Join Us on the Front Lines



I’m one of those weird people…the kind who LIKES Monday mornings.

Monday morning is the day I get to volunteer at Proverbs 31 Ministries.

This is the view from my desk:




From where I serve, I see Melissa working on our free online Bible Studies, while right next to her Samantha works away editing our free daily devotions. I can hear Teri and Savanna packaging our resources for our speakers, like myself, who share with women and teens across the country, carrying encouragement across the country. Beyond work more women bringing peace, perspective and purpose to today’s busy women…right where they are. In their car, where they can hear our daily radio show. At their computer, reading our devotions. In their homes, on the subway, at the ball field…any where they get online.

There is the place I minister. See it there on the right?


Yeah…the phone!

I never know who will be on the other end when I answer.

Some days it’s a women starting a new Bible study at her church, looking for just the right resource.

Sometimes the women wants help sharing her story with others through speaking and writing and is looking for our training.

Many days, too many days, the precious child of God is a woman who has just learned her husband has been unfaithful. Afraid to let others know, she looks for someone to simply pray with her. A mom struggling with her teen wants to know she is not alone.

No matter who she is, the woman who calls our office is one who needs a touch and encouragement from Jesus in her day.

Today, I’m asking you if you’ll help me to help her here on the front lines. Will you come alongside us, with your gift, and help us help her?

It is so simple and will just take a moment of your time. Just click on this link where you can give to Proverbs 31 Ministries in a safe and easy method.

From Jesus and me, thank you, friend! And from the woman who needs your help, but won’t know it was you who helped her, thank you too!




PS The winner from my Friday’s post of the confidence building books “His Revolutionary Love” and “Devotions for a Revolutionary Year” is Sarah who posted 12/1/13 at 4:15 p.m. Congratulations, Sarah!


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