To Cover or Expose?
If you are joining me here from my Encouragement for Today devotion with Proverbs 31 Ministries, welcome! I am so glad you stopped by!
I’d love to connect with you more on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and Pinterest. This month on my social media #youandyourgirl series we discovering 10 Directions on Dating.
To cover or expose? All too often, in the world of us females, this is the option we’re presented with. Should we protect, cover for the poor decision another has made and offer grace? Or will we choose to expose, making others aware of another’s shortcomings?
In Genesis 9: 20- 27, Abraham’s sons had the same choice. Ham chose to expose his father’s sin, while Japheth and Shem honored their father by protecting him. The result? Japheth and Shem, who guarded their father’s honor, received a blessing.
We can’t possibly know the motivation Ham had for exposing his naked father to his brothers, but I can’t help but wonder if his struggle was similar to our’s. Did he like the attention he received from having information the other brothers didn’t? Maybe Ham thought he would look better if his father looked badder. The human heart can be complicated in the worst sort of way when it comes to the desires lurking there.
For this reason, we must keep our hearts filled. When our hearts are filled with God’s love, when we find ourselves in the position of needing to choose to cover or expose, our hearts choose to protect. We do for another what we would want them to choose for us. Filled to overflowing with Jesus’ love, this is the reaction that becomes natural for us.
Let’s make this our prayer:
“Jesus, fill and satisfy our empty hearts, so we may overflow and give your love to others.”
One of our talented graphic artists from Proverbs 31 Ministries has made this prayer into a beautiful and frame-able PDF for you to download and display where you can read it and pray it often. To receive this free gift, simply enter your email here.
Today, I am also giving away a copy of Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants. To enter to win, enter in the comments below (if you are receiving this via email, please go to and share where you can display this prayer. If you are in a hurry, simply enter, “I’m in!” I will announce the winner on Friday.
I’m in!
I’m In
I’m in
I am in.
im in !!! I so need this as I talk far too much !!!
I’m in!
I’d display this on my refrigerator to serve as a daily reminder.
I’m in
I will share it deep within my soul & into my heart.
The Lord has brought this message to me in several ways; in fact, this is the third time on one week…
It’s amazing…
I am in.
I’m in!
This book is exactly what I was talking to a friend about Saturday! I would love to have a copy. I was reading Mary’s story and was moved to tears about her favor with God. I would like that kind of fVor with Him. Please consider me. I am just finishing Tracie Miles’ boom. Thank you so much for your ministry!
I am happy I found your website! With the little I have read I feel so inspired and encouraged to work towards becoming a Proverbs 31 woman. Thank you.
Welcome friend!
Great post @ Proverbs 31. It has taken me some time to realize that I should take Everything to God in prayer then I am less likely to “call in the dogs” about whatever I was worried, annoyed or angry about. If I take it to God first I seem calmer and have a sense that I can love even through the tough times.
Thank you for reminding me (and my daughter) that when approached with this type of situation, we really have a simple choice — cover or expose. A choice to honor God by acting in love (God’s love) or honor ourselves (the enemies choice).
This prayer is a powerful reminder to act in love and I would display it in my kitchen– where we do life together– to share as a constant reminder to not only my family, but to all of our friends as well!
I’m in 🙂
Going to share this with my family. Our message this last Sunday was on how to treat your family…especially siblings. Your blog fits right with that and is a lesson my boys need to learn. Thank you for serving a God with your words!
I’m in!……thanks for the devotional reminder!
I have a young daughter and I would like her to read your book. As much as we speak to her and try to lead her in the rright direction, I think God’s word will have a greater impact on her.
Thank you for you words of encouragement this morning! I have three girls and they face what the world says is ok, all of the time. I too would display this in my kitchen. It is where we live. We make meals together, we pray here, we work on homework, and we say hello to visitors here. Thank you for your encouragement today!
Thank you for the great post today that really speaks to me. Thank you for the reminder that I do have a choice when given information-cover or expose. It was a great reminder for me that perhaps I desire to ‘know information’ that others do not know. Ouch! This is an area where I struggle.
This is such a timely message as I try and help my daughter navigate the tween years! Thank you so much for your insight as I cover she & her friends in prayer.
