21 Ways to Love Like Jesus Loves
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Loving like Jesus loves! What a challenge!
Yet, it is a challenge, really a command, that He has equipped us for. With the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of us and with the Word of God to give us clear direction, we have exactly what we need.
Here are 21 Ways We Can Love Others:
- Turn the sound off our phones and set it out of sight when having a conversation.
- Listen; giving 100% of our undivided attention.
- Don’t rush others.
- Send a text telling someone how important they are to you.
- Give a gift that says, “I know you and am thinking of you!”
- Send a hand-written card in the mail.
- Help a friend clean her house.
- Give the gift of loyalty, promising to never gossip about them. Let them know.
- Share a strength you see in her life.
- Look a person without a home in the eye, acknowledging their value.
- Express to a friend you will never give up on them.
- Be a hugger.
- Be honest even when it is uncomfortable.
- Give the gift of an afternoon of relaxation.
- Extend love when someone has disappointed you.
- Pray with a friend immediately when they ask for prayer.
- Text an encouraging verse.
- Write out a prayer and put it where they will find it.
- Share with them a quality in their life that makes you a better person.
- Take the humble route in an argument.
- Share your favorite pick-me-up verse with someone who is down.
Today, I am giving away a “Love Bundle” which includes: a necklace and heart box, an “I Love You” mug and a copy of His Revolutionary Love: Jesus’ Radical Pursuit of You, Devotions for a Revolutionary Year and Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants to one commenter.
To be entered for a chance to win, please share below one way you will choose to love this week. If you are short of time, just say, “I’m in!” The winner will be announced Wednesday in my Wednesday Wisdom Tip.
Pass on grace to my college boys who are home for Christmas when they disappoint me by wanting to hang with friends and do their own thing instead of spending the time with me. I must confess this is a difficult one for me; I want them to “want” to be with me!
moving forward after the recent death of a dear one
They are finding their own way. I went through it as well. One day when you least expect it they are going to walk up to you, give you the biggest hug while they thank you for everything you have done. Your relationship is changing. Trust the great job you’ve done. You trained when they were young, its going to be fine.
I’m going to make sure my husband knows how much I love him n how much he means to me. Also, to set a date night every week so that it’s just us! N to always let him know that Jesus comes first n then my husband! N to work hard on giving back to my husband for all his hard work!
Great post. This caught my eye because I wrote an eBook on some of these same ideas. Love the practicality, esp “be a hugger” and “take the humble route…” Excellent!
I will text my friends messages of encouragement when I think of them, and not put it off or worry that I am a bother. A woman I met recently is struggling because her husband was unfaithful and is divorcing her. I was in a similar situation a year ago and can empathize. I will not allow the memory of my pain to stop me from reaching out to her. She needs encouragement just as I did, and I can share the same support I found in my church.
To focus on who I’m spending time with, not just “doing activities” or filling up the blocks on the calendar.
Send hand written notes to three people.
I have chosen to make sure I purposely kiss, hug, and affirm my husband everyday. I let hik know that I notice and appreciate all that he does. I call my sisters just because to remind them that they play an important part in my life. My husband has asked, ” Now what did you do with my wife”. I can see a change. For our date night we stayed home and played baseball on the WIi. We laughed so hard. Because of him loosing so many games, for an entire week he is doing all the laundry, washing the clothes and cleaning all bathrooms. I know that he let me win knowing what was at stake. It was his way of letting me know that I matter as well. Proof of God’s goodness.
I’m in. To love my husband more fully with the loving patience of Christ.
First, I Thank, Bless My Merciful Lord in His Devine Mercy in allowing me a Second Chance in life, in placing me on this rock. With God all things are possible, for He has blessed me with unconditional love to share with others. My Lord Christ Jesus has shown me to be receptive, accept that I can not change others. I have a purpose in this earthly world, to share His word, the faith, believe, trust in God Almighty. I will share my love this week in being of service Monday December 21, 2015 at Progresso Building. “Christmas In The Barrio” Toy Giveaway to the many unfortunate children in San Antonio, Texas. I will share my love as a volunteer with Mr. Jaime P. Martinez , Founder of The Ceasar Chavez Legacy and Educational Foundation. “Merry Christmas” & Many Blessings!
To really listen to my co-workers and hear what they are not saying.
Love that! “Hear what they are not saying” So true, Bev!
Taking Christmas gifts/funds to a family who tragically, and very suddenly, just lost their wife/mother (who was my friend), whose children are 5yrs, 3 yrs and 16 days old…
Extending love even tho I’m disappointed .
I will pray with a few of my friends who I know are hurting and need lots of prayer, love, and support right now.
Help my daughter and daughter-in-law with their kids this week so they don’t feel so overwhelmed getting ready for Christmas.
I plan on hugging my kids and family members more. I’m going to spend time with them this Christmas, and not rush off to do things that’s not like GOD.
Send a hand-written card in the mail.
My daughter reminds me daily of doing things together versus just watching television. My daughter is a person of love and compassion. We as a people need to love and forgive others as Jesus loved and forgave us. Love is the ultimate feeling that matters. I love Jesus with all my heart.
“I’m in!”
Nothing is more important than time with my family. I know this but I need to show it more. The one thing I’m going to do today and start practicing everyday is to put the phone away. It doesn’t have to be in arms reach at all times.
Thanks for the lovely list of reminders.
Such great ideas! Think I’ll start with ‘Don’t rush others.’
Instead of Christmas cards or purchasing gifts for the ladies on my ministry team, Im going to write a letter to the team, reflecting on the past year together, and how each one has influenced my life in our ministry together.
Extend grace to a person in my office who is not the most lovable person many times. Try to see this person through God’s eyes & not through mine so I can love the way Christ loved & loves others. Pray for that person that he/she will see God’s love, grace & mercy through me AND pray for myself that I will be kind, patient & forgiving when the mean, hateful, disrespectful words are hurled at the people in the office from this person.
I am making a commitment to take a Christmas dinner to someone who is in a hospital and tell that person “Jesus loves you”.
Extend grace to my husband by serving him with love and respect. I often get annoyed and express it with an attitude when he doesn’t put something back or clean up behind himself. Often I forget he is a blessing from God that I need to treasure and be a good steward over. I must do a good job of extending Christ love, grace and mercy to him as well as to others.
Text an encouraging verse. Just had a mymecotomy operation and my friends messages really encouraged me
I would love to do the same to my pregnant friends that are getting fatigued as due date comes
I’m in!
These are all very doable! I’m in!
I’m in! I can only pray that I have the love of Jesus present in my life to show all who I come in contact with. His love is so assuring and warm, makes me realize, all things are possible through Him! Amen
I want to become more of a hugger. I can be very timid and awkward when it comes to hugging, but I want to let go of my insecurities and hug away. Be open with love and express that love through the touch of a hug.
I live with my son & daughter in law so they can have enough money. They rarely think of me if ever when they leave the house. This used to hurt me so bad. Then I realized, as God layed in on my heart thru the Holy Spirit, it’s OK. Jesus loves me & I love them the same way no matter what comes. I’m great now as I live the Fruits of the Spirit & love everyone the way Jesus loves me, showing others His love.
So timely! There are no coincidences! I’ve been working hard to be unconditional with a difficult person and learning boundaries too. Thank you for sharing the gift of you words!
I’m in:-)
I am in.
