Trying to Get Your Attention
Welcome back, my friends! I hope you all had a terrific weekend! I had the privilege of speaking to a great group of ladies in Apex, North Carolina. My daughter, Mariah and her friend joined me so we turned it into a girls weekend away. On my way back, I spent nine hours on Saturday at the softball fields for my youngest daughter, so today I am still feeling a bit wiped out!
The winner of the “His Revolutionary Love” contest from Friday is Shelley Burke. If you would still like to own a copy of the book or the DVD message, click here to order.
I’m so excited to be starting chapter one this week! I just read these lines from page 33 in “His Revolutionary Love”: “He’s trying to get your attention too; a new friendship, days where everything seems to go just right, or someone shows that they love you just the way you are. But even on the bad days (when nothing goes right – your parents fight, your dog runs away, your best friend ignores you, and you fail your math quiz), God is still with you and still loves you!”
This passage got me thinking. Sometimes we are slow to see God’s goodness to us through the good things. We just enjoy what He sends our way and forget that it is His hand that brought it; the good things don’t draw us to Him. I believe that it is times like this that God can allow bad things that come along to get our attention as well. Have you heard a story of God using a tragedy, broken relationship or even pain to draw someone to Himself? Maybe you have even experienced that yourself!
As I said on page 31, “You see, Jesus is jealous…He created you to experience the closest love possible between the two of you. He doesn’t want us to fill our heart with anyone or anything other than himself.”
After working through the verse that the two of you will memorize together (Psalm 45:11 NIV) and going through the questions in the discussion guide, talk with your girl about the different means that Jesus will use to get our attention. He will use whatever it takes so that we will experience His very best…which is Himself!
Enjoy your girl this week! Be sure to pause this summer and really enjoy the wonderful person He created her to be!
Bonjour Lyn,
Please include me for the DVd/Cd give away. "I am in." Teenage years can be challenging yet, I know through God they do not have to be.