I have an 11 year old daughter. We are trying to navigate the waters of middle school, 2015 tech life, and single parent life as a team! We would love to add your book to our arsenal!
I would love to share this book with my daughter.
I needed this reminder today. Sometimes we think others mistakes are funny, but sharing can be so hurtful. Thank you for your daily input in my life.
I help with the youth group in our church. It is a practicularly ‘hard’ group of teens. Even the girls. There is one that suffers from low self esteem. The books I have enter to win this morning, will be given to her.
Thank you again.
Katherine, thank you so much for all you do to pour God’s word into those kids. It is not wasted. It is going into the soil of their hearts and God will produce fruit!
I’m in
this is so timely and necessary
I’m in.
It seems that middle school is a constant battle between covering and exposing. I’d love a copy of Magnetic to give to my daughter to share with whichever of her friends she feels needs it most at the time. I have one in mind, but I will let her chose the recipient. Thanks, Lynn, for your love and care for our girls.
I am going to put the prayer in my girls and my own bathroom so we can see it several times a day! I would love to have this book to share with my three daughters. We are approaching teen years with the older 2 and we are trying to establish “good roots” for them now!
I’m in!
This spoke to me as my daughter is going through some tough times and needs Godly direction I am in and covering her in prayer as she to see and hear truth and needs to respond in a way that pleases our heavenly father thanks so much for your words of encouragement
I’m in. Opened my heart to think about to cover or not cover
I’m in
Thank you for this message today. My college daughter decided to date a non-christian guy but she knows she isn’t supposed to be unequally yoked, even in dating. She’s struggling with her faith right now. This book would be another great way to direct her along with the Bible and our conversations. Thanks Lynn.
I have a middle school daughter and I believe this book is just what she needs to help her through the battlefield.
Thank you for your words this morning.
So simple and so timely. Thank you for your encouraging words. I would like to share this with my daughter and begin each day with this heartfelt prayer.
We are in!! Thank you!
I’m in <3
Thank you very much for this devotional. It is on point with something I am struggling with. Today, and every day, I am choosing to display honor!
Powerful reminder of the choice to love & honor. Thank you for reminding me that love always protects. I would love to share a copy of Magnetic with a teen co-worker. Be blessed!
This was such a timely message this morning as I am working on a lesson to teach at church tonight to young girls. This book would be a great resource for me.
I an in. I thank you for this, I am working on keeping secrets. Thanks
I’m in
A powerful message and perfect prayer. With social media, some choose to share a little too much of their “thoughts”. Friends will approach and ask “what’s going on with your daughter” putting me in an uncomfortable position. I will turn to them and say “please pray for her”. It is easier to cover it up by saying “do me a favour and unfollow her” to avoid feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed, but it is better to ask for prayer. Thank you for P31 message today. Blessings to you
Thank you for your message. I’m in! 🙂
“Girl drama” is the number one issue my daughter struggles with at school. She wants no part of it yet finds herself in the midst of it constantly. I am hoping this book will give her some power and wisdom to help her and her girlfriends to get themselves through issues without hurting each other. She has a big heart.
Thank you for that wonderful devotion. Not only did I pray the prayer over my girls but inserted my name as well. We all need gentle reminders. I know that God has called me ti be their mother and set an example, an example of walking with Christ daily. Thank you.
My daughters are 12 and 15. My heart can become frozen with fear if I reflect on my own poor choices @ their age. Needy, only wanting to feel loved and accepted, I remember all to well those reasons you listed that made it okay to NOT wait.
Jesus redeemed my life and turned the ashes to beauty but I desire to guide my girls down a much different path.
Please consider my entry for your book giveaway. ♡
The prayer above I need for myself today and everyday, as I struggle with fault- finding in my husband. This book would be a lovely and meaningful gift for my 13 year old cousin who doesn’t receive much Christian example in her life.
Wonderful devotion this morning! Thank God He doesn’t expose us in such a way. Honoring and respecting others on a daily basis is so powerful and keeps us loving others without trying very hard to do so. A daily struggle of mine! I would love a copy of your book to share with my daughter, She is only 4 years old now and I have begun to home school her. I’m always looking for ways to be a better example for her at this impressionable age. Thank you! God Bless you and your ministry!
I’M IN!!!!