I will choose to love by sharing my go to verse when someone is down or hurting!
I do quite a few things on the list for others at work and church. I need to do a better job with my family at home and extended family. Though I’m a hugger at home and leave notes, I could be more purposeful in extending grace and being present. So this week, I will give 100% of my attention to my children and husband when they are sharing with me and humble myself with family who are difficult.
I’m in
I’m in!
I was convicted by your words today in the Proverbs 31 post. I am definitely “just visiting” anytime I’m around my in-laws. I’ll see them this week and am praying I can be fully engaged in our time together.
Practice “deliberate” patience with others and their agenda.
Thank you. I love your list and want to add to it. I need to do more of these things daily with my family and friends.
I am choosing to not get caught up in the critical attitudes towards family members but to love each one for their uniqueness.
Great tips! I like to write encouraging notes to my coworkers.
Going to write a note to a woman at my church who just found out she has breast cancer. I don’t know her well, but I want to let her know I am thinking of her
I am going to turn the volume of my phone off when I am having a conversation with someone. I have a very bad habit of checking my messages when I am visiting the lady I used to take care of in her room at the assisted living facility where she now lives. I want to tune in to everything she says so she knows how important she has become to me.
Wonderful!!! She will feel so loved!
There are several really good things on the list but I think the one I need the most is extending love when someone disappoints me.
I have a coworker that is very negative most of the time, (which gets so hard to listen to all the time). I will leave little notes of encouragement for her, bible verses, and even small gifts. I just want her to know that she is loved so very much by me and God. Sometimes I don’t know what else to do to help her. I would love to have the bundle gift to be able to continue to show her God’s love for her.
I will stay off my phone and have a conversation with my husband when we are home togther tonight.
I’m in!!
I’m in!
I want to extend love even when disappointed. Expectations get in the way and my feelings get hurt…I want to be graceful, not resentful.
I’m in!
I’m in!
Be more present and engaged wherever I am. Really listen to conversations instead of just hearing them. I didn’t realize until recently that I wasn’t really hearing what was being said.
I have three special people in mind who I will send handwritten notes to.
I try to send my children a Bible verse everyday and I have gotten pretty lazy about it because I’m overwhelmed with life sometimes! I’m going to try and remember that teaching them about Jesus is so much more important than anything I have on my to do list.
Love # 16. Pray immediately with a friend who asks for prayer. So often, we will say, “I will pray for you” instead of making it a priority right then and there. This is something in my own life I would like to change.
Me too, Susan! Be bold 🙂
I will encourage someone today. I’m in!
I’m planning things to do with my girls over break that they will enjoy. I want to give them my in divided attention. So I’m up early, making a plan, and praying for today!
Show up with treats to a volunteer that is struggling right now
I will be more forgiving rather than judgmental towards an acquaintance who probably is losing his mental awareness.
I will reach out to a family member with whom I have kept at arms length due to some past issues.
I want to send thank you notes telling them how important they are in my life. Great list here!!!
Sounds like we have the same co-worker, Kristi, and similar plans! I will endeavor to look at each human and remember that we are each formed from the dust in the image of our Creator.
Text a encouraging verse.♡
Ouch! I need that reminder to put away my phone and focus my attention on those around me!
I will be a hugger … I’m not naturally. And I will stop and listen 100%.
2016 needs to be for me, a year focused on loving others better.
I’m already thinking of how to show love to someone who has been sand paper in my life for 35 years. Always feeling like an outsider, but since the loss of my sister in-law my heart hurts for my mother in-law. The Holy spirit has shown me the lack of compassion I have. This hurts me, because I always thought I was a compassionate person. Time to put the past behind me and love on her no matter how she makes me feel. I want to be like Jesus and he has much love and compassion for me.
I will humble myself and not respond rudely or impulsively when conflicts arise with my husband. I’m really trying to change in this specific area. That is my prayer, to love how Jesus loves.
Being a hugger, especially to my kids.
I’m in!!
Be more present wherever I am but especially when at home with my family today. Really listening when my husband or children are sharing in conversation with me.
I’m in!
I lost my job a year ago because of gossip. I can’t go to my chiropractor that was actually helping me . I fight depression and cronic pain due to a terrible wreck I had that the doctors just knew I wasn’t going to survive. The depression came from loosing my husband to a flying accident when he was 35 and I was 29 , I’m 54 now. God has something for me and without him I wouldn’t be here. I live with my son and daughter in law and help care for my 3 young grandchildren and take care of the house while they work. But I still love these people, I may not care for their ways, but I pray for them. I can’t and won’t hate, it’s not who I am. Even while the gossip was going on I still could hug them and express my love for them. The Lord led me to your blog, it wasn’t by chance. I thank him and I thank you for what you do, God bless you.
God’s greatest to you, Reba, as you continue to serve those around you with a soft heart. Jesus, do in Reba and in her circumstances the miracle her heart longs for. Bless her beyond measure! Amen
Over the past few months I have felt God drawing me to love on folks in my church that no one pays attention too. They must feel unloved. He wants me to love them. I’ll do this with a hug, by giving them my time or even an invite to an event or lunch. We all want to feel loved.
I will cherish the time I have at home these next 2 weeks and love that no other because Jesus has been laying on my heart the need to love my family more. We have very limited time together in the next 5 months since my husband is in the military. I am extremely grateful for your words of wisdom. I would love to win and would cherish this gift! Thank you for being an encouragement and I look forward to many more! God Bless and Merry Christmas!
I want to love the people God has put in my life by remembering to happily serve them without complaining because I am doing it not only for them, but for God too.
I’m going to Love Well this week in some difficult family situations. Your list encouraged me to be humble, to hug often, to encourage them with loving words, and write down some favorite scriptures and have them written down around the house where all can read them. I’m going to see them through Jesus eyes and love well. Thank you for the encouragement.
I have began to write scriptures on bathroom mirrors with expo marker. Very easy!
Being present in the moment and engaged but getting the rest I need to do so and also showing up more timely for events and commitments to also be able to truly be present.
I love this list! These are ideas that don’t cost much only time and thought. My most favorite is “Don’t rush others.” I know I do this to my kids nearly every morning as we try to get out the door for school and work. I want to stop focusing so much on the clock and enjoy the time we have together in the morning. The same is true with my husband, I know there are times throughout the weekend when he is trying to engage with me or talk and my mind is busy racing to the next thing. Through God’s grace, let me remember that nothing is more important the people in this home.
Reach out to hurting, lonely acquaintance at church.
I so want my kids to hear and live by your definitions of beautiful! Thank you for sharing your blessings! Merry Christmas!
I am having Christmas with my inlaws tomorrow night. They don’t celebrate Christmas the traditional way, but rather this year are simply going for dinner in the evening (with no preparation, just a phone call last evening). No gift exchange, no gathering around the fire or the tree to share memories. Simply dinner. And half ot the family tomorrow eve have been estranged for 15 years so a very difficult situation tomorrow.I am praying today for peace for this situation because it is very awkward and uncomfortable for me. I am the daughter in law she never wanted and has been very unkind to me over the years. To extend God’s love is extremely hard and I have been struggling with forgiveness for years, but have yet to extend that. I will, however, extend God’s love tomorrow night, not because I want to, but because it is God’s heart that is beating in me, and therefore, I can love in a heartbeat. I read that in my devotions this weekend and will hold to that this Christmas.
