{You and Your Girl Series} From My Girl to Your Girl – June Series

5-day series | From My Girl to Yours | #youandyourgirl series {June 2015} by Lynn and Madi Cowell


For our You and Your Girl series this month I thought we’d try something new!

Have you struggled at times to feel like you understand your girl?

What is she thinking?

Why did she do that?

Why does she like him? Why does she hang out with her? What causes her to dress that way? Eat that stuff? Say those things?

Getting into the heart and head of a girl can be more than difficult.

This month, I thought I would ask my girl, Madi, to give us a hand. As a recent high school graduate, I think Madi can give us some insights into the inner workings of our girls. From here, we’ll be better equipped to be the investors we want to be and continue to encourage our girls to become all God has created them to become!

As you read Madi’s thoughts, please share them with your daughter or the girls you mentor. I think they will find encouragement and comfort in knowing they are not alone! If you have any questions for Madi or comments, we’d love to hear from you!

Here’s the whole series From My Girl to Your Girl:

Day 1 – Surrounded by People, But Completely Alone

Day 2 – You’re Not Weird

Day 3 – Why You Should Let Your Guard Down

Day 4 – Release the Pressure

Day 5 – The Power of Consistency


Follow Lynn Cowell’s board From My Girl to Your Girl on Pinterest.

You can read all the previous You and Your Girl series here.



  1. Thanks Madi!! This is awesome help for a mother!! 🙂

  2. Susan Gruener says:

    Awesome Madi! And a great help to this grandmother! 🙂
    Write on!
    Be blessed!

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