Thank you for this awesome devotional – cover or expose. Yes, the Love of God covers and not expose. I would love a copy of Magnetic to share it wih my daughter and her friend. I will display this heartfelt prayer on my fridge as a reminder. Thank you again.
I share with teens all over my community about healthy relationship. What an awesome reminder that choosing to cover rather than expose is an act of love!!
I’m in!!
So glad I stumbled upon your blog via Proverbs 31. Of course God had a hand in that. always knowing before I do what I need. My middle school daughter is going through a challenging time right now and this series is something we could both benefit from. Thank you for your encouraging words!
I’m in
I’ve been so worried about my teen daughter’s choices and praying so hard for her. This morning I thought briefly about exposing her poor decisions to possibly wake her up and then I read your post. Thank you for calming my heart and for helping me realize that I need to cover her in prayer not embarrassment.
I’m in!
Thanks, I am in.
On my bathroom mirror and over my kitchen sink.
Thank you for this post, I really needed to read this this morning. I would put this either next to my bed or on my desk at work.
Thank you so much for this timely message. We need to be encouraged to build others up rather than to tear each other down. There is so much in our world right now tearing us down, and this message of encouragement to build up/cover up rather than tear down is so needed. I had never interpreted this scripture like this before, and I really appreciate this new revelation. Thank you so much for sharing. I would love a copy of your book to share with the ladies at my church. While we say were not really “gossiping,” the temptation is always there, and I think this would be a great tool for drawing us closer to the Lord and building up the body. Thank you so much for your ministry and God bless you!
This is such a great message. I’m in I have 3 daughters of my own 🙂
I have 3 younger kids but mentor 4 High school girls. Thankful for books and articles that speak God’s truth and help me minister to these girls! I’m in!
Thank you SO much for being a mentor, Lauren! You are making a difference!
I’m in!
On my desk
I’m in! 🙂
I will frame this prayer and give it to our daughter for her dorm room! She will be a freshman this Fall and the prayer and your book will be a blessing to her!
I am going to display this prayer on my bathroom mirror and at work above my computer!
Right now my daughter is going through a very difficult time. I am at a place that I never thought i would find myself. She is 15 and searching for things that she does not need to be. I ask that you help me cover her in prayer. This is a prayer that i plan to put in her bathroom and our kitchen. Thank you.
Jesus, send others to pour Your truth into Rose’s daughter. Draw her with Your love. Help her to be brave enough to be the girl You intend for her to be – a strong woman of God reaching her fullest potential! Amen
I’m in! Thank you!
Thank you for the profound message. I will stop and pray before I choose to cover or to expose. I will place this message on my office wall as a constant reminder.
I will display this prayer on my piano!! I have purchased 2 copies of Magnetic already!!
Thank you so much, Stacy!
Thank you so very much Lynn for this wonderful and thought-provoking reminder! Not only did I pray This prayer for my neighbor, I also prayed it for myself as I find that sometimes I am in need of such grace and love from others.
Loved reading this explanation of this passage! It’s so obvious now and turns it into a reminder to pause and make the right choice as we relate day to day with others. I would love to be able to give this book to my daughter, I’m in!
I display things like this near my computer or desk.
So glad I took the link to your blog. I can’t wait to read all your past posts. Most of all I can’t wait to share what I’ve found with my beautiful daughters.
This prayer will be posted on a display board in our kitchen, where it can be a reminder to us and an inspiration to those who come to our home. Thank you
Welcome Robin! You might enjoy the series I am wrapping up on social media today – 10 Directions on Dating!
I’m in!
In my office at work.
Awesome! I have a sister and 2 teenage girls who would immensely benefit from this. I prayed this morning that God would direct me to helpful information regarding my 15 year old daughter and her heart.
Wow Carri! He wasted no time 🙂
I have an 11+ daughter and I have been looking to get a copy of your book Magnetic. I really want to read It with her. She is growing up so quickly and it is my heart’s desire to see her in love with Jesus and living a MAGNETIC life. Thank you for your ministry to Mom’s and daughters! #magnetic
This is a book for me to read and to share.
Thank you for this timely message, it speaks to the heart. I would truly appreciate winning this book. So, I’M IN. .
Hi, I need this book and of course share it or give it away when Im done. The Lord knows I need help in this area.