My step sister and I have a very rocky relationship. She is not the kindest to my mom, and nobody takes up for my mom. It burns me up inside to just sit there and watch someone not treating my mom the best. My mom is the most giving kindness person around. We just had Christmas the past two days. I has been trying to better our relationship for the past year, then yesterday at Christmas her true colors came out. I did my mouth closed because i do know that just makes it worse. So just yesterday I told my husband I was done and that I was going to distance myself again because I needed to keep my peace. BUT that is not loving like Jesus! I have always thought my mom was just not sticking up for herself. That I had to say something, which usually causes tension with everyone, because she would not. Which brings me back to the scripture on my mirror.
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh words stir up anger. Proverbs 15:1
This devotion is VERY timely. I just realized that mom is not letting people run all over her she is just being like Jesus! I need to be more like Jesus and not make distance or let myself get burned up inside. I need to pray for her and myself. For God to restore our relationship, for God to help me be like Jesus, for God to help her be kind and loving to my mom, and most of all thankful for a wonderful mom who has modeled for me for 31 years being like Jesus!!!!
My new scripture for my mirror is My command is this:Love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12
Thank you so much, I am calling my mom today to thank her for being and modeling how to be just like Jesus. Then I am beginning to pray for our relationship and wisdom and guidance how to love like Jesus!
I have a friend that there’s been some friction between us lately. I am going to love her and let her know how important she is to me. I’m going to choose to forgive and let go the thing that has caused the friction. Thank you for opening my eyes.
I have a friend who is losing a job this week on Christmas Day. I will send a message of encouragement and be in prayer as well for this situation to be resolved quickly. I want to show Christ’s love with all my heart and be a witness to the miracles and the provision that only He can do.
I want to be present in every situation this week. Truly listening and appreciating others. Thank you for this wonderful list to think about.
I love these ideas! I’m going to try to focus on the become a hugger one. I love receiving hugs, but I often shy away from initiating them. I love to see people who hug freely!! Thanks for this list I plan to use many of them:-)
I will give 100% when I listen and speak when guided to by the Holy Spirit, rather Planning what I am going to respond with.
I like this one!
I love these ideas! So simple…yet so often overlooked. I like #2 the best – Listen; giving 100% of our undivided attention. I will do this for my kids this Christmas season, even if I have a full to do list.
My favorite thing to do is send encouraging verses to friends God lays on my heart- this week I will be more diligent and faithful in that- and I will give my kids my undistracted attention.
To love on a coworker that has been difficult last week. With the help of GOD
I’m in!!!
Thank you for the challenge! Your message resonates with my spirit and I am encouraged to pursue God’s gifting for me:)
Being honest, I am always afraid of hurting other people’s feelings even though I know skirting around the issue isn’t really helping anything. I never outright lie about it but I find ways to avoid dealing with it.
That’s why I wrote this one, Susan! I was preaching to myself. I really struggling with being 100% truthful when I am afraid of hurting someone or someone using my words against me. Lord, help us to be 100% truthful, packaging truth in Your love!
The one item on your list that stood out the most to me was the gift of loyalty…not gossiping about a friend. WOW! I know it would be so awesome if a friend vowed to never gossip about me and was a true and loyal friend. There’s much that can be said about knowing your friend has your back in the most loyal and loving way. Not only will I be calling my friends this week to share with them my level of loyalty, but I’ll also be giving away some free hugs too. 🙂
Christmas is busy, and many folks have lost perspective………gift giving is just not fun to me…….and my husband knows that is why I get cranky this time of year. I don’t like the commercial Christmas, rather prefer a family time, a serving time, a time to enjoy and reflect, and time to show love. There are far too many people who have lost hope, who are lonely, sad, depressed. This week is so very easy to brighten someone’s day, or maybe make a lasting friendship. I plan to slow down, and show love every opportunity this week. To neighbors, co-workers, strangers……..but more importantly, I hope I continue to keep this feeling throughout the entire year….. and it not get lost as the holidays wrap up.
I am going to be gentle in my speech to my children even as things are hectic.
I’m going to help a friend move on Christmas Eve to her new apartment.
I’m going to show more love to my family and to cashiers that check me out this week. To anyone I meet!
I am in! I will put my cell phone away and give my undivided atteention to my husbband and son!
I’m in! I want to love my family more freely. We are in a changing place-everyone growing up and having their own schedules. I often find myself with expectations for them with how it’s always been. And when things don’t work out that way, I get frustrated. I’m going to let go and let of those expectations and go with what I know is a natural flow! 🙂 Would love to win this gift pack to help me on my way. 🙂
Great list. Thanks for putting it out there to make me think about even more ways to show love.
Put my cell phone down for anyone and to really pray for whoever I see during my day. Just giving all of me regardless of the time.
I’m in!
I’m in!! Taking the humble route in an argument is definitely something I struggle with, so I am making that my goal! I pray God gives me the strength!
I really like your suggestion to put your phone aside and give your full attention while talking to someone. I know I feel more important when someone does that with me. Thank you for your ideas. They are so good!
Tammy, I wrote this one because my daughter took Psychology in college this year. She learned that when people have their cell phones visible, others will talk less and be less open because they are anticipating and interruption and feel that they do not have someone’s full attention. Wow did that convict me! I am sure she told me because she needs me to do this!
I will extend an invitation to hang out with a friend who is experiencing sadness of loss of a mother around the holidays.
Put my phone down/away when my kids are talking to me!
Your writing is such a blessing!
As I rush around this week finishing my shopping, I will speak encouragement and gratitude to the clerks I encounter.
Put my phone down and really listen to my family.
I’m in! Love this list, I want to do them all! Today I will put my phone away and be more attentive to my daughter, listen to her and give her the one on one time that is so very priceless. I will also pray to be humble.
I will not rush my son who never gets in a hurry. I will also text my mother’s caregiver how much she means to our family and I will really listen to people when we are together for Christmas. Thank you for your post! Merry Christmas!
I will be intentional about spending quality time with my husband.
I am going to my in-laws for Christmas Eve, but I REALLY don’t want to. You see, my husband and I are separated. We have 2 children, ages 19 and 14. I’m going for them. Even though it is a painful experience for me. I always feel like the odd man out. My mother-in-law can be quite manipulative.
So, the 4 of us are going together. With a lot of prayer, I am going to be loving and kind. I’m going to love her. She will always be a grandmother to my children.
THIS is love, Penny! What a testimony of unselfishness you are! Jesus, fill Penny with supernatural love and repay her 100% of her giving this Christmas! Amen
Tell my friend how grateful I am to have them in my life.
Thank you for these reminders that speak love and care for others. Its really the little things that say it the loudest. Thankful for Jesus who loves us these ways too. He delights over us and may we delight in the friends and acquaintances he puts in our paths today.
Merry Christmas
I’m In!
I will pray with a friend this week who struggling through great loss of a pregnancy. My heart breaks as she waits to miscarry. If I cannot pray with her in person, due to the medical circumstances, then I will record a prayer and send it to her… Or do both 🙂 Thank you for this great list! Merry Christmas!!
This week I will give a couple a break from their children by watching them so they can have some quality time alone.
I am baking Christmas cookies with my mother, my daughters, and a friend tomorrow! We bake many different kinds. After we are done baking, we make platefuls and go caroling as we deliver the plates of Chrisrmas cookies!! My mom and I have done this since I was a child, and I am passing it on to my own daughters!
