What’s Your Spiritual Gift?
I hope you had a great weekend! I had the privilege of joining with Erin Bishop of The Whatever Girls – (Philippians 4:8) to invest in the girls in Spokane, Washington through the “Revolutionary Love” conference. (Isn’t their above logo so cute!)
I have a confession to make: the night before the conference in my hotel room, I heard voices in my head. (Maybe I’m not the only one who hears these voices.) Voices saying things like, “You’re too old for this, Lynn. You can’t relate to these girls. Wouldn’t you rather be at home, hanging out with your family this weekend?”
At the conference, I received the sweetest note from a girl:
“Thank you. Last year, I had a rough time with everything: identity, confidence, letting people encourage and love me. Your book in our study came at the perfect time.”
How encouraging this note was and how exciting spending the weekend challenging and praying with so many girls to follow Christ’s definition of purity, honor and wisdom.
When I am living out the function that God designed me to do, not only do I benefit, but someone else does too!
What’s your function? What has God given you to be His gift to this world?
If you don’t know, how fun to find out! In fact, you and your girl can find out together! Simply follow this link and take this quiz:
My girl took this test in preparing to go on a missions trip in just a few weeks. It was so amazing to learn things about her I never knew!
There is one test for adults and for youth! I hope you’ll come back here and let me know what you discovered!
Lynn, It is not how old you are that makes the connection as much as how well you relate to the girls. I don’t see that changing for a long time. Your resilience and honesty speaks so well to what girls and grandmothers need to hear. When you lose that need to nurture then you can listen to a small voice, but only lightly. You have a special gift! It was wonderful to hear your words and see the connection at this conference.
I think I will hop on over and take the spiritual gift test!
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Mardell! I have such a heart to see these girls live out the potential God has already poured into them. No short circuits with bad choices!
Lynn, we had an amazing time with you!! As I mentioned to you this morning, I’m already planning our next event with you. You ministered to the girls AND the moms. Thank you for everything!!
It was amazing, Erin! I can’t wait to come back!