I can give this prayer to my daughter to display in her new dorm room. She goes off to college soon and will have a multitude of choices to make and Magnetic would be perfect…
I have my last one going off this fall too! Lord, keep forming them into being magnetic for You…drawing others to the beautiful and love of You!
I’m in would love to become that girl.Sandy
I’ve been looking for something like this & didn’t even know it. But, God did! Thank you.
Isn’t God so cool?!
Thanks so much for this. I remember my tween years and do so not want my daughters ( ages 13 and 11) to go through the same issues and make the wrong choices as I did.
I am in!!
I’m in! Would love to have this for my 11 year old daughter.
I need and appreciate the message in today’s lesson; I also appreciate that you are out here, sharing your heart and God’s truths to women. My prayer today is for you to be encouraged in your ministry as you are so richly encouraging others.
Many thank yous!
I have a special prayer binder that I use during my prayer times with prayers written for the specific things I’m praying for. I still have two teenage daughters at home that I would love to read your book with. Thank you, blessings.
I’m in.
I’m in! My oldest daughter will be turning 10 soon, and she recently started going to public school. ( we had been homeschooling). I’m looking for resources to help her as she is growing up. Thank you.
I would like to win this for a friend of mine that I am praying for.
Reading this Encouragement email today put me in the mindset of several people, one in particular is a niece of mine who seems to be faced with challenges of making good decisions for her life at the age of 18. I continue to pray that she chooses wisely for herself and those she is mow responsible for. Thank you again for sharing your gifts and devoting your time to the things that truly matter.
i needed to read this as a reminder for myself. I can put it up at work to remind myself in that situation especially to think before I speak. Thank you!
Thank you for this. I really needed this reminder today.
im in
I stumbled across this! But I’m sure it was no accident! I would love to be the blessed person to receive and then share with my daughters and others.
Thank you for your timely generocity! As you are an encouragement to women across the world!
Thank you so much, Wendy!
I have a 14 yr old granddaughter ( one of 12 grandkids!) who is struggling w/ her place in this world. Her Grandmother and I are continually planting seeds ( books, music, videos) to show her Gods love and plan for her. Your book would be another seed we could plant. Thank you for your ministry, I am a fan of Proverbs 31. Being a new disciple of Jesus Christ, it is so refreshing the perspective you bring to the scriptures. God Bless you in all that you do for Him.
I’m in!
I am blessed to have encountered your message today! Thank you!!!
This Devotion brings to light for situations that concern my daughter in her mid 30’s! Thank you for the Wisdom!
I’m in!
Currently, God is using devotional readings such as this one to prepare me for the next chapter of my life. Recently, I exposed something that I now realize I should have covered. It hurt more than it helped. Lesson learned! LORD, please forgive me for not covering by sharing with You. All too often I share with a friend what I should only share with You, my truest & ultimate friend. As You have done so many times before, please make beauty of this mess I’ve made. Now she’s hurting because I didn’t take the right action steps. You ARE Love so please cover her with all of Who You are. Thank You so much. #Repented #Released #YouREVIVE #AuthenticMe
Sometimes it is so hard to know what we are to do. There are defiantly times God calls us to call out sin, but I am afraid it is not as often as we choose!
I’m in!!!!
I’m in
Thanks for the gentle reminder. I want all my words to be seasoned with love and grace!
Perfect book for my new, sweet 16 year old daughter!
I’m in
Excellent message! Sometimes we need a reminder and the timing of this message was perfect! Thank you and may God bless you! ♡
I’m in! Mom of 3 teen girls this would be a wonderful resource! Thank you!
I’m in
I have two young girls of my own as well as some teen girls that I mentor. This would be so great to pass around for them!!
I have the perfect spot in my kitchen! It would serve as a wonderful reminder each day for myself, my husband, and our two teenage girls, as well as our guests. Thank you.
I’m in (and thanks for the devotion!)
I’m in.
I would love to display this in my teenage daughter’s door so that she would be reminded, as well as myself, anytime she is near it. I feel she needs to be reminded of this more and more as she gets closer and closer to graduation and stepping out on her own into the real world. Thank you for your post.
I will display it where l can see it every day to remind me. I if I win the book , l will pray about who God wants me to give the book to. If l look to Him for the answer then I know it will go to the person He know needs it the most. God bless you for all you do.
I’m in!
At home on my mirror!
