Get Joy – Week 6 of Joy Series
“Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.”
Really? Thanksgiving?
In our family, we don’t have any solid traditions about Thanksgiving. Sometimes we’re home; sometimes we travel to Arkansas to be with Greg’s family. One year we might make green bean casserole; next year I might forget. So I was really surprised when Madi said Thansgiving was her favorite.
Then, she gave it away: “I love the food and I love being full.”
Feeling full; that wonderful feeling when you satisfied and your needs are taken care of.
David also enjoyed “being full”.
He writes in Psalm 16:11 “…you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (NIV)
Notice, he said ” you will fill me”. He didn’t simply say God gives us joy.
He fills us.
He will, but there is a condition.
“…in your presence.”
On Thanksgiving Day, Madi doesn’t sit in her bedroom or plop in front of the tv. She finds where the food is and she gets some!
So it is with us. If we want joy, we have to find where joy is and get some!
God’s presence.
The sooner we get to where joy is, the sooner we’ll become joyful! David said, “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” Psalm 90:14
Nothing is sooner than in the morning.
My friend Lysa TerKeurst says we need to exchange whispers with God before we exchange shouts with the world.
We need to fill up so we can pour out.
If we are not getting in God’s presence in the morning, what are we going to pour out first thing in the day?
Frustration. “Why can’t you find your backpack?”
Impatience. “Breakfast is ready now! Come on!”
Disappointment. “Why don’t they ever say thank you?”
Anger. “It’s not my fault you can’t print your homework. You should have done it last night!”
Irritation. “Please go change that shirt. It’s not appropriate for school.”
Ok…so maybe you don’t have these types of “pouring out” in the morning; maybe this stuff only happens at the Cowell house! I know the emptiness of my own heart; I need Jesus to pour in His joy first thing!
Friends, take a minute to look over your morning routine. Let’s share what changes we could make to get in His presence each morning like David did. You can even do it with your kids! My 7 Day Faith Builder is a great tool to help you do just that…and it’s free! Simply sign up and get 7 days of faith building emails straight to your box each day.
Already received those? Try 365 of them with “Devotions for a Revolutionary Year”. Make this the year that you are going to get “filled up” with God’s joy in God’s presence so you can pour out joy on those you love!
Congrats, Lilly, who posted on September 19th at 11:07 p.m.! You are the winner of the Faith Builder Pack from last Wednesday! Please send me your full name and address and I’ll get it right out!
Next Monday we’ll start our new series…peace!
When my husband was struggling to find some quiet moments, he began going to work earlier. He found that he could get there before anyone else and spend some time with Jesus. What have you tried?
Your household does sound like mine. I have been working through your faith builders, and Tracie Miles “Stress Detox”. Most of all I have been spending time: with ♫Joy in the Morning♫ (afternoon and evening). Music is what makes me tick. Praising the God who made me and this entire solar system.
The new morning at the Burnhams: * 16 year old son got himself up at 5:45 am
* I accidentally slept in until 6:30
(but because of Joy I left at the same time I would waking at 6)
* Talked hubby into not running the vacuum until girls were up
* Rubbed the back of the one who has a hard time getting up
* Silently tucked in the bra strap on the other
Response were 3 “Thanks mom”
It is not this way everyday, but God gave us a sample of how it should be.
Thanks you.
I love it Deena! You are definitely setting the tone for joy in your house!
I’m in!!