Wednesday Wisdom Tip – You’ve Been Here Before
They just wouldn’t quit coming. New after new after new.
Every time my daughter turned around this past school year, she was facing something new.
Her first job, her SAT.
New relationship opportunities and new relationship struggles. And sometimes, well, all the new seemed too much.
This morning I read of a young man who faced new, yet when he saw it for what it really was, he recognized it wasn’t that new after all.
David came out to the battlefield at the request of his father, delivering much needed food. (1 Samuel 17) I’m sure that part was routine. But when he felt a stirring in his heart to take out the giant of an enemy on that battlefield, that would have been new.
Yet it wasn’t.
David recognized, while he had never take out a giant before, he had taken down a lion and a bear…plenty of times. And he had won too! All along, while he was simply watching sheep, God was preparing him for the giant showdown.
Your child might be facing something new. Going to camp or a missions trip this summer. Volunteering in the community. Trying a new sport or introducing themselves to the new kid next door. They feel scared; they’ve never done this before.
But like God with David, He has prepared your child.
They have never taken the SAT, but they have taken tests.
They have never gotten their first job, but they have been meeting new people since they were a child.
Never left home? They have gone to sleep overs or Grandma’s for a week.
They may have never fought with a friend, but they have resolved conflict with a sibling.
We can help our child see God’s faithfulness in their lives; preparing them for “new”. And while we are helping them see God’s faithfulness in their lives, share a story of a time you did something for the first time and how God had been preparing you all along as well.
When have you experienced God’s preparation for a new you faced?
Last year my husband and I were in a terrible motorcycle accident. My husband broke 27 bones including his pelvis. I lost my left leg below the knee and my brain was bleeding. We both almost died. It has been a very long road, but when I look back through my entire life, I see how God was preparing me for this one thing. All the training, issues, and situations in my life were preparing me for how I was going to have to lean on my savior during that time. Teaching my children about the Lord and Savior and sending them to a Christian school has helped them to deal with the whole situation also. We just passed the year anniversary of the accident, and we are able now to even thank the Lord for our accident, for all it has shown us and taught us and all the Good things that have come out of it. Not that we are happy that it happened, but there are good things that have come out of it. This message today actually described it very well! Thank you so much! Your messages are always the highlight of my day!
I am sitting in awe as I read your testimony. ” through my entire life, I see how God was preparing me for this one thing. All the training, issues, and situations in my life were preparing me for how I was going to have to lean on my savior during that time.” God is incredible!
Thank you for sharing, friend! Keep being the light to your kids. When we live out our faith…that is when they will believe!