemed to be so important.
That’s when my husband stepped in with a few ideas that seemed … well, at first they seemed mean! For starters, he said that if our kids could reach the washing machine (with the help of a step stool), they could do their own laundry.
It was the beginning of me having a new goal. Instead of being the mom who did all their things, I could teach my kids how to do their things.
Can I just tell you, that when the time to leave home approached, I was so grateful for the amount of independence they had each learned over time.
Today on the Raising Brave Beauties podcast, my co-author and professional counselor, Michelle Nietert, and I are talking with for Katie Reid and her daughter, Brooklyn.
Katie is the author of Made like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Stuff Done, as well as a podcaster, blogger, singer, and speaker.
In addition to talking about raising independent daughters, Katie and Brooke share with us about:
? Being an active listener for your daughter
❓ Important follow-up questions to ask when they confide in you
⚖ Balancing their desire for independence with your desire to connect
? Seeing your child as God the unique creation that they are, rather than our “mini-me”.
Have you seen the newest pre-order freebies for those who order Loved & Cherished early?
If you order now before Loved & Cherished: 100 Devotions for Girls is released, you will get today:
- Immediate access to the first 30 devotions
- 15 Devotions read by Michelle and I
- 7 Prayer Promise Cards to pray over your girl!
This is for a limited time only, so be sure to order your copy today! Just click here to both order your copy and get your freebies!