“Yes” in the Grocery Store

I hope you joined Proverbs 31 Ministries over the past few weeks, going through the Online Bible Study of “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God”. Each day during the study, I have been purposing to say “yes” in my world, especially in the small things and one of those small things is getting my nose out of my phone.

I am sure most of you have a grip on that little thingy called your cell phone, but I am one of those who checks their Twitter way too often just hoping to see a tweet from my daughter, a college freshman. Just hearing about her throughout the day makes me happy…and absent from what’s around me.

My “yes” on Sunday night was to leave my phone in my purse while in the grocery store. As I checked out, I turned slightly and I recognized the lady behind me. Before I knew what my mouth was saying I blurted out the warmest “hi” that woman has gotten in a long time…I practically hugged her! Big problem came next; I had no idea how I knew her.

“I know I know you somehow, but I can’t remember how!” (I know, what a weirdy!) My brain then engaged. She is the cashier at Aldi, my favorite grocery store, and goes to my church too! “I haven’t worked at Aldi for over three months.” she said with a smile.

Ok, so now I felt, well you know….

She shared that after nine years she had made a decision to stay at home with her kids, the oldest of which is 13. Before I knew what I was saying, I began to tell her how my youngest who is 16 had just told me this week that the most important thing a mom can do is be home after school for her middle schooler because it is then that most kids get in trouble and I was proud of her for making this hard decision. “I’m hoping to write a post on it.” She then asked for my business card so she could learn more about my ministry!

Such a very small yes; such a great reward for me! I never left a grocery store so happy!

It’s time for a new Online Bible Study at Proverbs 31 Ministries and I hope you will join us! I have already read “A Confident Heart” by Renee Swope but I am doing it again! It is a life changer! Please join us! It is absolutely FREE! Just head over to Proverbs31.org for more details!



  1. Lynn, loved your Yes! I too have just finished the study and it has brought me to a deeper understanding of obedience and simply saying Yes to God! I also participated in Renee’s study of A Confident Heart but am very excited to study it again in light of what I learned from Yes to God! Happy yessing filled with blessing!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Hey Mary! Now, let’s teach our girls to say “Yes” to God!

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