Choosing to forgive and trying to consider my actions in front of our children as that is how they learn. Thank you so much for your encouragement it makes a difference to so many!?
I’m in.
Loving others more than myself…I want to love my teenage daughter better, extend her the same grace that I have been given. More intentional hugs even though I am not a hugger by nature. Speak words of encouragement rather than angry words out of my own frustration.
Your girl will feel your love … even if she doesn’t show it. Keep pouring it in and she’ll keep soaking it in!
I went with some church friends to sing Christmas carols in DT Richmond yesterday and I made it a point to look in their eyes and thank them for coming and wish them a Merry Christmas. So many homeless and hurting, I felt like taking off my winter coat to give them BUT I have decided to continue helping with that ministry and others locally to teach my boys about loving others as God loved us.Merry Christmas Lynn?
Beautiful!! Merry Christmas to you, too, Lynn!
Love given is always love gained. I am in!
During this busy week of Christmas, I will find time to show someone that I really care and that I am there for them with listening ears & a loving heart.
I will text an encouraging verse.
I will put my phone away during meals and conversations! Also goi g to work on the not rushing others….this something I do often with my 5 year old, so I would like to get better at thinking ahead to the time it takes and not rush her. Also with holiday get togethers and many family members together I want to be more of a listener to everyone…asking more questions about them and making our conversations about them than responding with something about me or my family. Thank you for this giveaway! Merry Christmas!
I like number 9. Sometimes it is hard to see the good qualities in some people’s lives. But I have determined I will make aa effort to tell this person how I admire that quality in them. Who knows? Maybe that will be a turning point not just for them but also for myself!
I have read your post and feel you have some good valued points. It is hard to choose just one, so I’m going to focus on one a week! When i get to number 21, I’m going to start over again. Thank you for opening my mind to what is important in our daily lives.
I’m in.
LOVE this idea, Charlotte! I think I’ll copy it!
Thank you!! I believe we will have fun and grow!!
I’m in!!
I’m in!
I plan to send a hand written note to a friend that is closer than a sister. 2015 has been a difficult year – my mother had to be placed in a nursing home, my sister in law died unexpectedly, a brother died, another is fighting cancer and I’m dealing with unexpected health issues. This dear friend has been by my side every step of the way.
Oh Allison, my heart breaks over the year you have been through. Thank you Jesus for sending a true friend in your life. The note will bless her so much!
I am encouraged by the turn the sound off on your phone and put it away when talking to someone encouragement.
My daughter took Psychology in college this year. She learned that when people have their cell phones visible, others will talk less and be less open because they are anticipating and interruption and feel that they do not have someone’s full attention. Wow did that convict me!
I will try to do #19 and # 21 together and tell a friend something about them that makes me a better person and share a scripture with them.
Thanks so much for the reminders of loving others! Will print the list and use it as a reminder when I wonder how to ‘help’. Have a blessed Christmas!
My cousin’s baby Daddy is not invited to family Christmas since he is not family and there is so much tension between him and my aunt’s family. It was a hard decision but we are wanting to honor and love my aunt. My husband and I are showing our love by being honest about the circumstances with her and invite them for a get together after the new year. We address also loving them by understanding how hard this must be for them. In this short comment there is so much detail left out but we believe we are following God in this decision.
Showing His love … that is the heart of Christmas! Thanks Tami!
I’m in and thanks for the reminders!! What lovely ways to share the love Jesus has for us with each other !!!!
I will set aside daily distractions and my to do list more often to give my children my undivided attention. Too often they hear, “hold on” or “in a minute”. Thank you for speaking truth today! Merry Christmas!
I want to do the same, Amy! When they talk, they have me … all of me!
I am going to work on giving my full attention to others when we talk giving eye contact and really listen.
I will hopefully be able to bless a few friends with hand written notes as money is tight. I’m praying about one for my spouse as we’re currently separated…
Jesus, just today I read in Matthew 24 that Your word is the only thing that goes on forever. Impart to Caryn the right Word she can share that will bring love into the lives of those she writes to. Amen
I’ve been given the task of championing Christian emphasis in an organization, especially targeting teens. Loving like Jesus is paramount…but so is not scaring-off the kids, gaining their trust, stirring their interest…so that their souls can connect to God. No small task. One that can only be done as God gives me the next step. I have a feeling your blog is going to be a great resource!!
Yeah, Pattie! I am so glad we’ve connected.
Thank you so much for investing in young people. God can use us to make a huge difference in their lives!
Lord, hear Pattie’s prayer. Give her the guidance and wisdom she needs as she moves forward! Amen
I’m going to text a friend and see how her weekend went with her extended family.
I will love my family this week and ask God to show me they are His kids first. Show me what He sees and loves about them and His vision for them, not mine. This has already helped me prepare for them coming. Thank you!
You’re a great mom, Patti! What a gift you will give them this Christmas. Love, acceptance and your attention!
I’m In! Thank u so much, I’m speaking to Alot of coworkers about getting closer to our Lord Jesus Christ and the list u gave was awesome, I’m putting it in action ALREADY, so this was confirmation to me! Thanks again and GOD BLESS U ALWAYS!
Pray with a friend immediately when they ask for prayer!!!! Yes, that is mine for this week!!! And may it go beyond this week too!!! Great list of ideas!!!!
I’m thankful for the reminder to be fully engaged. Over break, I’m going to try not hurrying on to the next thing but be fully present in the now. Looking forward to some quality time with family and friends.
I will choose to live by sending an encouraging verse to someone and by choosing humility in an argument!
I’m in!
I will choose grace and humility today especially in hard relationships with those around me, especially my loved ones around me. I desire to have more of Jesus reflected in me. Your list encourages me.
Print your list of 21 and put it in my office. I need to talk to my brother and it definitely will be uncomfortable. Please pray with me for wisdom to when and how to do this!
Lord – fill Rosemary with words of love and wisdom when she speaks with her brother. Bring reconciliation, forgiveness and a miracle in their relationship. Amen
I’m in. Thank you for the reminder of being intentional in conversation and listening.
I’m in! I will turn my Phil ne volume down and put it away n the company of others which will allow me to LISTEN and give 100% of my undivided attention.
I’m in!
I am a baker at a bakery shop, and I know we are going to be overwhelmed with customers this week. I will try my best to show the same love to the difficult customer as I would to the easy going customer. They deserve just the same treatment as Jesus would do that to all kinds.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom! I am always wanting to be more intentional in my time with my children, those moments when we are home from school and can create quality time together. Too often, I am distracted by the busyness that comes with laundry, dinner, etc. Your post has reminded me that it really isn’t hard to just be with and encourage those who are so dear to me. I will silence distractions so that I can truly focus on my family. Thanks, again for the encouragement!
I will make it a point to be patient and listen when others talk. I loved the comment in the devotion “it’s not all about me.” Thanks for convicting me!
WOW! Great list of reminders how to really BE love. I need to take the humble route and be quick to forgive. I need to read the list before leaving home everyday! Thank you and God bless you and your family!
I will do my best to slow down and show kindness to those around me. Quite honestly, I’ve already rushed through this early morning, not giving the time and kindness I should have. I will consciously do better today.
I’m in! Thank you!
Going to focus on #3…. yesterday, I was angrily rushing my daughter, as we were going to be late for church. I felt terrible afterwards. Jesus, Thank You for your Grace!