Kim, thank you so much for investing in young girls! Oh do they need us!
I’m in! Love your blog!!
Thank you so much for your encouragement, Heather!
I’m in
I’m in !
I can’t believe I read this Devo today. We just discovered some things yesterdayand I am in need if your books and materials. I would love a free book and I am going to purchase your others here when I get to my computer. I’m currently on my phone! Thank you!!
Thank you, Amy! I hope they are helpful!
I’m in!
We all make choices every day!! I pray I make the right one for my children, grand children and great grandchildren!!
Thank you for reminding to put others first. Instead of getting frustrated with her I need to remember to pray for her.
Thoroughly enjoyed this Devo. Sometimes it’s difficult to determine where the borderline of gossip is. My direct supervisor & I, co-lead our team at work. Sometimes when we discuss issues within the team, I feel that we are walking that fine line. Thank u for sharing this. I would love to win a copy of your book for my 18 y.o. Daughter who’s about to graduate.
I am seeking hope.
It’s so important to teach our daughter but we must also teach our sons especially if we are single parents.
I’m in!
I’m in with both feet, head and heart! Thanks for providing direction to all of us. I would be blessed to receive your book to provide my daughter and she I help her learn to listen and focus on God as she navigates through these trials in today’s world. Bless you and your family!
I’m in
I’m in!
I have a large family, and God has blessed me with a spacious home. Most family events are held here, and I have many truths all around the house. This will be prominently displayed because it’s the prayer of my life – less of me, more of Him.
As a new born child of Christ I have found your devotion’s beautifully written and eye opening thank you so much for teaching me.
You are so welcome, Kim! God’s word is packed with so much wisdom!
I’m in! I’d like to share this with the group of middle and high school girls that I work with at our church!
That will be wonderful, Jill!
I’m in!
I am going to keep the prayer saved into my cellphone, where I can always take it with me.
II’n in! , and thank you I really needed to hear this today, was kinda down because of something, but in a way this brought down more insight, to what I was going through. Much help needed I know its God working with me, so much thanks.
So thankful God used His words today, Deena!
I meant to say I’m in! :).
I’m in !
I would love to share this with my teen daughter who is struggling daily to make good decisions. She’s fighting every guidance that is given to her and is determined to fix things by herself. Such a struggle for someone so young.
These years are so very, very hard!
Perfect timing for that devotional. I’m in! <3
Thanks Sally!
I’m in!
I’m in.
I’m in!
I’m going to display this on my computer at work and share it with my daughter and daughter’s-in-law. Thank you!!!
Beautiful, Lisa!
Wonderful message. I have often told my girls when a friend makes a bad comment about their other friend to not go tell that friend what the other one said about them. First the comment will hurt their friend. Second if you told them they cannot tell the other girl they know what she said, you have made her feel bad and tied her hands. The better way of dealing with it would be to tell the friend who is making negative comments about their other friend that they don’t want to hear it. Say, she is my friend and I don’t want you to talk about her to me.
I guess that is a form of cover and protect.
Good counsel!
I’m in.
I’m In!! Today’s article was wonderful and an inspiration to me. I try very hard to stay on top of these issues with my daughters but sometimes they pop up and I do not have the correct words on the tip of my tounge. I would love to have this book for reference!!
I so need this book! 🙂
I would love this book for my thirteen year old daughter – and myself! It would provoke some good conversations. She struggles with friends who gossip daily….in person and on line. I hate to tell her that it continues into adulthood – and we need God’s words to equip us with what to say and do. Love the Noah story – looking at it in a whole new light! Thank you!
I would love to have this resource. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for this wonderful blog this morning…much, much needed!!
What a beautiful reminder – thank you! I need to display this at home where myself and my daughters can see it regularly.
Thank you so much for this message. I definitely needed to hear it, as well as, share it with my high school students as best as a Teacher can in these days. I am a high school math teacher and this is an awesome message for them to hear. I am actually going to use in as our devotional message tomorrow at our teacher weekly get together. Thank you again!!
How wonderful! Thank you so much, Tricia!
My daughter is 11and in the 6th grade. We could really make a difference in the lives of girls around us with this book as a guide for our monthly girls Bible Study.
I’m in!!! Such a great reminder this morning!!
I’m in!
