Faith is Not a Feeling
Daniel could see the trouble brewing. It looked like a set up. New rules were being made that contradicted his faith. Orders were given that for the next thirty days any person who prays to anyone, divine or human – except to the king will be thrown into the den of lions. Daniel had two choices: obey men or obey God. The line was in the sand.
Daniel 6:10 “But when Daniel learned that the law had been signed, he went home and knelt as usual in his upstairs room, with it’s windows open toward Jerusalem. He prayed three times a day, just as he had always done, giving thanks to his God.” NLT
For Daniel, nothing had change. His God was still His God and therefore, he worshipped Him. While he did, others were watching. Watching to see how he would respond.
The same is true for us. Others are watching to see how we respond in our crisis. They have heard us speak of our faith. We have said that Jesus is enough. Is it true? They want to know if it is real or not.
In Daniel’s case, it was the king himself who wanted to know; wanted to see. He liked Daniel and was hopeful that Daniel’s God was really who Daniel believed Him to be.
Daniel 6:16 “…May your God whom you serve so faithfully rescue you.” (NLT) After Daniel was in fact convicted of worshipping his god, he was thrown into the lion’s den. The king’s response was to fast and then in the morning he hurried out to see. Did Daniel’s God save him?
He did! The king was overjoyed! The king gave praise to God. He admitted that Daniel’s God was the living God. He said, His kingdom will never be destroyed and His rule will never end. He rescues and saves His people; He performs miraculous signs and wonders in heaven and on earth… Daniel 6:26 – 27
Are you in the middle of a trial? Are your feelings not lining up with your faith? My guess is that in the middle of obeying God, Daniel was scared. Who wouldn’t be scared of being thrown into a lion’s den? Yet, Daniel’s response was that he was going to do what he had always done: pray and worship his God.
Today, friend, no matter how you feel, do what you have done and if you haven’t done it, today is a great day to start! Praise Him that He is the God who saves. He is the God who performs miraculous signs and wonders and even if you don’t see those miracles today, remember, His kingdom will never end. He is faithful to His promises. He will be true to His character. I, for one, have to believe; He is all I have.
He is faithful to His promises! What a great God we worship! Wonderful post, Lynn! Thanks so much for sharing. Hope y'all are doing well!! Have you started running again?? Keep me posted!
I read your devotion on Proverbs 31,
I thought, how I wish when I was teased and girls were mean growing up, that my mom (who is a christian), would have said that,
to have someone remind you of God's word.
Thanks for sharing to encourage young mom's.
My girls are grown, and my son is 16, but adopted 2 yr old, hope we can help him as he faces things.
Lynn, the Lord has used you to encourage me so much tonight. Thank you. I feel like I've almost…almost… sat down and enjoyed a cup of tea with you as I've caught up reading your posts and heard God speak to me.
I love how Daniel sat with "window's open", unashamed of his faith and His God. Would I have been so bold?
We DO have a God of miracles. Praying you will see Him do signs and wonders in your family as well.