Sending a card or note would be very nice . I send them to friends but not my son .i guess I just take it for granted that he also needs a “pick me up ” at times I’m sure as he is going threw the process of fighting for full custody of our grandson his in need of much encouragement . Thank you ?
I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me be aware of the needs of people around me and reach out as He leads. It is so easy to get caught up in what I have to do that I can put on blinders to others. It is my prayer that I am interrupt -able and recognize the needs of others especially when there is something I can do.
I will apologize to my sister for my harsh words of frustration. I can love like Jesus
While keeping good healthy boundaries.
I will give my 100% undivided attention. That is hard because as a single mom of teens (1 in college and the other about to start while I’m working on my MBA), I have a lot on my plate. My son is always complaining that I’m not paying attention. I will try to give everyone my undivided attention and really listen to what they say. Great advice.
I am in!
Be a hugger is my favorite! Being wired as an encourager it comes pretty easy and the reward is immediate when I get hugs in return. The note writing is not so easy because it does require me to step out of the always doing, keeping busy – “Martha zone” and into the mindful, thoughtful, take a moment to really think about it – “Mary zone”.
Great list, best timing and a perfect challenge for this week especially. Thanks for sharing Lynn!
I will be more grateful of all the things my husband does instead of focusing on what he doesn’t do. I will text him messages letting him know my gratitude and love. I will also work towards improving my patience over anger and be less quick to express negative emotion.
I love this list and needed this devotional today! I am in! Thank you!
This Christmas I am struggling to have a desire to even see my parents after some very hurtful conversations. I am praying that God will help me “Extend love to someone that has disappointed me.”
Holy Spirit, do the work in Jamie’s heart only you can do. Help her to step toward forgiveness and meet her there. And if she needs to set boundaries, give her the courage, wisdom and strength she needs to do so. Amen
I’m in!!
After my mother’s tragic death I had two choices: One was to let God into my life more than what I was allowing for and depend on his Love to get me through living life without her. Or I could dismiss what I was barley hanging onto and turn to the world which would include worldly things as alcohol. I chose to put my trust in God. His Love was the best decision I made. I plan to show Love by making sure my loved ones and strangers I may cross paths with know that Christ loves them.
Your devotional really spome to me today. I am praying a new mind set to see all my encounters with people differently. No more obligstions a love chance. I put the scripture on our family board. “Full of grace and truth”
I am going to speak words of encouragement!
I want to sit and have a conversation with a stranger/homeless person next time I’m walking around downtown. And I will give them a pair of gloves and hat that I purchased a while ago. I also want to send encouraging texts to people as they come to mind. I am going to write letters to all 4 of my grown children- not quite what I am going to say, but trusting that the Holy Spirit will lead me.
Thank you for the ideas!!
that’s *not quite sure
I really need to put my cell phone and iPad down and be fully engaged with my family….and that’s what I intend to do, starting today! My brother and his family are coming to stay with us a few days for Christmas. He lives in another state and I don’t get to see him often, so I really want to put away the distractions and enjoy the time we’re going to get together. My kids are so young and I often feel like my cell phone steals precious moments I could be fully engaged with them. So, the cell phone is going on silent and the iPad is going in a drawer! Thanks for this list…it really encouraged and inspired me!
I’m in!
My husband is off this week so I will be more intentional about spending uninterrupted time with him instead of all my time being spent on preparations. Letting him know he’s more important
Merry Christmas, Lynn! Thank you for your many posts and devotions throughout the year that encourage so many of us! I love your heart for teen girls because I, too share that passion. I also have a 12yr old daughter that is growing up and changing daily. The two of us will work on writing hand-written Christmas cards this week.
I have recently obeyed the Lord and stepped out of my comfort zone to teach and lead in the Women’s Ministry at my church. Since that decision, God has been placing women in my path and showing me opportunities to serve Him by meeting needs in their lives in ways only He can do. I have been blessed greatly by seeing God’s hand at work and more so by working with Him to bless someone else. We serve a truly awesome God! If the Lord is asking you to reach out to someone for Him, step out, obey, and be a part of His work.
Yeah Karen! Keep going, friend!
Thank you for these wonderful ideas! A few of them I have been doing for awhile but quite a few of them never crossed my mind. Today I’m definitely going to make sure anyone I speak to has my undivided attention, it’s the respectful thing to do. I’m going to also start asking people if they’d like to pray with me right then when the ask or I offer to pray for them. This was a habit I’ve gotten away from for fear of making someone uncomfortable but they can always say no but they might surprise me and say yes. Thank you, again, for reminding me to be more like Jesus every day. And I’m totally in with you!
I will show unconditional love to EVERYONE I encounter this week….especially those that may offend me or upset me. I am trying to focus on loving this season and not the ‘busyness’ that typically comes with the holidays.
Thank you for Magnetic- it is making a difference in young girls lives. 🙂
Merry Christmas!!
I am going to focus on relation ships this week starting with keeping Jesus first and then unplugging to truly spend time with those around me
By being mindfully present with my family during the holiday chaos.
I will be more patient with others. I will slow down and truly listen to others. I will seek God first and love Him.
I will try to take the humble route in an argument. Most of the time I defend myself when in the long run it doesn’t matter.
I will spend time with my children, making cookies and a cake, talking about Jesus, and asking questions to get the kids’ answers.
I”m In!
Lynn, your devotionals always speak right to my heart. I’m in! Today I will text my friends who will be missing a loved one this Christmas.
Thank you so much for your encouragement, Kim! I so appreciate you!!
My husband took the week off this week so both our boys and him are home. My plan is to turn off my computer and focus more on being with them wholeheartedly. Also, my boys and I are going to spend time giving to others to be more like Jesus – today we’re going to help deliver pies to law enforcement families in my hometown.
I’m in! ?
I’m in. Thanks
I mentor 2 teenage girls in our church and always send them encouraging verses. I really like the phone idea and will use it this week. Our Pastor always tell us that we may be the only Jesus someone may know so these tips are awesome!!! Merry Christmas!
I will be kind and extend grace to my husband even through my pain. I pray daily God will help me see him the way God sees him. He is trying hard to be a good husband and father after struggling with drug and alcohol addiction and then failing at being faithful. 2014 and 2015 have been the hardest years of my life. I’m learning what sharing in the suffering of Jesus truly means. Without this deep pain, I wouldn’t have had this deep relationship with God.
Handwritten prayers! What an awesome gift to give the people you love. I’m starting with my kids. ❤️
I’m in!
I will extend grace to my husband who has fallen away from his relationship with Christ. I’ll shut my mouth and let God work it out.
So wise, Christina!
I will send out some text message live to friends and my husband 🙂
Pray immediately with a friend when they ask for prayer.
Be a hugger.
I will give 100% attention when my husband is speaking. When he starts talking about things that arent important to me, I tend to think about other things or even tell him Im not interested in what he is saying. How hateful is that? I will listen to him and even ask him questions about what is important to him. Thank you for opening my eyes to this!!
I’m in! No social media when I’m with my family this Christmas, they deserve my full attention!
“I’m in” I can send a text today!! Thank you!
I’m so in and have really been praying about being more in the moment. Thanks for the great ideas.
I’m in! It’s officially Christmas break and I would love to have a phone free genuine family time with my kids and hubby. No distractions, full attention, and loving on them and making memories 🙂
Today I Will love my mother in law.