I’m going to display the prayer on my wall at work – definitely need extra encouragement and reminders like this during the work week! I really appreciated today’s insights.
I’m in
I’m in.
I’m in.
I’m In….this message comes to me at a time when the people around me are being purged. God is showing me that my circle of friends should ONLY consists of those who have my best interest at heart. He said get with those who have your solution to your problem and not be the problem. So I want only those who cover and not expose the things in life that God is doing to me, through me for him.
Wonderful message!
I would love to display this in my entry was to remind me on my way out of the door to pray this prayer ans give my love to others!
A definite must for display at the office and on my fridge.
Praise the Lord!!!!My family and I are ALL in! We congregate in the kitchen and this is where it will be posted.
I’m in and will post this in our breakroom @ work as a daily reminder.
I need to be surrounded by visual reminders of His truth! Thanks for the encouragement!
I’m in. I need guidance with my 12 yr old daughter! Thank you!
I’m in!
I’m in! 🙂
It’s my birthday today!! I enjoy getting the daily words of encouragement by e-mail.
Happy, Happy birthday Kathy – the one God completely loves!
I’m in!
Even nearing the age of 31, I find myself surrounded by gossip. My daughter, just in 2nd grade has already experienced this as well, resulting in hurt feelings and while she was on the receiving end of it, I also want to make sure I’m doing all I can to ensure she understands when the pressure of the world and ‘friends,’ are on full force, she’s convicted immediately and her heart is led to obedience in Christ. I have recently caught myself even listening and ‘agreeing’ in gossip and as I leave, the Lord speaks to me, “Jackie, your friend who does not know me as well, who YOU are trying to lead to me is seeing you gossip. How can this draw her near to me?” Then, on Sunday, our Pastors wife shared a word that struck to the core. “Gossip the Gospel! Don’t be gossiping about how so & so does this or that & you don’t like it. STOP IT. Share Jesus. You can’t do that when you’re gossiping in the flesh!” This is definitely an important topic as women of Christ needs to hear and be refreshed on…it’s heartbreaking to me (even more to Christ), as he hears his Daughters gossip…even in the church! I am thankful I was directed to this to see, to confirm my convictions which definitely need to not go ignored. Thank you for this beautiful story – and chance to get the book to share with our daughters! Would love to use this for myself & my daughter as well as my 3 nieces (middle & high school!) I’m IN!
I love that “Gossip the Gospel!”
I too loved this – ‘Gossip the Gospel!’
Such an easy concept. 🙂 Thank you for sharing!
I’m in.
I’m in. Blessed to have found you through Proverbs 31 ministry!
I’m in
I’m in! This was perfect timing for a situion in my life right now!
I’m in too!
I’m in!!
Thank you for your advice and wisdom. I’m in.
I’m in!
I’m in! My daughter turns 13 next month and is in 7th grade, she recently told me she has a “boyfriend”. There have been a couple of other “boyfriends” in Middle School but they lasted 1 – 2 days and consisted of seeing each other between classes at school. This one has stuck around for a couple of weeks and I’m fretting a bit over this new development. This just all seems way too early for me, but I am praying for her and I’ve been having very candid conversations with her as well. I’m excited to print the prayer and continue reading this blog. Thank you for the encouragement and words of wisdom, I think this book would be an incredible resource for me and my daughter! I’m a single mother and lost my 19 yr old son three years ago…..the past three years have been up and down and it can be very difficult navigating my grief and parenting my daughter. I’m blessed in the fact that she is very active in church and is developing strong relationships with her small group leader and other high school girls who are helping her navigate some of these issues but I can use help learning strategies and finding more biblical applications to share with her and her friends. Thanks for today’s message!
Welcome Diane! Raising teens is hard! I hope you will find additional encouragement here!
I’m in!! <3
I’m in!!!
i am in!
My heart aches right now for my thirteen year old daughter who is rebelling against our parenting and all she knows to be right and true about God. I think maybe having this book to go through together might just be what gets through to her heart.
I’m IN
Love your comments. So refreshing and true. We all need to look deep within, pray, and do the right thing
Cover or Expose – what a way to look at it
I’m. In !
I’m in
I will post this prayer at my desk.
By my telephone in the kitchen!!! That way I see it and so do others who come over
I’m in! Awesome devo! Thank you!
