When I follow Jesus who is consistent, I can be as well.

  She knew the rules, followed the rules and then still got in trouble … with me. Her senior year my husband and I had lifted our youngest daughter’s curfew. In a few short months when she left for college, we would have no idea where she was going or what she was doing. It…

Lord, create in our hearts the hearts of servants. May it be all about You and not about me.

{GIVE AWAY DAY} – 15 Ways to Become Great by Serving

If you are joining me here today from Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today, welcome! Let’s continue to connect, ok? It’s easy! Just sign up to get my posts automatically by clicking here. I’d also love to connect with you more on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest too! “Jesus says that to become great in His kingdom, my family, beginning with me,…

His and Mine {GIVE AWAY DAY}

His and Mine {GIVE AWAY DAY}

  If you are joining me here today from Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today, welcome! Let’s continue to connect, ok? It’s easy! Just sign up to get my blog posts, including Wednesday Wisdom Tips, automatically by clicking here. I’d also love to connect with you more on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest too! One of the most powerful truths I learned as…