This is my first time visiting your site. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all the wonderful information here. I found your blog by searching for information on how to start a blog and about Christian blogs for women which sent me to Proverbs 31Ministries. I am going to show the Love of Jesus by taking time to listen to my grandson.
Welcome, Rena! I hope you will sign up to receive my posts and we’ll hear from you often!
I want to have & make the most of opportunities I have this week to verbally share Jesus & His love with my adult kids who are not following him, without sounding judgmental or “preachy”
I’m in!
To quit taking my husband for granted. To do all “21 Ways to Love Others” for him. It seems I always put our kids, grandkids and others before him. Today I will begin to be attentive, loving and considerate of the person he is. I am truly blessed by him in my life.
I’m in!
I will text a friend who has health problems.
I want to invite a couple of young people over for a meal. Their parents have been gone for almost 2 months arranging the adoption of 2 Ukrainian teens from an orphanage. They’re excited about their new ‘family members’ but it’s lonely for them at this Christmas time.
I will take the humble route in an argument
I’m also in!
This week I am going to focus on telling people in my life how important they are to me: specifically a few girlfriends who I haven’t been as close to since having my daughter. BUT they still mean the world to me. I am also going to affirm my husband. The piece for Proverbs 31 today was great! Thank you.
Praying for myself and others that as we come together as adults set in our ways this holiday, Reminding us that we all have something to be grateful for as we spend the holidays together. While others who have lost someone in 2015 wish they were able to spend the holidays with their loved one. Peace on Earth to all God’s people.
I’m in! It’s Christmas Break. My children are home for the next two weeks. My phone needs to visit the drawer as much as possible. Thanks for very practical ways to show love!
A number of my friends have sick family members. I will text them to let them know I am thinking of them and praying for them.
Be the positive at Christmas when my family has the usual arguments. I will be the Jesus in the room!
I’m in – I feed the homeless every week, I try very hard to make them feel welcomed and loved by offering touch to a shoulder, asking how they are, checking in with regular’s and getting names. I will add praying with them then when they ask for prayers instead of later – what a great way to let them know God is with them. Thank you for your kind and loving message. Thank you God for loving Gift of forgiveness, grace and mercy. Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!!
Tammy – this need to feel valuable was pointed out to me by my daughter who is studying social work and the book she had me read, ‘Same Kind of Different as Me”. Life changing!
I am going to try to find someone who will be alone over the holidays and be a friend and show God’s love.
I’m turning your list of ideas into my holiday to-do-list. Tonight as I bake cookies with my two teenage girls there will be hugs and they can choose the background music.
YES! I love this! Making this loving others list our Christmas to-do list!
I am going to love on someone who has disappointed me.
I am going to take time to sit and play with my grandkids and show them how much I love them!
Finish sending my Christmas cards, being more kind and loving to everyone, putting God first in my life so I can show the love of Christ in me and will be able to get everything done for Christmas
Helpful ideas! Now just to apply them.
Listen 100%——–my life has been about me and my 4 kids for 10 years as we search for a diagnosis. We recently received somewhat of a diagnosis but it wasn’t anything we wanted to hear and more testing needs to be done. For 10 years I was so absorbed in my own life and problems that I couldn’t listen to anyone and theirs. God has placed so many good listeners in my path to allow me to release when I needed too. God Himself has been that “listener” when I needed Him to be….. I want to be that good listener for someone else because I am not the only one in this world who needs to release. Our situation is so rare that no one could help me or provide a support group for me to go to where people would understand. But I didn’t need that. I just needed someone to let me work my emotions out loud so that I could keep going with what God called me to do.
This devotion really spoke to me this morning. Thank you so much for sharing this post, Lynn. There are many of your suggestions that I need improvement on each and everyday. Some of the ones that spoke to me are:
1. Listen to others, giving them 100% of our attention
2. Don’t Rush others (I was specifically thinking of my children)
3. Share a quality that you see in them that you admire
4. Send more hand written cards
5. Be more intentional with my prayer life and interactions with others. I’m trying to do a better job of praying for others right away instead of putting it off to my prayer time later.
Thank you so much for sharing all of your helpful wats to truly be intentional with others in today’s post. If I am chosen to receive the gift, I know of a sweet friend whose husband is going through cancer that could benefit from some encouragement. Thank you God your ministry. Have a blessed day!
Heather K.
I’m in!
I think I will work on listening 100%today–to my daughters, my husband, my parents–everyone! I catch myself drifting off sometimes, and I know that feeling, when you know the other person isn’t really engaged. Thanks so much for the reminder and the mission for today!? –Heidi
Thank you for your blog on being intentionally there with people today. I am grateful when I ask for someone’s attention and they give it fully, it is such a blessing! Lord, help us all to be completely in tune with You that we may also be completely in tune with your other sons and daughters.
Merry Christmas to you and those you love and love you. God bless and keep you in the hollow of His hand…until we speak again. LynneDe
During this time of year, I tend to always be in a rush. I will work on not rushing others, and spend time enjoying what we are doing together.
I am going to play board games with my kids undistracted. I am not really a game person but will spend that tie with my kids.
Several of the items listed I’ve done this past week. Yea! But, am struggling with the in-laws. They have distanced themselves so much over the years. I keep getting upset because I know my kids, especially, would like to know their cousins. It’s trickled now to seeing them just once or twice a year. My husband’s side of the family has ALWAYS spent Christmas Eve together. It’s our turn to host. So when we sent out the note to my husband’s brother’s family in regards to our “potluck” of food…we find out in text that they “cancelled” Christmas. No one bothered to tell us. One person this issue, other this. Maybe some could have been worked around but they just decided as that part of the family they aren’t coming. And no response yet from the sister. I stay frustrated, my husband says I should know better by now. 20 years of it. I should. And I’m almost there. If kids wouldn’t be involved I probably would be “done”. So…how do you love like Jesus (and yes, these are Christians) people who consistently treat you with lack of respect and just plain rudeness!
Hebrews 13:5King James Version (KJV), last part:
… he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Oh what wonderful words! He will never leave or forsake us even when all else do!
My husband’s dad passed 12 days after we married in 1992. His mom held the family together especially at Christmas. At her passing, December 20, 2003, we were all there with her at the hospital. Family lined the walls of her room. She had had a heart attack that morning, was in a coma and dying. My husband sat on the opposite side of her bed, holding her arm. I stood across from him and held her hand…that was the last time we saw most of them. His brothers (3) have all now passed away. He is the last of his generation.
No Christmas cards, the young people have grown and gotten lives and forgotten their uncle, great-uncle, friend. They stole his mom’s house from him, she’d left it to us in her will because a stroke four years after our marriage left him without the ability to work, she wanted us to be cared for…
I give you that not as a sob-story, but as hope! You see, though our income at the time of his stroke in 1997 was only $899.00 per month Social Security, and just over $100.00 disability pension from his job….God has NEVER left or forsaken us. We’ve had to have financial assistance from our state at times, we’re on medical help now…but we did not lose our home, purchased 4 months shy 3 days before the stroke! We’ve always made our payments on time!
God has been there and cared for us when others have walked away without a backward glance. He has shown His love over and over and over again. He has provided when others stole, lied, and walked away. He will always be there for you! It was the religious people of His day that cursed Him, mocked Him, cried ‘crucify Him’. It was the religious that turned their backs and walked away, and broke His heart…He knows your pain, He has felt everything we do or ever can.