Blessed Day!
I’m in!!
I want to be what God is calling me to and I want to be a person to cover rather than the one that does the exposing. I thank God for that word.
Boy does my daughter need this book! I’m in!!
I’m in!
I’m in!! I would display this by our main door that we go in and out of each day and also on the bathroom mirror….after all, what girl/woman doesn’t look at the bathroom mirror each day? 🙂 I would love to have a copy of “Magnetic” to share with my teenage daughter.
I’m in!!!
I’m in! I need this book for myself. I continue to try to become who God wants me to be.
My bathroom mirror is without fail my motivation board 🙂
I’m in! Would love to share this book with my daughter and niece!
i’m in!
My bathroom mirror is without fail my motivation board 🙂
Thank you for the PDF!
I’m in. Display in my bathroom, so all can see it!
Ok I put down wrong response. My daughter is turning 12 this year..enough said? LOL
I’m in
I’m in!
I’m in
I’m in. I will put this prayer at my desk but also post it on my Facebook page to inspire others
I would display this in my daughter’s room in the beautiful olive wood frame decorated with crosses that she received as a gift after her baptism from my dearest friend in the world.
I’m in.
I love the thoughts on “cover or expose.” The temptation to expose is great, but the results that come from covering bring us closer in our walk with God. The results give honor to Whom honor is due!
I could share this prayer on my Facebook and print a copy out to keep in my home above my computer or on my fridge. This is such great advice – it’s crazy to think the damage you can be doing with just sharing a few words, even if you have the best intentions!
This is definitely something I struggle with personally and have been feeling God tug at my heart to correct. Thank you for writing these words today! I needed to read this more than you know.
I will pray for all the rest of you ladies! Together we can end this nasty and damaging habit and come out stronger and empowered for it in the end! 🙂
I’m in! It is important to teach my daughter important biblical truths!
I’m in.
I am definately in!! I have 2 teenage girls and a copy of this prayer will be framed and put in both their bedrooms and bathroom. Thank you!!!
I’m in! <3
I needed this! Thank you!
I’m in. My daughter is going through a rough time and she needs guidance and faith.
I’m in. I have 3 little girls, and one on the way. My oldest is 12 and your book would be a wonderful resource to her and her sisters in the future. Thanks
I’m in! Thanks!
I’m in.
I’m In ! 🙂
I’m in!
I’m in!
Thank you for the insight on exposing vs protecting. This looks like a good site. I have a lot of special women in my life…my blessing of a wife, my daughters and daughters in the faith. I’m always looking to encourage them. God bless. Monty
What a timely and important lesson. Thank you so much for the important reminder to take things to Jesus and cover with love rather than giving into the temptation to expose. A great place to post this prayer is in my office. It would make a great screen saver on my computer or phone.
I’m in! I somehow inadvertently commented on your post from 3/11…pretty funny since I’ve been married for almost 20 years!
I’m in
Bathroom mirror
I’m in!
My husband and I have been dealing with this issue with our 20 yo daughter and the person she calls her boyfriend whom we know and have evidence that he is after one thing only. But he has convinced her he loves her and will marry her 3 years from now. But until then since she loves him she will give him what he wants, and she is an “adult” so she can do Whatever she wants even though it goes against God and His word.
We tried to cover, then expose to both of them this path leads to destruction.
The boy has won her over and convinced her he is right and we are wrong.
Our daughter says she hasn’t slept with him but she has also taken to lying since thy got together so we have no idea if he finally broke down her resolve on that issue. :’ (
Friend, it is so very hard when our kids to not follow the pathway to God’s best for their life. Do not give up. Keep praying and planting love and truth. God is faithful!!
I’m in!
I’m in!
I’m in! Thank you for these words today. They spoke right to my heart.
I would put the prayer in my living room. I need the daily, sometimes hourly reminder of that. I would live a copy of the book to give to my niece who is struggling with her relationship with her parents and lives with my family when she comes home from college. It is all new territory since our oldest is only 11 and we have boys….but I am trying to rely on God and receive His guidance. Thanks for your post.
I’m in!
I’m in!
I’m in! This was great! I probably needed it on Monday but God’s timing is perfect so thank you for sharing. 🙂
I’m in!! thank you for this reminder
I’m in! I am posting this prayer on my desk so I will see it often.
