Wednesday Wisdom Tip: When You Feel Like Freaking Out

Where had the morning gone? It was almost noon and there was so much list left to accomplish on this already-too-short day. I’ve got to get to my desk and get something done! I could literally feel my heart beating faster as I tried to determine which item to tackle first.

That was the timing when the requests starting rolling into my office.

“Mom, can you make me lunch?”

“Mom, I need your help with this project?”

I could feel it coming; that impatience that first shows itself through my way-too-short answers.

“You make lunch.”

“I’m not available to help you.”

Even as I doled out my answers, the bubbling agitation grew bigger. How am I supposed to get anything done in this house?

When I finally got back to my work, I read words – words I had written in my new book releasing this fall:

“Impatience often results when we’re trying to control something or someone. Nobody likes to be controlled, so we end up in conflict when we insist things go our way. Patience restores peace – in ourselves and in our relationships.”

“When your inner agitation tempts you to be impatient, you need to know how to live out of the fruit of the Spirit instead of living out of your feelings.”


Really? I’m proofreading a chapter about patience?

What a sense of humor our God has!

With summer upon us, there are more opportunities than ever for that bubbling of impatience to rise. When something or someone isn’t going the way we want or the way we need, we can resort to trying to control them; make the situation go our way.

Today, I need to remember: the task to be done is not as important as the teen to be loved. Not now. Not ever. People are always more important than projects.

As the temperature rises outside, let’s ask God to allow the patience to rise in our lives inside.



  1. Good word sister. Our God certainly has great timing and a sense of humor. Love ya!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      That He does! So glad He is patient with me!!

  2. This makes the second timely devo I’ve seen today – thanks for pointing out the control issues of impatience. If it’s okay, I’m going to reprint the two comments from your book & post them where I see them regularly as a reminder to give impatience back to God & see the task is less important that a person! May God bless your day!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      I am honored, Deb!

      These quotes are from my new book for teen girls coming out in September. Wouldn’t it have been amazing to have gained patience as a teenager?!

  3. Patience has never been one of my virtues.  I have seen where God has helped me improve but still have a ways to go. Thank you for the reminder and the saying “When your inner agitation tempts you to be impatient, you need to know how to live out of the fruit of the Spirit instead of living out of your feelings” This is about to become a post it on my cubical wall. 

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Mitzii – you are not alone when it comes to patience! I think it is most of our natural tendencies to want to get what we need to get done and get it done on time. Often, those around us are not on the same wave length!

      Thank you, Jesus, that you can help us see those who are in front of us today and remember that they are more important than anything on my to-do list!

  4. Lynn, I love the phrase (one I need to glue to my forehead)…. and model this for my son and daughter.

    the task to be done is not as important as the teen to be loved.

    Thank you for your faithfulness in sharing wisdom tips!!!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      I know we don’t all have teens, but I’m an alliteration girl and the two t’s help me to remember: pay attention to your kids! I hope it helps you too, Susan! Thanks for the encouragement!

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