How do you love like Jesus? Look at Him and what He’s done for you, and He will put the love there when you do not have it, cannot manufacture it. Look at Corrie Ten Boom’s life…at the guard who beat her sister, kicked her, caused her death…and yet, after the war, became a Christian…came to one of her lectures, did not realize he’d had personal interaction…held out his hand and asked a general forgiveness for his part in the war…she recognized him and told the Lord, she could not take his hand, but by God’s grace, allowed the Lord to extend His hand through her…and gained a brother in Christ.
In my own person, I could never forgive the 12+ years of coldness and more of my husband’s family. In Christ, I lay down my self at His feet and love them back in return in spite of it…
Dear Heavenly Father, please cover us- who caused You so much pain, with Your love that we may in return love those who cause us pain. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I’m in! I am going to hug my husband and daughters lots because a hug is so awesome a gift for the recipient as well as the giver.
I am going to try #20, take the humble route in an argument. Pretty sure this week will be ripe for opportunities to argue, disagree, be dissatisfied. We are having company on Christmas, my house is a mess, not even sure what all I am fixing or how I am fixing what I do know we will have, and I am not sure I have much help coming from my “other half”. Life has been exhausting lately with work and caring for my mother who is going through cancer treatment. I am running on empty, so #20 will be the hardest I think for me, to keep from snapping at my husband.
I love your honesty, Kathy “this week will be ripe for opportunities”. There is a part of me that thinks the enemy loves holidays because he can bring tension, stress and strain with expectations in our relationships.
Lord, fill us! We need You to. We are tired and worn out. You are our filling. Come and fill us, Jesus! Amen
I Love these ideas. I am committing myself to love others daily. I have been selfish in my walk with an unselfish God! I am not certain how I will get there but am vowing to try everyday, one step at a time. Thank you for article and Thank God for his undying love and allowing me to begin again!
I will be gentle in my words and responses with others. Look them in the eye and smile.
I am in.
Wonderful devotion for me today! Lots of great ideas! My plan is to respond in love to my daughter in law, not just out of habit. Thinking about how much Jesus loves us both should make it easier!
I’m going to start hugging more. I love getting hugs, but am not much on initiating them myself.
I aim to be more patient and slow to frustration. My words and facial expressions need to reflect love instead of disgust and disagreement. Lord, please strengthen me in this quest!
I will choose to love this week by making eye contact, smiling and saying Merry Christmas to others. 🙂
Merry Christmas!!
I’m going to show love this week by smiling more and inviting those hard to love family members for Christmas dinner. I’m trying to remember it’s not all about me and my needs and happiness! Lord help me to be less selfish and more selfless!
My favorite is the one that says love even when someone disappoints you. It is so hard not to get upset when my daughters won’t help around the house. We need to come up with a better plan but it needs to start with me showing them love no matter what they do.
I will be a hugger and listen 100%.
I have already shared grace through a text message to a dear friend.
I will tell everyone I come in contact with Merry CHRISTmas.
Blessings to you
And thank you for your encouraging devotions.
To work on forgiving my family member who hurt us all. Being patient and listening when they speak, instead of going straight to anger.
I will spend more time truly listening closely & letting The Holy Spirit direct my answers & guidance for others.
I will remember to truly love others as The Lord desires is to draw close to Him & know His Love for us all.
I’m in!
Since we are in the Christmas season, I try to look all the cashiers in the eye, smile,
and say, “Merry Christmas!” At all times I speak and smile; sometimes I wonder
how often the cashiers are overlooked and taken for granted.
Merry Christmas to you!
Thank YOU for your beautiful devotional! I am so IN! I love the idea of sending a text or letter to someone just because you thought of them. I also am a hugger…so that I can definitely do! Much Love!
I needed the reminder of the different ways to show love, they are not “complex” I tend to over complicate it in my mind. Being and choosing to be intentional with listening and putting electronic devices away while I do that. The gift of being present.
I will listen 100%. Especially to my coworkers. They know when I check out. I am constantly trying to multitask while they are talking to me. I will also acknowledge the panhandlers outside of our Walmart. Look them in the eye tonight and smile. And even say a prayer for them. I often ignore them and don’t make eye contact even get ANGRY that they are standing there asking for help. I am a single mom of four kids and my family doesn’t live near me, so not a lot of help. I work full time and also have a part time job for the holidays. I work hard and I am tired and I get angry that they stand out there begging when there are a million jobs out there if they really looked. I get mad that I have to work hard and be exhausted and miss my kids’ activities to be able to provide for them and that they have no shame and sit there on the corner and ask for money. But, tonight I will lay aside my bitterness and acknowledge that I will not get my own corner in Heaven and that everyone needs Jesus!!!
Merry Christmas!
I’m in. Thank you for this post and the one in Proverbs31. Both are blessings.
Thank you for those great tips. I would like to apply one to each day for the next 21 days. What a wonderful project for us all. Merry Christmas!
I’m in and in process. Our neighborhood has had a huge turn-over in the past two years and although we still feel like newbies, we are actually the people who have been here almost the longest on this end of the block. We started creating a stronger community by delivering Christmas cookies yesterday and we plan to continue to extend ourselves throughout the year to be the inclusive ones even though its easier to stay in the house behind closed doors. We want our neighborhood to feel welcoming and want it to feel like ‘coming home’ instead of ‘just living here.’ Thank you for the incentive to keep things going!
I am ALL in!! I am in the process of extending love to someone who has disappointed me. I know we are all human and go through hard times and during those times, when trying to sort out our own mess, we tend to hurt the others around us — the ones who really love us. One of me dearest friends is going through something like this right now. She has hurt me, but all I want to do is show her that SHE IS LOVED, regardless! I really think when we personally need something it’s best to show others that same action. (If you need happiness, show others happiness. If you need encouragement, show others encouragement — it rubs off on you!).
I will listen closely to what people. I will not assume and jumping to fix the perceived problem.
Definitely going to use these tips to remind people that they are needed, loved, and precious children of God.
I’m IN.
Thank you for spurring us on to love! Have a friend whose husband was recently diagnosed with cancer. Listening to her seems to help. She is a young believer in Christ, and still learning to lean on Jesus. One word that is comforting her heart right now is knowing that she is cherished by God. Had purchased a little heart-shaped paper weight with the word cherish on it. Wasn’t sure who it was for but now it is clear that it is for her. The Lord is so good to be so concerned about her and mindful of every detail !
Your suggestions on how to value others is invaluable! I think the one thought you gave that hit me most was the one about taking the humble route in an argument. I can be very dogged about my views and if any differ, I can be unshaken in expressing my side to the point where it likely offends another. I pray I would be humble, hear the person out, and love them where they are, despite our differences. Life is too short to be limited by our opinions and lose a friend or close down others.
I’m in, I hope to send a meaningful text or letter to someone I care about and let them know how special they are to me and God.
I love these! Thanks for sharing.
I am absolutely in! I am sending a text as I write.
I’m in big-time!! I am one of the few folks in this world who don’t buy gifts for others all that (very limited income) much, heartfelt cards.
I’m in! Printing your suggestions, to see what I can do right away!
Thank you!
I want to pray with people as soon as they mention a need.
