Why Should I?
Every day, my prayer is that God will raise up women who will raise up women.
I know the reality.
Life is busy.
It is busy for you; it’s busy for the young women you know. “Let’s have coffee sometime” is definitely a text I have sent knowing deep down inside it will never happen.
But today, this article has put deep understanding to what I have known to be true for the 13 years I have mentored teen girls:
Young people want to be poured into.
For that reason, now is the time for us to find time to invest. Now, when you have a young person in your home or see them in your neighborhood, now is the time to spend the time. The opportunity you have to understand the way they think and the hope they need will never be greater than it is today. When you are around these precious young people, can listen to their conversations, hear through their jokes what is important to them, that’s when you can best become a part of their lives.
Listen to point one from:
5 Reasons Millennials Stay Connected to Church
1. Make room for meaningful relationships.
The first factor that will engage Millennials at church is as simple as it is integral: relationships. When comparing twentysomethings who remained active in their faith beyond high school and twentysomethings who dropped out of church, the Barna study uncovered a significant difference between the two. Those who stay were twice as likely to have a close personal friendship with an adult inside the church (59% of those who stayed report such a friendship versus 31% among those who are no longer active). The same pattern is evident among more intentional relationships such as mentoring—28% of Millennials who stay had an adult mentor at the church other than their pastor, compared to 11% of dropouts who say the same.
“…the most positive church experiences among Millennials are relational. This stands true from the inverse angle as well: Seven out of 10 Millennials who dropped out of church did not have a close friendship with an adult and nearly nine out of ten never had a mentor at the church.”
Would you make a choice today to become friends with the next generation of believers?
I’ll help you!
Join our Behind-the-Scene Team on Facebook and by clicking here.
This is a group of women who are saying “yes”! We know God wants to pour Himself into and through these precious girls and together we are going to become wise women raising wiser women!
Download my free leadership guide and say “yes” to starting a small group for young women. This guide will teach you how to start a small group as well as provide discussion questions for “His Revolutionary Love”.
Need a bunch of copies to get started? Just contact me! I’ll get them to you for a discount and personalize them as well. Anything to help you help them! Email me at [email protected].
Thank you, in advance, friend, for asking the Lord what is your part to play as we come alongside those who need us to come alongside them!
Can you make a clarification for me. When they say “church” do they just mean the actual worship service or does this include Sunday school/bible class, youth groups, etc?
Hi Amy,
Maybe this quote will help to clarify:
“About one-quarter of 18- to 29-year-olds are practicing Christians, meaning they attend church at least once a month and strongly affirm that their religious faith is very important in their life. A majority of Millennials claim to pray each week, one-quarter say they’ve read the Bible or attended a religious small group this week, and one in seven have volunteered at a church in the past seven days.”
You can read the article in its entirety here:
Thanks friend!