From My Girl to Yours: Day #1 – Surrounded by People, But Completely Alone

Day 1 of 5 | Surrounded by People, But Completely Alone | From My Girl To Yours | #youandyourgirl series {June 2015} by Lynn & Madi Cowell


by Madi Cowell

     Have you ever been in a room full of people and commotion, yet you could not feel more alone? If your answer is yes, let me tell you I more than understand.
         As I walked into the first day of my senior year, I couldn’t have felt more alone. We’re given all these expectations as we go into these school years: “It’ll be the best years of your life” or  “You’ll fit in perfectly with your own little group”.  But where was my “group”? Why was I the oldest in the school, but still felt like the smallest?
    What if we don’t feel all the excitement we’re told to feel?
I often feel like there is some type of formula to life that someone just forgot to tell me.
     Am I doing something wrong, because high school has not been all that great for me.
         Loneliness. It may sound like such a mild thing, but it isn’t. Consider what drives people to follow the crowd; to not stick out or be themselves. It’s this fear of loneliness and rejection. As hard as it has been for me to swallow this idea, I’ve come to realize that at this stage in life, if I stick out from the crowd that is in fact a good thing.  The pain you feel today you will thank yourself for tomorrow. Whether its social media, your friends or maybe even your parents, we as kids are told to just go with the crowd, to fit it, but that’s not what I see going on in the Bible.
          God created warriors who were willing to stand up, who believed in Him enough to know that He was the one who had the final answers. They recognized this world for what it truly was and noticed that the temptations it delivers are not worth giving into.
         Not one person on this earth craves anything more than love and acceptance. We are programmed like this; it’s what keeps us going. We don’t want to be rejected and find ourselves on the outside. Being away from the crowd could be some teenager’s worst nightmare. I encourage you, in your times of loneliness, to remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing. Speak life into yourself. Remember – you are not alone at all. Isaiah 41:10 says, “ So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (NIV) Not only is He with us, but He is also fighting for us.
         In my moments of deep loneliness, I have at times, felt like God is nowhere to be seen. Looking back now, I see not only was He there, but He was walking along right beside me, feeling my pain and my burdens. As young people, every waking moment we are faced with decisions that shape our character. In hurtful situations in our lives, God can use it for the glory of His kingdom. Through my loneliness, I’ve learned to cling to the One that has always been in my life: Jesus.
Have you or do you feel lonely in life?
What steps could you take to surround yourself with others like you?
How might you find the comfort of Jesus during these painful times? 

You can read all the June You and Your Girl series here.



  1. Oh Madi…thanks for your vulnerability of letting us ‘see’ into your world! It’s such an encouragement to my heart to hear of how you are leaning into God’s strength and not relying on your own and/or listening to the ‘world’s’ way of doing life. May God richly bless you as you grow in His grace!

  2. Madi,
    Thank you for your open heart. This openness can change the hearts of many and give hope to so many!
    You are an inspiration.

  3. Madi- your openness and willingness to share is amazing! These types of post are so needed and so life changing. Thank you for being vulnerable.

  4. Susan Gruener says:


    This was deep writing coming from such a young one. I can say ‘young’ because I am a grandma, and this really touched me. We are never too old to feel like we just didn’t get how to do ‘life’ some days. I have a beautiful 16 year old granddaughter that lives at my house (along with her mom and younger brother), and I know she probably feels just like you have (and me too) on some days.
    You are a talented and blessed writer and I know you will touch many girls’ lives by your writing…and maybe another grandma or two. 🙂
    May He continue to bless you mightily!

  5. nydia e. guadalupe-santiago says:

    hello and thank you so much for your awesome post…i think, no i know, the area i struggle with the most is “self-control.” self-control in my eating habits because i think i do really well with the other 8 traits. it is such a challenge and pain to stay the course and i seldom do…this devo also helped in a prayer i have…i’m a teacher and there is the possibility of school change this summer and i don’t do well with change…so thank you again for this devo

  6. Struck straight to the heart this morning thru Prov31 ministries-read July 10 post. Struggling with the changes of my girl-14. The trait I would like to work on today?…kindness, even when others are not kind.

    Thank you for being a part of the P31 ministry.

  7. I want to write but feel to broken by my own account
    I’m in….

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