Thank you for your thoughts and ideas. My friends and I have been sharing our verses all month in preparation for Christmas. It’s been wonderful for all of us!
I’m in!
Jason and me were just discussing more intentional ways to show love in every day things. With money tight, date nights have been on hold but we are going to make a point of putting a movie on and leaving all phones in a different room 🙂
Great solution, Sarah!
Being kind and patient with my family
I’m in!
Thanks for the wonderful ideas! I will give grace to my son and sister who enjoy all the strife and don’t look at the hurt they cause others.
I will smile and say kind words to everyone amidst the hustle-bustle of Christmas shopping and preparation. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Listening! In all the hustle and bustle I want to strive to be a good listener and available to someone is need!
Thank you very much for this reminder. I will seek to be more “present” with my husband, family and everyone who comes through my door. It is so easy for me to be distracted, concentrating on my “to do” list, worried that I cannot do it all, stressing. I will pray for God’s peace, peace of mind, so that I can just be calm and show love in all that I do to all that I meet. I struggle with depression, it always seems worse this time of the year; that makes it difficult to see “beyond the trees” sometimes. With God’s help, I can become a better person.
Going on my 31st anniversary date with my husband and I am going to turn off the phone and pay full attention to him,
I am in! Great ideas!
I’m in!
Hi, awesome list!
I am going to combine 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, and 15. Especially 15, and extend them to my husband as we have been on the outs for over a week. I don’t want to put on a fake smile trying to celebrate the holidays with all this tension. Our children deserve better! Thank you!
Merry Christmas!
I’m in! Thank you!
I will give 100% of my undivided attention to my kids when they ask me something, rather than just continuing to work on the computer and only half-listen.
This week, I will reconnect with a friend that has frustrated me. There are times when God leads me to someone and I snatched my hand back because they hurt or frustrate me, but I believe that God has challenged me to not give up on helping them. I want to grow in the Lord
I was beaten by my husband just less than 2 weeks ago. This is not the first time this happened. Just as I was at the point of breaking down and giving up, I prayed. And the Holy Spirit guided me to pray for peace and to just focus on Jesus. I found peace at that very moment and until now. This peace caught onto my husband and for the first time he hit the jackpot of telling me what he needs to do to change – having God in his life. God first loved us so we can love. Thank You God for Your unconditional love!
I plan to do my best to listen more and speak less at upcoming family gathering. It’s based on a Bible verse; forgot exact verse.
I’m in. Love this post ! Thank you.
being patient when i am exhausted…
I’m in!
With the help of the Holy Spirit I’ll not rush people.
With Christmas coming I certainly need love in my heart. It’s a tough time and I will also be around many whome I disagree with on a number of topics-most in fact. To get through it in an adult manner amd to be an example for my son I need love in my heart. I need to remember that things are tough for them too. I can show love.
I continue to hope the Lord would Chang the hearts of my family. I hope to love deeply towards them.
I’m trying to really listen when people speak. I would like to remember to stop rushing people, especially my girls. I will send my very stressed husband a verse or a prayer this week.
Text an encouraging verse to friends going through hard times
These are great Lynn!
I will be a good listener, turn off my phone, be a hugger, share a verse with someone who is down, pray for a friend who asks, and these next two will be a little harder…I will extend love when some disappoints me and I will take the humble route in an argument.
This is the perfect time of year to start doing most of these…and then we can continue throughout the year!
Merry Christmas to you and those you love!
I’m in too! I really love this! Lord help me be your hands n feet! Give me the eyes to see and ears to hear and the mind of Christ to know who needs your unfailing love!
So much to do. I’m in!
I’m going to love by being patient and respectful while traveling through the airport tomorrow.
I will choose to love this week as I serve at a church for the poor and homeless in our community. I have been volunteering for over a year, but lately I have been “just visiting.” Please pray that the Lord will renew my desire to love on others and share the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ!!
Be intentional to say a kind word to the cashier or waiter/waitress. Use their name when talking to them and then pray for them as I leave the store/restaurant.
Send a note to two friends that are grieving the loss of a loved one this year. Christmas is a difficult time for them, they could use the encouragement and support.
Interesting I already have some reminders in my phone to be intentional about showing love this week! A co-worker is having a surgery tomorrow and I sent her a text today to let her know I have and will be praying for her. I also plan to check on her or visit her during her recovery being that she will be hospitalized through Christmas.
I want to be a hugger!
I am planning to spend quality time with my husband and girls playing games and having fun together…electronic free!
By the end of the day, I’m exhausted because I’m trying to get up early to enjoy “me” time before the kids get up for school. I’m going to make the conscious effort to be present with my kids and husband at the end of the day, not just at the beginning. Praying, talking, listening, and reading with aol of them. Sometimes, I put my self in observer position instead of being fully engaged. I’m going to get myself right in there!
Sent a hand written note last nite to my Uncle and Aunt which I haven’t seen in over 30 years. We are trying to keep some sort of family connection going, and I made the time to write a very personal note to them. I’m in!
I’m in!
I love these ideas on how to love someone. Many of them I’ve done and many do regularly but you know there are a few new ideas for me and I thank you for them. I’m going to put them into practice right away. There are some that I just needed to be reminded of this well to thank you for that. For my example of how I’m going to love today couple days before Christmas I’m going to share my love and the love of Christ with a friend who is in a nursing home. This may be a difficultvisit because of her illness but I’m being presence in the word of God and the smile and Jesus. And if I can get her to smile and to get her understand that I love her but more than that the Jesus loves her it will beA success. So if you read this today I’d appreciate your prayer my friend is ill physically but she’s ill spiritually as well she needs to healing grace of Jesus in her life she needs to except him as your savior before much longer.thank you and I wish you all a truly blessed Christmas!
Cynthia V
I’m in
I am going to be patient with my mother this holiday. And I’m going to hug more:)
dwelling on this devo with a quick i’m in–thanks!
.Listen; giving 100% of our undivided attention to my adult children and husband
I have done or try to do #’s 1,2,4,10,11,12,16,and 18 on a regular basis. I really am working hard at#’s 13 and 14.
I;m in!
I have done or try to do #’s 1,2,4,10,11,12,16,and 18 on a regular basis. I really am working hard at#’s 13 and 20.
I’m in
I am going to love my brother through an encouraging text today!!! I love the 21 ideas you posted!!! Thank you!!!
This is perfect! Especially this time of year. It is so easy to get busy!!! Up til midnight working on cards, gifts, food, studying, etc. Up before the sun to go to work. Coming home to clean, cook, chauffeur, then of to the second job, home just in time for kids to go to bed. I am barely awake most days, let alone present. I have done a lot of visiting in my marriage, my family, my church, even at work- do what I need to do and go. Don’t get me wrong, I do the best I can at what I do, but do not have time to pause and share and love, or even be loved on. Today I will open my eyes and take a look around. I will pause and give more than a wave to let others know their worth. I will smile at those around me, rather than running past hurried to get to where I need to be. I will be more a Mary than a Martha, taking time to listen and hear.
Cassandra, please know there is no condemnation or judgment in this post. Many of us have responsibilities that at times seem beyond our capacity to perform them. May the Lord give you His strength to love where you are when you are.
My friend had a miscarriage in May and her due date is approaching. I’m going to be very intentional to listen to her, help her, and try to help her find comfort by using many of your ideas. Thank you for posting. This love package would be perfect for my friend.
You are a good friend, Rachel!