From My Girl to Your Girl: Day #4 – Release the Pressure
What keeps you pushing every single day? What fills you up and keeps you going?
I’ve been taught people should never be what completely consumes our hearts, but this is so hard not to do! Sometimes we don’t see how much pressure we are applying to a relationship or friendship until they’re gone and then it’s too late. When the relationship ends, we’re left feeling like a part of us is missing.
So how can we fix this problem?
When we’re all alone, caught in a moment of silence or going through a rough time, running to someone comes naturally. But what if instead, you ran to the One you cannot see? When we stop holding people to so many expectations such as filling up what is empty within us, pressure is released.
Does this mean you will immediately feel better? Not necessarily. We want someone to run to. But what if these hard times are needed in our lives as a wake-up call to remind us of WHO we should be running to?
For me, most of these times occur late at night, when I am literally all alone. I have struggled with insomnia for most of my life, and God has definitely used these sleepless nights to pick and pull at my heart in all the ways I needed. Notice I didn’t say it was necessarily what I wanted, but it was much bigger than that, it’s what was essential. God can use situations in our lives that we can find insanely painful, and see it as an opportunity to pursue us, and show us what is true. So many nights I have stayed awake lamenting over ruined relationships and friendships in my life that have come to pass, and those are the very times that He weaves his way into the crevasses of my head and heart, showing me the ultimate answer. Showing me that the reason why my heart continues to get shattered is because I was placing it in the wrong hands over and over again.
God isn’t the one who caused me to get involved in those bad relationships with people, or allow myself to be too vulnerable and put my heart on the line endless amounts of times, but He used those situations more than I could’ve imagined to show me that there isn’t, nor will there ever be any other answer, any other person, or thing to run to, except him.
I have learned that instead of always allowing people to take full control of our hearts, let’s allow God to make an even larger imprint on our lives, one that will out live this earth. An everlasting impact not only on us but also on others around us. It takes a person of bravery to have full faith and trust in the unknown, knowing that their Father has got their best in mind and won’t leave them in the dark. I know for me each and every day I am both eager but frightened to give God all the control. I know the more I release to Him, the less I have to worry about. Getting to that mind-set is where the fright can come into play. Help yourself out by constantly absorbing the truth of Who and what is important everyday, and not just in the moment. Through this, we can allow ourselves to be okay with the sitting and waiting, okay with not needing instant gratification, and okay with remaining in Him as our One True Answer.
You can read all the June You and Your Girl series here.
Again Madi you hit it on the nail on the head. Learning this is hard.. but so wonderful once we grasp it!!
So proud of you! Keep sharing. THIS WILL HELP people!!
Thanks so much Mrs. Julie! 🙂
Amazing posts each day this week. Thank you! I have shared each one to my daughter’s Facebook wall. I believe they will encourage her as well as anyone else who wants to read. Well done Madi! <3
Thank you so very much, Karen! It is so important for girls to know they are not alone; there are other girls out there that are running hard after Jesus. It is not easy, but I have seen first hand the women God is forming in my girls. He can do such beautiful work when they run after Him instead of everything their culture tells them is important!
Thanks so much!!
I love hearing how you are learning to do things. It also takes courage to share. You have already shown courage, but now you’re letting us in on how you’re learning to manage life. You seem to write from your heart. I like it.
Thank you very very much!
Thank you so much. Much needed confirmation!
So awesome, thank you!