Thank you Lynn for your awesome devotional and the prayer pdf to print out. Those verses about Noah and the different responses of his sons takes on a whole new meaning for me now. To cover or expose? In what you wrote: “God calls us to practice protection,” I pray to cement that in my heart along with the prayer, “Jesus, fill and satisfy my empty heart, so I may overflow and give your love to others.”
I would love this book for my granddaughter who graduates this May. Thank you for a chance to win this . I thank you for your encouraging and instructing through God’s holy word, our future young women and us older ones who aren’t as confident as we might seem.
I’m in!
I will display it above my fireplace over the mantel for the entire family to admire and read every day! Thank you so much for your care and kindness in sharing it with everyone.
Ideally everywhere to have it as a constant reminder 🙂 but to be more realistic…at home, in my Bible so it would become a daily prayer, and in my office where I need it oh so much! 🙂
I’m definitely in. I’d like to display it in our dining room so that prayer can stand out for we3. My son accepted Jesus into his heart almost 3 years ago, at age 6. And he’s a great kid, but I worry he gives in to peer pressure before following or listening to Jesus. My 7 year old daughter recently accepted Jesus into her heart and she is so full of His Love, but she forgets to turn to him and be obediant. My son has a strong faith, a couple days ago our basement flooded and his little sister was freaking out. He calmly told her to go upstairs and pray. She came back in a minute and said, “I’m good. I’m in little sister mode now, Mom. What do you need?” I accepted Jesus fully into my heart in 2008 when my husband’s cancer returned. I went from out of my mind to peace in an instant. It was amazing. I was begging, bargaining really to know what to do to find a cure for my husband and I heard, in my heart, “you’re asking for the wrong thing. Ask for acceptance. I have a plan for the 4 of you. You’re not going to like it, but it is magnificent” And instantly I received His Peace, Joy, Can do spirit, Confidence, Wisdom and Love.
In the past, I always felt not enough to do more than take care of my kids. I’m realizing God has so much more for me to do and for my kids to do. But we have to do our parts. We have to do the right thing, no matter what. And we have to turn to Him always.
Count me in. I have no girls, but a niece who me I would love to share this with.
I’m in…been planning to buy this book for my youngest daughter and need to just make it happen.
A wonderful prayer that would be best used tattooed on my forearm; however a more sensible place would be next to my bathroom mirror where I can see it first thing in the morning and therefore be reminded to keep my heart soft and pliable to the work of the Spirit! Thank you for these good words of wisdom!
I’m hanging this reminder on my bedroom mirror!
I’m In!
My step daughter is 19 and she has made some very poor choices. She recently moved in with us and told us she has been living life as a homosexual. This shocked her dad and I. Then we had to have the talk of her friends are not welcome in our home…and that this is not what God wants for her life.. She is not willing to change..she said she has tried to change but can’t.. i told her no she can’t change on her own..but with the love of her church and God’s strength that she could change. I would love to share this book with her.. and learn how to cover instead of expose her mistakes. We want to love her back to Christ.
My precious niece needs this book more than I could explain in this space… To be as succinct as possible, she lost her father to suicide 3 years ago last week. She was 14. For the last three years she has struggled to find her identity in Jesus and instead has looked to other things, and people to fill the void that losing her earthly father has left. Rebellion, guys, drugs, parties, I could go on… All the while I have been blessed to be her music teacher and have been able to reach her like no other adult could. Unfortunately, she didn’t attend my school this year, ran away, and just came home about a month ago. She can’t bring herself to talk about her time away from all of us. But now, she has a new boyfriend and is planning to marry him any time now. She is 17, hasn’t passed 9th grade, and needs something to speak to her. She has begun to come over to my house about twice a week just because she has missed me <3 and I could use this book to read with her as a study and an encouragement to her to help her find her self-worth in her FOREVER Father and her TRUE love, JESUS. My husband is on disability and I was laid off in November. I would run to the nearest store and buy it but we have 5 kids of our own and just keeping the lights and water on sometimes is almost too much for us to manage. It would bless us so very much to get the copy of your book. I already use your blogs and keep a printed copy in a binder for when my girls are a little older- and I use them with my niece every chamce I can.
Thanks for hearing my story,
Rachel C
I’m in!!