Wednesday Wisdom Tip {The Perfect Mother/Daughter Date}
Laughing, crying and the building up confidence.
That is what I call the perfect mother/daughter date and that is what Mariah, Madi and I had the opportunity to experience together Monday night with our trip to the movies.
Finding a good movie to watch with your daughters can be more than a challenge, but Hidden Figures is more than just a good movie. It is an opportunity to let our girls see, through a true story, what we can do when we push past adversity to reach our fullest potential. (Rated PG, this movie is safe for even little girls. She may not understand everything that is happening, but that is simply a door opener for even more conversation!)
Based on our own “car conversation”, here are a few questions you can ask your girl over a fun coffee afterward or even on the drive home. Print it out and pop it in your purse!
When she was only in 6th grade, how do you think Katherine would have felt about going to a new school, even if it meant she could learn more?
Why do you think NASA had separate bathrooms for colored people and white people?
Where do you think Mary Jackson got the courage to go to court in order to go to night school?
These women faced huge adversities to reach their fullest potential. What adversities do you feel you are facing in reaching your’s?
The movie showed how people who are not the same color as each other treat each other differently. How do you still see that in our culture today? What can you do to change that?
Do you know of another mom who could use a little help building confidence in her girl? Won’t you take a second and forward her this post?
Thank you for helping me help moms!
Awesome movie!!!!! Awesome questions to ask my teenage girls too ???
Wasn’t it, Sharla?! I hope these questions will spur on some great conversations with your girls!
Thanks for this. I hope to see this good historic movie as well!